🤔 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Witch Stereotypes

:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

It’s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and haven’t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

→ Tuesday, July 18 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

Thank you so much to everyone who has joined in to share their thoughts, ponderings, and revelations around witchy stereotypes! There certainly is a lot to think on here- I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the scale while writing up the challenge, but with each entry and reply I read I realize just how much more there is out there! The Coven always widens horizons and goes beyond expectations with how wise and thoughtful everyone is- thank you again to everyone who has joined in so far! :raised_hands:

If you haven’t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :thinking: :sparkles:


@Nixi This is such an interesting experience. I find it funny how your customers reacted to the $6.66 and $13. Ive never seen that here. People are funny. :sparkling_heart:


@tracyS I had another that had me add impulse items until it reached a number he was happy with :laughing: :woman_shrugging:t2:

I actually have a lot of odd customer stories. There’s the Christmas Eve drunk, the cat food lady, the snow people…I could go on :joy:


I love that show and that is the only one I will watch… but not when Witches are involved. I like the Paranormal aspect. It has really answered some serious questions I’ve had regarding situations I’ve been through since I was a child.

Bless Be

Bless Be


I never really got into Supernatural. My mom has watched it, and so has my fiance. It’s just not one of those ones that I’ll choose to watch on my own :laughing:


Challenge Entry-Witch Stereotypes
This was a good thinking cap challenge, putting on my thinking cap is not a bad thing. As my brain’s a bit all over the place at the moment, I’ll just work from the prompts.

  • Can you think of any stereotypes about witches/pagans/magick/spirituality/etc?
    Oh yes. The classic worship the devil one.

  • What did you think about witches and magick before you began your magickal journey?
    Leaving the warty green skinned Halloween costume depictions out of it, there was one girl in class who identified as Wiccan. She spoke about it somewhat, but given her whole behavior, it came across as edgy on purpose, rebellious, etc. So I thought I needed to be a hard core goth, and I just can’t pull off that much black, I feel like a giant lint magnet.

  • Have any stereotypes influenced your own identity (around labels, titles, actions, dress, etc)?
    For safety reasons I’m still in the broom closet, so the fact that I’m there due to misunderstanding and stereotype in the world at large is one.

  • How do you feel about witchcraft and magick as a “trend” or “aesthetic” affecting how people view witches?
    I’m a bit conflicted. Faith is not a trend and it’s not a costume. But if it convinces people that a witch is actually a pretty chill person then that’s a good thing.

  • Do you think stereotypes around witches are improving, getting worse, or staying the same over time? I haven’t really been on the other side so to speak for that long, but given all the witch positive content that’s out online, that’s a huge improvement. If folks can see oh wait, I was wrong about this, I need to change my attitude, then that’s a plus for everyone involved.


@tracyS Thank you!! And yes, Healers - exactly!


@Medea TY! I am learning so much!


@MeganB Indeed - last few years there has been quite the revival in pursuing the natural world and mystical realm :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Witch Stereotypes - ENTRY

In today’s world, I feel more and more people are excepting “Magick”. It is in our children’s cartoons, advertisements on TV, The Nightly National New had a topic stating how we are not alone. I have mentioned this to some of my friends and they came back to tell me that I was right. One saw an advertisement for a new car and Magick.
This statement below, in my opinion, makes quite a statement and one that I believe will help explain some of the stereotyping that we deal with in today’s society.

“Witchcraft is NOT a religion. Wicca is a religion. Asatru is a religion. There are atheist witches, agnostic witches, Christian/Catholic/Hindu/Buddhist/Wiccan/everything-else witches. Witchcraft is a spiritual path and practice, NOT a religion.” (Chloe on October 30, 2020)

Below is a list of stereotypes I found in this article by: (ANDREA ROSE, JUL 14, 2012)

1. Witches are naturally evil.

This is pure nonsense. Simple as that. A large portion of the witch craft religion is in fact doing good for others and for nature. They plant gardens, go out in nature, Help those in needs, and many other things that other religions also consider good. Elder’s in witch craft are highly regarded, serving as a high priestess or priest. We respect those in our circle as well as those outside our circle. Some members of other religions don’t even do that.

  1. Witches are not human but rather an evolved form of humans.

This is also not true. We are not some other species, some other form of humans like a vampire or something. In fact we are as much human as you or the next person. We feel like you, desire like you, think like you, and live like you. We have jobs like normal shmucks. The only real difference, which isn’t really a difference (Seeing how some other people also do this) is that we try to think before we act and make sure no one is harmed by our decisions. We care for the one’s, and things around us. In other words we treat everything around us how we wish to be treated.

3. Witches do not look like regular people.

Also wrong. What do you expect when you see a witch? Green skin and warts, or some goth kid who worships the devil. Both those assumptions are wrong. Witch’s don’t look like Halloween decorations or Satanist (Which are WAY different than a witch). We look just like the next person.

4. You must be born into a family of Witches to become one.

WRONG. Witch Craft is a belief, a religion. Christians don’t need to be born into a Christian family to be Christians. Same goes for Mormons, the Jewish, Jehovah’s witnesses, and so on and so forth.

5. Witches can steal “powers” from each other.

Wrong again. Can Christians steal each other’s faith in God? No. Their faith doesn’t grow stronger by stealing other faith. Same thing goes for witch’s powers.

6. Witchcraft and Christianity are opposites.

Also not necessarily true. Christians believe in one God. One all mighty power. Witch’s believe in a higher power, the only real difference is that we have more than one God. We in fact have Gods and Goddesses. Some Indian cultures believe in more than one God. Does this make them Witch’s? No. Christians strive to do good, so do witch’s. They have prayer’s and hymns. We have spells and songs. Which are almost the same thing except for the wording and the intentions put behind them.

7. It is difficult to hurt a witch.

This is wrong and stupid. We are humans and get injured just like a human.

8. Witches are resistant to spells.

How would this even be possible when witches cast spells on themselves from time to time?

9. Witches always dress in black.

It is true that many goth’s say they are witch’s but not all witch’s are goth. Black is a color of protection so if a witch does wear black it is for protection. But no witch’s do not always were black.

10. Witches can change their form and appearance at will.

We are not werewolves or ShapeShifter’s. We are normal Humans like everyone else.

11. Witches can change the form and appearance of others at will.

Wrong again. All living things are made up of a certain cell structure. Take into consideration when alchemists tried to turn ordinary metals into gold. Did they succeed? No. So we can not change somethings form.

12. Witches can manipulate time.

13. All Witches engage in ritualistic orgies.

Some do, but it is highly frowned upon in most circles. Most witch’s follow the rules of common human decency.

14. Witches can fly on broomsticks

Hahaha, That only happens in Hollywood movies.

15. Witches can fly without broomsticks.

Once again only in the movies.

16. A witch is a female with super powers.

We are not super hero’s people. And we are not a sexist religion. There are both male’s and female’s that follow our religion.

17. A male witch is called a Warlock.

Wrong, Male witch’s are not known as warlocks. In fact Warlock is a degrading term for a male witch.

18. Witches worship Satan

Satanists worship Satan. Most witch’s don’t even believe that Satan.

19. Witches have made a deal with Satan to attain super natural powers.

How can this be when we don’t believe in Satan?

20. Witches perform animal and human sacrifices.

This is sick and wrong. Murder is not something we condone. In fact we try to protect life, from plants, to animals, and yes human life as well.

21. Witchcraft has no rules.

This is a lie. In fact we have many rules to follow. For instance, “anything you put out you will get back.” This basically means what you do will come back at you. Karma.

22. Witchcraft is the same as Satanism

We don’t believe in Satan so this whole stereotype is inaccurate.

23. Witches hate Christians

Why would we hate Christians? Sure we may not particularly favor them but they are like any other person so hating them would be wrong. it would be like racism.

24. Wicca and Witchcraft are the same thing.

Wicca is a modern religion belief system founded by Gerald Gardner. Witch Craft is an old religion that predates Christianity.

25. Wicca has nothing to do with Witchcraft.

Wicca is a nature based religion. Wiccan’s participate in some forms of witch craft such as, spells and having an alter. Witch Craft is basically the craft of witch’s. It was the original craft (It predated wicca).

26. Witches promote Abortion as a form of human sacrifice.

WE DO NOT. Like any other human being we hold our own beliefs. Just because one person promotes abortion does that mean the person standing next to him also promotes it? Most likely not.

27. Witches are allergic to water.

STUPID. Human bodies are mostly composed of water so if this were true when a witch was born the would automatically die. They wouldn’t last five seconds in the world. Also we have to bathe just like the next person. If we didn’t all witch’s would smell horribly. Some people need to think before they make something like this up.

28. Witches hate being called Witches

Not necessarily true. if it is used in a bad way, like a negative, sure we would be a little upset but so would a christian if someone sneered ,“Christian,” in the cruelest way they could.

29. No man can be a witch.

I already said that there are plenty males that follow and practice witchcraft and in fact my teacher of the craft was a male.

30. Witches are the same a Gypsies.

Gypsy beliefs and Witch beliefs vary in many ways so this is also not true.

31. Witchcraft is not a religious practice.

It is as much a religious practice as Christianity. We hold a faith in our beliefs. We have faith in our Gods and Goddesses. Thus doesn’t that mean it is a religious practice. There are even metaphysical church’s floating around the USA.

32. Being a witch means not believing in any higher power.

We believe in our own Gods and Goddesses, isn’t that belief in a higher power?

33. Witches can possess people.

We are not ghosts or demons people.

34. Witches get sick or hurt when Jesus Chris is mentioned or a crucifix is shown to them.

This is false. They are not going to get sick for one, the only reason they would get hurt would be an emotional hurt if they began to think about all the burning’s the Christians did against witch’s way back when. I will also like to point out that from time to time I myself were a crucifix and maybe once in a while attend a Christian church service.

35. All witches practice “Black Magic”

No, sure there is black magic but it is not a bad magic. We have many types of magic associated with color. There’s White magic, Black Magic, Green Magic, Red Magic, etc. Just because it is titled, “Black,” does not mean that it is a bad form of magic.

36. Witches and Genies are always communicating.

Only a Witch knowledgeable in spirit communication is even capable of communicating with a genie.

37. Witches can levitate

Levitation is a very difficult psychic ability. Most witch’s can’t even do it.

38. Witches become a witch by having another witch cast a spell on them.

Witchcraft is a religion people. Some coven’s may have an initiation but think of this. Christian’s Baptize.

39. Witches grant wishes.

We do seek to good for others but we can not make something happen instantly.

40. Witches can turn into ghosts.

We can project ourselves as an astral body but that is way different from a ghost. A ghost is a spirit that has departed from the physical universe that has yet to move on.

41. Witches can make things “float”

Once again this is a psychic ability, which let me point out can be learned by anyone, but not all witch’s know it.

42. Witches do not come out during the day.

We are not the Hollywood vampire. Most of us have day jobs people. That means sunshine and UV rays.

43. Witches avoid public and live in the woods.

That my friends is what we like to call a cottage witch. This basically means that this particular witch devotes themselves wholly to the craft. They do this to basically reach the witch’s form of enlightenment. But there are many witch’s that live in the cities. Hinting your local Witchcraft store.

44. Witches have no worries and are always happy.

We have to pay rent, utilities, get to work on time just like other people. We do strive to have a happy life, but who doesn’t.

45. Witches can bring pictures “to life”

If you mean we can make the pictures alive like in Harry potter then no.

46. Witches summon demons and then take control of them for future use.

No true witch would ever work with a demon.

47. Witchcraft is not a religion.

Already covered this. We believe in forms of higher power. Making it a religion.

48. Witches put curses on priests.

We have our own priests. Why would we do that?

49. The Pentagram is a sign of Satan

Don’t believe in Satan. The pentagram is a symbol of the divine and the five elements, earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.

50. Witches do not exist…

Why would there even be these stereotypes if we didn’t exist.

Growing up, I remember the Wizard of Oz’s Witch and that is how I envisioned/stereotyped witches. In an article by Jackie Chirco, Oct 10, 2016, she explains how stereotypes came about through TV:

If you google “witch”, the first definition that appears is: a woman thought to have evil magic powers; witches are popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat, and flying on a broomstick. This is not the case, though. Despite how “unrealistic” or “ridiculous” it sounds–witches are real. In movies, television, and popular culture where witches are portrayed, they can be seen in a negative light. However, most of the time the portrayal of witches is unrealistic. Through such movies and television shows, people have been altered to view witches negatively, often based on stereotypes. These stereotypes include the pointy black hats, flying on broomsticks, black cats, and spell books. There is also a certain “‘inhuman” look witches are seen as–the pointy chin, wart-nosed, raggedy woman. But in reality, witches look like everyone else and you probably walk amongst them daily. Witches also aren’t evil, and aren’t linked to Satanism. In short, people who identify as witches can practice witchcraft: a spiritual practice that focuses on the individual, and encourages the understanding of nature and earth. People can be witches and practice only witchcraft, but some can be witches and be Wicca. Wicca is a religion associated with witches. Wiccans believe in “the spirit of the One, Goddess and God exist in all things.” They treat all objects on Earth with respect. Some witches are both Wiccan and practice witchcraft. As I said before, these truths behind witches are twisted in popular culture through movies and television shows. (Jackie Chirco, Oct 10, 2016)

I actually enjoyed doing this Challenge. It has helped explain the topic of stereotyping and how I can reply back to the non-believers.

Stereotypes Of Witches, ANDREA ROSE, JUL 14, 2012
https://www.theodysseyonline.com/how-popular-culture-inaccurately-portrays-witches, Jackie Chirco, Oct 10, 2016


@catherine11 Brilliant, and I’m with you on that one, if people see it online and think oh I was wrong about that. All helps getting the truth out there :sparkling_heart:
@Medea Fabulous funny how even in our secular world, people still hold to the whole Satan thing. I think out of all the stereotypes, I find that one really offensive. Just me. Hopefully one day, people will learn. :sparkling_heart:


This challenge is now CLOSED :exclamation:

A big bravo to everyone who put on their thinking caps this week! I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s entries- thanks for joining in for this thought-provoking discussion challenge. I don’t know about anyone else, but each entry has given me more and more to ponder over- it has been a very insightful week! :mage: :sparkles: :blush:

A Props and Presents post will soon appear with shout-outs and prize details for everyone who submitted an entry. Please keep an eye on the main page of the forums.

Note : To avoid confusion, this discussion will be locked until the Props and Presents post appears. At that time, this thread will reopen for discussion for a few more days- comments are welcome during this time, but please note that no additional prizes will be given.

Thanks again for joining in the challenge! :partying_face:

Blessed be! :sparkles:


The challenge deadline has passed- thank you to everyone who joined in!

This topic is reopening for any continued discussion and comments (feel free to respond to entries that were shared, chat about the challenge theme, etc!)

The “Props and Presents” award post for this challenge is now live in the forum and badges have been sent to all entrants! :trophy:

→ Award Post for the Witch Stereotypes Challenge

Thank you once again to all those who joined the challenge! :star2: I hope you enjoy your new badge :medal_military:

This thread has been reopened for discussion- feel free to comment on the theme, ask questions or reply to entries! However, please remember that no additional badges will be given out now that the challenge has officially closed. Thank you!


Mine was also my ex boyfriend :see_no_evil:. My fiancee finds it odd but doesn’t really care and certainly doesn’t try to convince me to change or anything which is a refreshing change.


@tracyS I also find the Satan comparison offensive as I know I’m a good person and I would never intentionally want to harm anyone


A very through article and a good read. I love how you said a cottage witch is like a witch form of enlightenment. I’ve always had this crazy idea of just living in the woods with my cat pearl . I’m actually obsessed with cottages and I love the architecture yet I never understood why. Hmmmm maybe there’s a calling their, who knows.


I consider myself a novice, , and even if I choose not to hide in the broom closet, this is exactly why I have avoided wearing pentagram jewelry, and looked for alternatives such as a Celtic Knot. On the other hand if this “witch aesthetic” becomes mainstream, I could blend in and no one would know.


This is very true! :heart: