Weekly Witchy Challenge - Props and Presents (Lightworker) 💡

Congrats again @Ostara, @Artemisia, @Kasandra, @Susurrus, @BlueAngelite, @georgia, @Amethyst, and @MeganB - the badges are well-earned! :sun_with_face: :sparkles:

@Sivonnah No stress, Sivonnah- the most important thing is taking care of yourself :people_hugging: :heart: There’s always another a chance to do the challenge in a Catch-Up Challenge, and there’s one on the near horizon! :sunrise: :blush: I hope this week will be an easier and nicer one for you, so mote it be! :two_hearts:

The new challenge for this week is now live in the forum! For anyone who hasn’t come across it yet, here is a direct link:

—> Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE: Manifestation :genie_lamp:

I hope it’s a theme you’ll enjoy!

Blessed be, challengers! :trophy: :sparkles: