:silver_heart: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Morality in Magick

Ahhh, morals. I used to be a very moral person and I believed that I should never cause anyone harm. I would and still do give the shirt off my back even to my enemies because I feel that everyone needs help once in a while. Over time, I’ve pulled back. I recognize that there is a huge difference between being good and being used.

  • How do you feel about using Black/Baneful Magick in your practice?
    Until recently, I wouldn’t have used black magic because I didn’t want any negativity cast back on me. I also never wanted to harm someone. Now though, I have a reason to explore more black magic. My ex married a terrible woman who hates our children. She’s verbally abusive to them and to him. Now, even she told him she doesn’t want him to go with her, he is leaving his kids to move to Australia with her. I am considering a cat litter curse.

  • How do you feel about casting Love Spells? I cast love spells if I know the other person also has feelings for me. I did an obsession jar on my ex after he left me for another woman. I can’t hurt anyone though so I made it more of a boundary jar. Our relationship would continue as we love each other, but we would communicate in a healthy way, respect each other’s views and freely share our feelings in a new chapter, free of our past trauma.

  • Do you feel you must ask someone’s permission before casting on/for them?
    Nope, because I would only do it to help them. I created a servitor to help a friend get a promotion.

  • Do you follow a code of ethics from a magickal or spiritual tradition (such as the Wiccan Rede, Threefold Law, karma, Law of Attraction, etc)? No, though I am doing more research so that I’m more educated about these codes. I can’t say I don’t follow them if I don’t fully understand them.

I am working on my craft to empower myself. My intentions are always pure, even if I were to use black magic. It’s almost physically impossible for me to mentally or physically harm others. My morals, however, are different from others because they are based on my trauma. As I learn and become stronger, I feel my morals and intentions will continue to change.



This came out a little rough around the edges but it’s what my brain decided to let out.

How do you feel about using Black/Baneful Magick in your practice?

First, I think the definition of Baneful Magick would vary Witch to Witch. Example, some that are against Baneful Magick may draw the line before Freezer Spells while others just after.

Personally, I draw the line at what is absolutely needed. Try before you pry, meaning don’t go in with the Jaws of Life before you check to see if the car door will open. At the same time

Heavyweight problems call for heavyweight solutions

How do you feel about casting Love Spells?

I am against anything that controls another’s actions, again unless absolutely necessary and a love spell is not absolutely necessary.

I don’t see anything wrong with a spell that invites love/loving energy or one that makes you more appealing or makes your positive traits more…. visible in general.

Do you feel you must ask someone’s permission before casting on/for them?

Leaving out heavyweight problems, I don’t feel comfortable casting on or for someone without their consent. To me, that’s not only for ethical reasons but also for the effectiveness of the spells.

I wouldn’t refrain from doing a healing spell for someone who is unable to give consent, I guess that sort of falls into heavyweight problems but that I always ask.

Do you follow a code of ethics from a magickal or spiritual tradition (such as the Wiccan Rede, Threefold Law, karma, Law of Attraction, etc)?

I do feel that you get back more than you put in. I would like to think that intent would play a factor but there are some circumstances that I would just hold my nose and jump in.

Stating intent or

I have tried everything else and I feel this is necessary to protect my family

for example may provide a layer of…. protection but it comes back to Heavyweight problems.


Challenge entry

I believe my morality or ethics in the craft comes from the way that I was raised (orthodox Christian) and all the Greek philosophy I was bombarded with through the years.

Even though I do not follow any specific tradition, I find myself aligned with the ancient Greek morals and believes in a way.

That is that you should lead with virtue, moderation and respect. Actually, live in right conduct. If you go astray from this path, you are committing hybris (insolence) and you are to be punished from the divine (something similar to karma).

Apart from this, it is essential for me to abide to the rules and the ways of the deities I honor. For example, I could never do a spell to split a couple since Aphrodite is the goddess of love, and erotic love is under her protection. Or work with deities that they do not like.

