šŸ•Æ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Of Candles and Flame

I looooove sealing jars like this! :heart_eyes: Ahhhh your spell jars look so beautiful @LokiStarr76! Are there any you could share? Love a good spell jar.


Oh @charity this is lovely. I think that one should be a weekly ritual. Your family is lucky to have you.


I tried this new spell I wrote with interesting reactions

Center white candle on altar
Place fireproof container in front of candle
Write what healing you need on a slip of paper (can be multiple on separate pieces of paper)
Roll slips of paper and light with candle, placing in cauldron or fireproof container

Repeat as each piece burns individually:

Take from me
These things, I plea
Heal my heart
Thatā€™s upon this hearth
That healing will arise
And new health at sunrise
Come and bless
With healing, no less
So mote it be

When I did this, what has been plaguing me most took over a minute to burn. The other burned instantly.


I saw this first in your other post- and such a gorgeous spell it is! :heart_eyes: Well done, @Berta- and congrats on completing your very first spell :confetti_ball:

I love this, @Charity- I can imagine the candles glowing softly as the sun rises. You put a lot of thought and some lovely intention into this spell- it is a pleasure to read! Nicely done :blush:

Gorgeous spell jars, @LokiStarr76! :candle: The collection of colorful candles, jars, and crystals is so pleasing to look at- thanks for sharing your beautiful spellwork and such a gorgeous picture! :grin:

I love the chant and your beautiful spellwork, @Brenda10- it sounds like it was very potent! :+1: It makes sense that our worries and the things hanging overhead take longer to burn away. I bet it feels better to have some enhanced clarity now- really well done! :two_hearts:


I did a spell I found on the website here tonight to banish negativity and curses. I used cinnamon and salt (partially chose this spell because Iā€™m not too stocked on more rare ingredients.)

I can say positively that Iā€™ve gotten a great deal better at deciphering lunar phases and this also helps with my candle magics.

Something I need to improve on: is anointing my candles, so thanks for pointing that out.

Iā€™m looking forward to my next 7 day candle spell but I think Iā€™ll wait until the moon is waxing again.

I actually started a 7-day spell a couple nights ago(different from the spell that I posted), but couldnā€™t finish it because I had to travel to my hometown the next night. I used a piece of paper with some things drawn on it for this spell. Tonight when I cleaned up my altar for the anti-negativity spell I took that paper and threw it out. On my way to the trash I noticed my broom leaning up against the door fell over a little and Iā€™ve never seen it move before. So after my spellwork I was thinking about it and thought ā€œWell Iā€™ve already put one day into that spell paperā€ so I actually grabbed it out of my wastebasket again(donā€™t worry it was clean as a whistle). So Iā€™m taking the broom falling over is telling me to finish my spell later on instead of just throwing it out. On the first night after the new moon I plan to resume my spell with only 6 days remaining.

Well, thatā€™s my experience with candle magick. Thanks for reading!


I did a farewell ritual for a friend who passed away last month.
I used a purple, white and black candle.

Purple to aid me to go deeper into my meditation, white for purification and cleansing and black to help protect and absorb the negative energy I was feeling.

I used rose, sage, lavender and bay leaf in the dish.
I burned incense.
Had rose quartz, black tourmaline, and clear quartz present

I anointed my candle with Frankincense oil - this oil is said to ease the burden and lighten the emotions from grief.


This looks like a gorgeous ritual filled with so much love @SilverBear, I hope it brought you peace :heart: sorry for your loss :heart:


Thank you very much. It was a sudden and tragic accident. He climbed cell phone towers and he fell from it and did not surviveā€¦ 33 years old and left behind a wife, 2 children and a devastated mother. So sad.


Last night I did some small scale experimenting with melting down candles and discovered a way to have a tealight candle with three flames! :fire:

Besides the dramatic effect I could melt the wax quicker and on a larger area that way with just two extra matches! When it was liquid enough I extinguished the flames and quickly added in some lavender essential oil for sweet dreams and mixed it in. Once I could touch the metal I put the candle in the fridge to cool it down.

I put the finished candle on my nightstand making sure there was nothing flammable nearby, lighted it and thanked it for bringing me sweet dreams and peaceful sleep :relieved:

Soon after lighting it I could feel a sense of calm on me and reduced mental chatter (which flared up again when I went to the bathroom so I noticed the clear difference!)

I fell asleep with the candle burning, it lasted for about 4 hours giving off a very gentle lavender scent. Restlessness at bedtime often keeps me up and Iā€™ve tried different things for it, this feels the closest to a solution Iā€™ve come across yet, Iā€™ll definitely give it another try! :blue_heart:


Oh that looks so cool :heart_eyes:


:candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle:

Did you know the flame and wax of your candle(s) during your spell work, meditation, etc can be interpreted and have different meanings?

Every time I do spell work with my candles the flame and or wax ends up different every time. The burn time for mine is usually the same for me (I use chime candles)

:candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle:

Here are some book recommendations :candle: :grin:


For this challenge, I did a relaxing meditation with my candle thatā€™s surrounded by amozonite crystals. Amozonite is said to soothe the nervous system. Who couldnā€™t use that? I thought the dragon flies just added a nice touch.

And hereā€™s the meditation I used.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss, Laurie! May you find peace. Youā€™re such an inspiration to others and Iā€™d like to be am inspiration to you now! Iā€™m sending healing energy! Iā€™ll make a healing grid today ok.


Thank you so much! I appreciate you!


Or for instant reliefā€¦ use flash paper?


Love those dragon flies!!! Did you make them?


Thanks for the research @Missa !!


I love this set-up @christina4 :heart_eyes:


This is a simple spell for general good luck. Iā€™m using a green candle for luck, dressed with High John The Conqueror oil and having a rune ANZUS carved in it for good fortune.

To go with it I have this spell:

Goddess Fortuna send me good luck

To help me through this week or else Iā€™m stuck

I need your blessings and your aid,

so all my endeavors will have it made.

So grant me good luck and hear my plea

an harm it none, so mote it be!

Let the candle burn down if you can, or else snuff it out and then burn later till itā€™s gone. Make sure you specify good luck, or else you may get bad luck.


I use candles coooonnnnssssttttaaaaannntttlllyyyyy! I will be making some soon, I promise! But just so I donā€™t miss the deadline for the challenge Iā€™ll sneak in what Iā€™m up to today!

Today being a Sunday Iā€™d normally light a yellow/orange candle for happiness/success and thatā€™d be my focus. Today I wanted to tie in a little self-love.
I found this super-handy info about Orange candles on our very own site and decided this was the way to go. Positive thinking, emotional healing, self-respect. Yes.

I have a lovely cup of turmeric, ginger, honey and lemon tea (with cinnamon cos cinnamon), Iā€™m burning bright sunny citrus incense, I have my Sunday crystals everywhere!
I lit my orange candle, breathed in its energy and light and repeated this gorgeous affirmation I found in ā€˜Sacred Self-care - Everyday rituals for a more joyful and meaningful lifeā€™ by Chloe Isidora (a beautiful book by the way).

I am ready to commit to myself. I am ready to set aside time for myself. I am ready to love myself. I am ready to respect myself. I am ready to honour myself. I am ready to treat myself as sacred. I am ready to say YES to being ME.

And now Iā€™m off to try my new Divination oil while I do a Weekly tarot spread! :kissing_heart: