:cauldron: Weekly Witchy Challenge - Witch Brews & Potions

I missed out on challenges for the last few weeks. I will definitely be stirring something up this weekend!



This is a daily infused anti-aging oil that I created that I call “Glamour”.

I am going to try your potion :test_tube: thanks


Hi Jan!!! Thank you for the welcome! I use dried Horsetail when infusing the oil. I haven’t ran across any EO for it yet that I would trust. I have seen some on Amazon but I don’t know if I can trust the purity of it.

I personally think the Levo is worth the money. I have had mine since May and I Love It!! It is super easy to use, it comes with a downloadable app so that you can run it over your phone, and I love being able to have oils ready within 8 hours… especially when you need to do some spellwork or ritual in a pinch. It’s also great for everyday Kitchen Witchery like infusing butter or making yummy infused oil for dressings. I’m currently going to experiment with infusing vinegar to make some fire cider for the cold season. I also know that they have a lot of how-to videos on youtube for extra ideas and such.

Thank You again for your reply and most warm welcome. I am excited to get to know you as well. Blessings :pray:


Thanks for the information @ashley69 on the Levo I will have to check it out again and give it another round of thought!! :brown_heart:


Hello Ostara,
You are not alone…I also missed the last two (2) Challenges. I am on a mission to get back to my Spells 8 and let others in my life handle their own issues. I am too new to save the world and too old to try! Mote It Be :woman_mage:



Wow ladies, this sounds really interesting. Never used Horsetail before. This is one of the reasons I like to read others feedback, you can learn so much with different options.



Challenge Entry

Dragon Oolong Tea Ritual for Protection

  1. Make a hot cup of Dragon Oolong tea.
  2. Light a white candle on your altar.
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply, calling to your dragon guardian.
  4. When you feel the presence of your dragon guardian behind you, say the following prayer:

Viing do Yol
Aal zu’u vaan zuk lok, zuk lok
Rax, lingrah med Zahkrii
Ofaan zu’u Mulaag grolaha
Jusk, kinzon med Niigol
Aal Vokul funt siiva zu’u

Wings of fire,
Make me soar higher and higher
Teeth, long as swords
Give me the power to endure
Claws, sharp as nails
May evil’s search be to no avail

  1. Sit for a moment in silence with your dragon guardian.

  2. You can do this ritual during the waxing moon whenever you need protection.

Note: Oolong tea is high in an amino acid called L-theanine, which can improve brain activity, sleep quality, and reduce stress and anxiety. It can lower cholesterol, aid in weight loss, and reduce blood sugar levels in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. It can also help with oral health by preventing cavities and reducing plaque.
Oolong tea shouldn’t be drank if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding or taking any blood thinning medications such as warfarin. Everyone is different, so always consult your doctor if you are unsure if Oolong tea is okay to drink.


Challenge Entry

For my weekly challenge, I made black salt! Without charcoal!

I don’t have charcoal so I was buying my black salt which is expensive. But I found a lovely recipe for black salt in a book titled Samhain Traditions: 13 Simple & Affordable Halloween Spells and Rituals for the Witches New Year by Penniless Pagan.

I’ve got to say it was a delight to read. Short but funny and to the point. The recipe for black salt I halved because I didn’t need that much and I’m glad I did, the rosemary didn’t want to burn and it took forever. But it turned out nicely and I was proud of it.

It takes:

1 cup salt
2 tablespoons dried rosemary
2 tablespoons dried sage
1 tablespoon dried dill weed
A pen and paper

You write the word protection on the paper, roll it up, and burn it with the herbs on top. As I said, I halved it and I wish I would have halved it again because the rosemary didn’t want to burn. Of course, you put your energy into it, visualizing your ancestors standing beside you, and protection.

When you’ve got it all burned you crush the burned herbs down with a mortar and pestle until it’s a fine powder. It may take a while but that’s okay.

Then you mix it up in a clean bowl or baggie with the salt until it’s all combined. Take the bowl in your hands while again envisioning your ancestors standing beside you and say:

“For protection, for safety, to banish negativity;
With my ancestors’ spirits united beside me.
To encourage the positive and dispel the rest,
I concentrate these salts, this spell is now blessed.”

Of course, you shouldn’t eat the salt, or get it on your clothes but I was proud of it. I feel like I did a good job. Thanks for the challenge!


Brews and Potions Challenge Entry… Psychic Belly!

This challenge couldn’t have happened at a better time for me! I needed to grind some marshmallow root I harvested to have it for my gut health. It’s not a tasty root to look forward to! The thought of simmering a wonderful fall potion that I saw mentioned here inspired me. As I was deciding on ingredients, I realized that a common thread in many of the things that I was going to use was anti-inflammation, protection, and enhancing psychic powers. I thank the powers of root, leaf, bark, and honeybees for this lovely honey-colored delight that I hereby call Psychic Belly lol. I made a large batch and put it in a jar in the fridge - and it’s delicious cold too.
Ingredients: marshmallow root, dandelion root, mugwort, cinnamon, apple, orange peel, honey (gotta have honey!)

Thank you for all of these amazing potions that you all have shared.


WOw, sounds easy to do! Could you please post a photo of the black salt, please?


Challenge Entry

For me I made a potion with the intent for my well-being and trying to make good habits! This Healing potion is to heal myself and make good decisions. I would like to eat better and not binge eat and drink more water.
What I did was use a bottle blessed my bottle and I already had my Florida’s water I made from previously.
Charm- Keys :key: Heart :purple_heart: and sea lion
Mica powder that was silver
Rose sticker
Macrame tie purple
Florida’s water :sweat_drops:
Then I used numerous crystals
Amethyst -For addictive habits
Shungnite -Truth purification cleansing
Clear quartz- Extra Power
Carnelian-Venus Love :heart:, heart :heart:, Confidence, courage, healing, grief, peace, power, reversal, sorrow, wishes, stress, anger the stone helps with the zodiac Scorpio energy
Malachite-For deeper connection to my acesstors. Protection, Skills, astral realam.
Tigers :tiger2: Eye- Self acceptance, renewal, self work
Rhondonite- Confidence, banishing challenges, , Forgiveness, self-love, marriage, clear mind, peace emotional well-being, wisdom
Howlite- Emotions, anxiety, strength, patience, root chakra, awakening, calm vitality, ability, releasing emotion, spiritual well-being,
Dragons :dragon: blood :drop_of_blood: to make it super potent
Know that I have my plan on the night of the full moon I will invoking to Hecate Queen of all Witches
Circe- The maiden who was known for her potions :test_tube: she helps me with my witchery!
She turned men into pigs :pig: only cause they were pigs to begin with! Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Madea- Energy of our wound, she was lied too and cheated and tricked
Persephone- Queen :princess: of Hell
She had a special nack with plant medicine! So I incorporated some herbs to dress :dress: my candle! I used Thyme, Aster, Rosemary, Rose :rose: and on the full moon I will light a candle on my potion and watch the candle wax drip and seal my spell!

I think I’ll use a black candle what color do you think would be appropriate for the healing position. this will be a hand sanitizer throughout the week! I just have a longing to be better and this witchy challenge gives me passion to be a better me!
Thanks :smiling_face:
Love and Light

Phoenix Fire :fire:

[quote=“Phoenix_Fire, post:20, topic:28707”]

1st potion is to help to improve my situation at work with ingredients to help promote success n prosperity, protect against negative energies and helping to bring courage in the situation to not be taken advantage of.

Phonenix Fire :fire: this is a great opportunity to banish all the profane! You can use that Fiery dragon energy inn too! I hope this Harvest Moon brings you your power back to fight through all obstacles! Sometimes the disadvantages help us in the long run to see how much Strength we really do have.

2nd potion is related to my meditation practice with not only herbs to help calm and altered state but also to protect while journey states from negative energies n spirits and help remember any lucid dreams may have.

Ow I am glad you mentioned meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: I am going to try really hard to do a yoga session and do meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:! I always work with yoga with Adrienne and I use insight timer! It’s a good app to use for the full Moon :full_moon: thanks to Soifra I have that other outlet. :blush:
Thanks for sharing your magic with us!


Sacred :honeybee: bee
I gotta give you a hand :raised_back_of_hand:


Love this challenge can’t wait to bring up one of my potions i have here. Will post my challenge shortly :blush: :heartpulse:


Challenge Entry- Witch brews and potions

I have been focused on keeping myself in a positive and calm state of mind, therefore i will share my brew for a tea i had recently used called:

:herb: Magickal evening tea :blossom:

You will need:
-1 teaspoon of dried Chamomile flowers
-1/2 teaspoon of dried Hibiscus flowers
-1/4 teaspoon dried Lavender flowers

Combine the herbs together in a small bowl and stir them gently together with your fingers before placing them in the mug. As you pour the boiling water over the herbs, softy chant these (or similar) words:

"All is well with me,
All is well in my world,
All is well!"

Enjoy your tea, pay attention to how your energy begins to settle out and a positive, relaxed feeling comes over you. This feeling can last for several hours or until you go to bed. :blush:


Wow that sounds like some great ideas there. And that bottle looks so cool. Great job😁


Challenge Entry

115 Weekly Witchy Challenge
Witch Brews & Potion
Challenge entry – Garnet

I know you wanted potions and witch brews for this one.
and I suppose what I am offering is that and more.
From ancient times…China
Some, well, many might consider Chinese herbal medicines
to be witches’ brews and potions.

Strange ingredients.

Chinese medications can be made from animals as well as plants.
Some of the ingredients used in Chinese herbalism have a tendency
to provoke distaste from westerners.

Because animal parts and insects are often included.
In Western herbalism, the botanical name of a specific plant is always
used for identification. In Chinese herbalism, medicines are named
according to the prepared drug and not its ingredients.

Herbal tonic wines
Tonic brews are often made in wine. A large vat is filled with tonic
herbs such as dang GUI (angelical or ren shen (ginseng.)
The herbs are then covered with wine and left to brew for several
weeks, then taken daily.
The sage Li Ch’ing Yuen, born in 1678, was reputed to have outlived 14
wives and lived to the age of 257 because of the tradition of taking
a small glass of red tonic wine blended with shou we and ren shen
before he went to sleep every evening.

*This is not a recipe so much as instructions
*In herbalism, Chinese and Western, I don’t feel qualified to make *
oral concoctions.
You can make your own tonic wine by using a vinegar vat that allows
one to draw off the wine from a tap at the bottom and add fresh wine
from the top.
Fill the vat with the herb mixture and cover with wine, with extra on top
of the herbs (red or white wine will work equally as well), and leave for
4–>8 weeks. Draw a small glassful daily and top up the vat with more
wine. The mixture can be used for several months.

I won’t put down an herbal tonic, due to the complexity of the Chinese
diagnostics and the complications of their herbalism.
What I can give you is a

Herbal Bath (RELAXING)
This is a simple detox recipe
A handful of lemon balm, lavender, or chamomile.
A muslin bag or stocking.
Place the chosen herb in a muslin bag or stocking.
Tie over the hot tap so the water flows through it. After a long soak,
lie down and keep yourself warm and relax.
Thanks for the opportunity to write on the most interesting subject.
Blessed Be


Wow! I appreciate how much thought, care, and knowledge went into this. And that presentation :star_struck: I would be torn as to leaving it there for awhile as eye candy, or sanitizing my hands every twenty minutes :slight_smile:


How about a pumpkin potion for prosperity?

You can find more cocktails like this by Julia Halina Hadas in Witchcraft Cocktails. My version is slightly adapted with added affirmations. Enjoy.


Sure. Lemme just post this so it’s up top and then I’ll post my picture from my phone. I put the salt on a white paper plate so you could see it.

Ack, it’s not letting me upload a picture right now. I’ll try again tonight and I’ll tag you on it so you can see. If it doesn’t work I’ll ask @Francisco.

There we go @SpainishWitchy! I got it to work.


Amazing! I couldn´t find charcoal to make black salt, so I will use this recipe for the next full moon!! May I add some eggshell as well?
Thank you so much!!