This is a gray area for me. Because even though it is not really my cup of tea, I understand why someone might be in need of them. Maybe not the Avada Kedavra ones, but things like returning to sender or cord cutting. The only time I delved into it was when there was an absolute need to do a cord cutting, one for me and one for a friend of mine.

I love Love spells, but not all of them. Let me explain. I would never do a work to separate a couple or to make someone fall in love with someone else out of the blue, as this would be a violation of free will, but if the is a viable spark and a will between two people, I might do a little something - something for the energy flow to go faster. Or something general to attract love in your life.

Always. For me consent is must in every aspect of life :heart:

I don not have 3 for all the categories, but her we go :nail_care:t2:

Spells and intentions that align

Self love bath

Fill your bath tub with warm water and put 4cups of rose water and some cinnamon (power or essential oil) place a rose quartz somewhere you can see and light a white candle. While you soak in the bath say your favorite affirmations or put some inner goddess manifestations and let the worries wash away.

Cooking your intentions

While cooking for your family or loved ones, cleanse your space, use ingredients that correspond with your intentions and while cooking and preparing your meal keep your intention in mind. Stirring clock wise brings something in, stirring counter clockwise drays it away.

Glamour lipstick spell to claim your power

This is not mine, but it does wonders for me.

Spells and intentions that would never cast

Cannot list for I do not have any, but all the spells and intentions that wish harm upon someone. Let Karma do what it need to be done

Spells and intentions that are gray

Cord cutting with manifestation

This is how I got a very annoying and weird person to stop reaching out. Half way before sleep I draw my scattered power in and simply said that he needs to stop contacting me, get out of my life, our lives and energies are cut and not connected any more. That is my will so mote it be. Never heard from him again

Cord cutting with a spell

One of my friends was getting sexually harassed in her work by the person in charge and she wanted it not only to stop, but this guy (who was also married and form her village) to forget about her. So, we did this one ‘Cutting Ties’ Spell to Release Negative Connections & Break Free – Spells8 and from then one she does not exist for him.


This is awesome I love it absolutely. Thankyou for sharing with us lovely :rose:. May I ask what’s the book called? :grimacing:
Ps sorry u had to go through that but good for you for finding the solution congratulations


Thanks @Devenne and Glad you enjoyed that :slightly_smiling_face: If you would like to see the spell, it’s in a book called “The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation” edited by Hans Dieter Betz. You can get the free pdf of the book here: PGM It can be a challenging book to use though as it’s a translation of old greco-egyptian scrolls without much instruction. I don’t think I would have understood much of the book without the help of Jack Grayle. He teaches an amazing course called PGM Praxis: 50 Rites for 50 Nights but it’s not open for registration right now and is expensive @ $50 a month for the year. However of all the courses I have taken, this one has been far and away the most useful (and fun) one and the Facebook group for the class is awesome.


Thankyou I’ll definitely check it out. It was beautiful what you did. I am listening to a book right now. Chapter 3.Something made a lot of sense. She said it’s impossible to harm none. Because no matter what there is a balance. If we focus on the wiccan rede that instead of drawing from somewhere we would then harm ourselves in the process even if it’s doing good. There has to be balance. Not saying not to have morals. Idk you gotta hear it. I’m at work and want to explain but yeah lol :joy: book is dark goddess craft by Stephanie Wood Field believe it’s free on audibles

def love to discuss more when I can.


It’s impossible to do only good I mean think about we unintentionally destroy and kill things. Just to survive we destroy.It’s not possible. But I don’t discount or discourage anyone else views. Know I respect you all and your views the same.


invitation entry
Moral…you read like what you don’t want done to you, don’t do it…
when I started dealing with Magic, I said that I would never harm anyone…
I kept it unless I am in defense and the people I love
spells that aligned with me
spells for confidence self love peace family health money
spells I would never cast
to cause illness or death in someone
spells without anyone’s consent
I have taken a person I love out of a destructive relationship not by breaking up but by helping him see through the magic


Ohh, this should be quite the interesting challenge! :thinking: I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, but I’m sure I’ll be inspired soon lol

haha this happens to me all the time! :joy: You’re not alone!

