:sun: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Solstice Festivities of Light

Our family has a lovely evening outside planned for Solstice with fresh seasonal treats. This weekend I am going to bake a lavender lemon marsapone cheesecake (thankful for our local repairman… the heating element went out this week and he had it fixed in no time! Part of me was sad cause I’ve been eyeing a new oven… but I’m thankful we could repair and not blow all our savings. Also thankful both were options!). Also planning on some sort of lemon berry blend beverage for the kids and some sangria for the grown folks.

We will be chilling (read that melting) round the fire pit and playing in the pool and displaying our lovely suncatchers we made. Here’s mine! The photo does not do the sparkle justice!

Finally, we will do a sunset walk with bells to invite our fairy friends to the festivities and listen to the children’s version (short and in modern English) of A Midsummer Nights Dream. I told my kids if they memorized some verses, I’d give them a prize. We will see if they do!

I also plan to do a quiet morning meditation by myself in the morning dew! Mama needs a minute!