Weekly Witchy Challenge – Solstice Festivities of Light

Weekly Witchy Challenge – Solstice Festivities of Light – Challenge entry, Garnet
Summer Solstice – from ancient Rituals to modern day festivals
We think of Summer Solstice as being a day of celebration and feasting. And it is, to many people for many reasons. It has been historically used in crop planting and harvesting. Not just in one area, but around the world, from antiquity until now.
Ancient Egypt, relied on the River Nile for both life giving and taking. It was relied on to nourish the land during the flooding season.
China in antiquity, honored the summer solstice with a festival of Earth, femininity and yin as opposed to the Winter Solstice which in turn celebrated the yang. (Yin/Yang).
Ancient Mesopotamians, considered the same holiday one of mourning because it brought intense heat, disease and famine.
Europeans celebrated with bonfires, to heat the sun…
Celtic Druids built around 3100 BCE built Stonehenge which is still being studied as a possible ritual or astronomical or religiously used temple. It is still unknown what the complete use was.

Even the native tribes of N. America celebrated with feasts and dances to honor the sun. It’s called the Wi wananga wapiti or the Sun Gazing dance.
How interesting that these dates are celebrated around the world.
It was a day critical to an agrarian calendar where crops and seasonal cycles had to be managed, and a day that was held as a spiritual celebration of light over dark, and therefore, life over death.

Summer Solstice
As we celebrate the beginning of Summer.
The grass is green, the flowers have risen.
The sun is warm and brightens each day.
The smell, so sweet as love abounds.

The colors bright as if crying out “look at me”
Winter has gone and springs mud all dried.
Summer showing off with new life.
The Gift of food, of smells and taste.

The velvet touch of a fresh bloomed rose.
Laying in the shade with the love of your life.
When evening falls, light a fire sit beside it
And give thanks for all that you are.

Garnet – Sea Witch [with a life jacket.]


Beautiful poem there, @Garnet! And great information. Thank you for sharing!


My neighbors have the best smelling roses. I can smell them when I am in my front yard!!! So awesome how the wonderful aroma travels across the street and to my nose! I can’t feel the velvet touch but I smell it :smiley:

@Garnet I love your poem and the info is great too!


Lovely information about the historical importance of the summer solstice- it makes me want to go out and plant things! :blush: Or at least harvest some of the beans- the little snow peas and flat peas are starting to appear on the vines outside! :basket: :sparkles:

The entire poem is a work of art- but these lines!?!? I’m swooning- your poetry is so romantic, Garnet! :rose::two_hearts:

I really enjoyed this one- thank you so much for sharing! Happy solstice, my friend! :sun_with_face:


@BryWisteria that is the lines that made me think of smelling roses! Such beautiful lines @Garnet

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:


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