That’s absolutely okay - these challenges are meant to be very open-ended. Approach them in the way you feel most comfortable!

I think your views on ethics are pretty similar to a lot of people. Even though the view of “harm none” is specifically Wiccan in our little world, it’s also a view that many other religions and spiritualities hold. It’s an important one for a lot of people, one that I personally hold, as well. My only caveat to that is that I will absolutely do what’s necessary to protect myself or seek justice if conventional methods aren’t working :joy: Thank you for sharing your perspectives!

Do what is comfortable for you, always :hugs: :heart:

haha absolutely this! :clap: Ethics are personal, and we should err on the side of respect here and the saying my parents used to tell me → “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!”

I really like your partner’s view on approaching baneful magic. Removing a tumor is much more logical and precise than blasting one’s way through everything in the way, blowing up everything else around them in the process.

Hey, The Bad Place looks better than The Good Place :joy: if we’re basing it on the show, anyway!

I think this fits you a million percent! :clap: I always feel the sweet and loving energy in your posts and interactions here with us. You have so much love for us all, and it is amazing how much capacity you have for everyone!

I think this is great advice - be careful what you wish for!

If the gray area is where you live, then that’s perfect for you!

These are beautiful spells, @kirsty4 :heart: Thank you for sharing them with us!

Yes, peace is the ultimate goal for me, too! :peace_symbol: :dove:

I think you did! Honestly, when you wrote that the spell is like putting on the mask of Hermes and compelling Hecate to do what you wanted, I had an internal like… panic! :joy: But I’m glad that it worked out for you the way it did, with Hecate seeing you and being proud that you found your voice! :clap: It’s an amazing experience, and I understand the nervousness you felt lol

Absolutely! This is a good thing to recognize, and I’m glad you can see it!

I think this is a good view to have - don’t break out the extreme measures without making sure they’re necessary first!

These are great spells – thank you for sharing them!

I think this is a noble thing to help with - good for you! :heart:

It’s funny that we’re doing this challenge right now because I just came across this meme on Facebook that encompasses kind of how I feel about ethics in general, even in my witchcraft practice.


Oh this is just too funny.


I’m gonna save it for later :joy: it’s just too perfect!


Steeeeeeve! :sob:

Gosh, I really am Australian. We’re all so attached to our Steve Irwin. :laughing:


I’m happy to hear it, and I feel I get so much love right back in this sweet coven :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I like this too, and it fits my view of how everything is one… if all of a sudden our right hand is slapping us in the face and trying to reach for our throat, we bind it and figure out what’s going on. Not take the hacksaw to the whole arm unless absolutely necessary.

I don’t know which show you’re talking about, but TV makes hell always look so fun and exciting… :joy: :fire:

I was hanging on to the edge of my seat too… :flushed: But no, Hecate was just like “you’ve got guts after all, I like you!” :joy: Love our Dark Goddesses :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :black_heart:

Oh, definitely… I can get it that some people are selfish, and that that’s where they’re in their soul evolution right now, still very young. I can still help them and give them love, but I will also make it clear that it’s mine to give and not them to take as they will. And if it gets further than I’m comfortable with, cut ties for both of our sakes.


Challenge Entry

If someone were to ask me to define morality, I would say: morality is a set of rules that need to be followed for the survival and prosperity of the human race.

In my philosophy classes, we learned about utilitarianism and consequentialism. Utilitarianism says that we should define our morals by what would make the most people happy, while consequentialism argues that morals should be defined by the outcome of your actions. Will they deprive someone of their basic needs? Will they leave mental scars?

I used to think that utilitarianism was the best approach to decide what’s right or wrong. But just because something would make someone happy doesn’t always mean it’s right.

When it comes to my magick and my daily life, I apply consequentialism and utilitarianism. Casting a money spell and getting more money would make me happy, but how would I get that money? When I cast the spell, I’m specific that the incoming money won’t affected someone else in a negative way.

I think one of the reasons some spells
I cast for someone else didn’t work because they didn’t believe in magick and were either missing the signs or fighting the energies I have sent their way. Because of these experiences, I’ve stopped casting spells for others even if my intentions are good. Good intentions do not always equal good results.

I might do a part 2 because I could write an essay on this. :sweat_smile:


He is and always will be an icon of our generations :sob: and now his kids are all grown, too, doing similar work and loving all the animals!

Haha it’s a show that’s literally called The Good Place! I believe it’s based on a book, but it’s available on Netflix here in the states. It’s a hilarious show with a pretty good message!

I think this is really important to remember. We can have the best intentions, but if those results don’t benefit the people involved, then the intentions don’t necessarily matter as much.


Phoenix Fire :fire:
I just wanna say that I feel the same exact way. I’m not judging anybody how others do there practice!

My husband doesn’t want to get a tree :evergreen_tree: to cut it cause it’s alive! I don’t know what to think anymore cause, I just want Yule to happen and I understand it’s killing the Tree maybe I should get a fake tree :evergreen_tree: what are your beliefs?

How do you feel about using Black/Baneful Magick in your practice?

I don’t feel the need to use black magic and I have once felt the urge too and did a freezer spell. I have done freezer spells and have used a doll for protection and have not used the doll for banefull magic. I have a doll in my house just in case my anger gets to me. I am a devote of Hecate but I don’t really feel connected to demons. I am connected to angels. I have learned about different demons but have not used them for any banefull magic. I think Hecate is a light bringer. She carries two torches. I know she likes the Serpent but that means transformation in my eyes.

Tracy, that is a very good concept for example in ancient times animal sacrifice weren’t common if you favored diety. But theses days we don’t sacrifice a horse :racehorse: or a dog. The way that I sacrifice my life to Hecate is by taking care of my dog. Maybe someday I will volunteer at the shelter.

How do I believe about casting love spells? Me and my husband are married and I think that I am in it for the long run right now I have been feeling really bitchy so I will work on a healing spell for self. I did do a love spell to bring us closer together once, so I wouldn’t mind being intentional like a spell to keep my negativity away from him and try to be positive!

I think people ask if they need prayer or a spell done so no, I don’t go out of my way to do a spell for others unless they are asking for it! Actually I am a fiber I did a working on my grandma and also on my auntie without them knowing! I just felt like my grandmother needed healing, and my auntie was not helping my grandma!

I have been thinking about Karma and lately I’ve noticed I avoid people and I need my space and It’s because I don’t like to send negative vibes but I’m human so Yesterday I had a clear my energy field as soon as I got off work, get grounded, and centered, and protect myself in my safe bubble. So I am trying to manifest, positive positive thoughts and wishes! I have made commitments to the Craft but I feel I get of track by not paying attention to the Calendar :date:
It’s hard for me cause I need to plan better. This is why I am trying to be more mindful of my practice. My alter has my magical tools and it’s dedicated to Hecate on the floor cause that’s how the ancients did their alters! But I also have a Wiccan alter for The Lord and Lady. I have a bowl of salt and Incence. I have a chalice and pentagram. I cleansed my area for the full moon and I try to keep my practice simple. I can make an easy offering like some garlic and roast it up in butter. I don’t always create a magic circle and feel I need to set higher standards for myself. I can envision a white light all around me, or get a candle, and use my left hand to banish all the propane and use my right hand to bring love and light!


@Jeannie1 I love your dog :sparkling_heart:


I don’t know where you are in the world, Jeannie, but there are services that allow you to rent a live Christmas tree! One of them is in Southern California (https://www.livingchristmas.com/) and they deliver the tree, then pick it back up when Christmas is over. This way, the trees don’t get cut down and they live for a long time, often getting used every Christmas!


I guess it’s that easy just get a live tree inn a pot, I’m good with that! I don’t like killing trees either or Plants! What’s the difference between killing a plant and chopping a tree down? I don’t like killing anything!
I live inn Northern California but thank you this really helps


I’m happy I was able to help! :heart: I would do a live tree, too – even better if I can keep it! :christmas_tree: