🤔 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Witch Stereotypes

Hi tracyS,
That has some very funny one liners in your Challenge. I like this one:

“you know Tracy, there’s witches everywhere, they look normal you know, like you and me, but they’re everywhere.” (tracyS, Spells 8, 2023)

Blessed Be,


Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Witch Stereotypes - ENTRY

Hello All You Wonderful Witches!

I have had much going on leaving me exhausted and stressed out, Burnout, etc… Every time I try to do the Weekly Witchy Challenge, I fall asleep. This time I am going to give it my all and get this one done!!

I am usually in a male’s atmosphere, where I have learned to not mention anything about Witches or Magick. I help out at a Tire Shop down the street from me and they have a field day with me on this topic. So, I am going to try and reorganize their thoughts on this and see how much I can change how they think, stereotype and label.

Blessed be,


Weekly Challenge - Witch Stereotypes

In my youth, these images come to mind:
image image

Dark, ugly, old women, full of evil and macabre mischief, practicing various forms of cannibalism, and praying upon the unfortunate souls that are in troubled situations. I learned the stereotyping from reading folklore and fables, watching television, friends or acquaintances dressing in “Goth” or some garish garb claiming they’re practicing magick, witchcraft or even occult worship. I won’t lie, this kept me up at night with night terrors and anything else my child-like mind could imagine while growing into adulthood. One could imagine that with this learned stereotyping, I stayed away from anything remotely connected with the what I perceived was the world of occultism.

Now that I am older, and have discernment, I was appalled to find that women, in general, who practiced natural healing methods were unfairly accused, and put to death for supposed practicing witchcraft - all to instill fear in, and I will say it, the less educated populace to control them. When I say this, I am referring to villagers, and those who could not afford to educate themselves in the early centuries - education was only provided to the Wealthy, and those in the Church. In pre/post-Christianity (Medieval) villagers engaged with the natural world, including worship of corresponding deities. The Malleus Maleficarum is a lengthy documentation in asserting natural practices and feminine qualities to witchcraft and likely contributed to the negative views that are even present today.

Some of the staff I work with, already have the impression that I practice “something” or am Wiccan, or witch. Case in point - my co-worker came to me complaining of a headache and other issues, so when I stepped in her office - there was a “Yukie, oily gross feeling” so I grabbed my Palo Santo and sprayed it. She came back 15 minutes later and said “I don’t know what you did, but my headache is gone, and so is the tension - what did you do…?” I said nothing really other than decide to change that “clingy whatever you brought into work with you energy”. :blush: Along with that, I find that I am asked often about herbs for this or that, and out of nowhere will recommend something that works for that individual. If I try to do it, it doesn’t work - if it comes out of nowhere, it works. :roll_eyes:

I don’t look like one of these three stereotypes, don’t dress “Goth”, or wear clothing - well, occasionally, I like to dress like an enticing witch, put on my talismans or crystals, and let my hair down. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: All in all, I believe in natural healing, meditation, yoga, and do what’s necessary to change negative vibrations from a room, move stagnation, light candles to calm family (especially children) dispelling anything clingy, and bring enjoyment, raise vibration for healing energy when massaging sore muscles for my other half, collect herbs and use them - definitely not the stereotype I grew up with, so I would say that in my perception times have changed and so has my view of the mystical and natural world. :infinite_roots: :infinite_roots:


@lisa67 I like this, I remember her from Wizard of Oz right? Healers is a great title I think. I remember reading somewhere that the term “witches” was originally not complimentary to who we are. Weren’t we called healers/shamans/cunning folk in the past? This was a nice read. :sparkling_heart:



First off, before I start, I want to say hello again - it’s been several months since I’ve been on here and I just realized how much I miss all of you! :sparkling_heart:

I’m just a regular person to look at, and I do regular person things - but I do other “stuff” too that isn’t so regular. I wear a Hecate’s Wheel on a necklace, because where I live a pentacle would have me outcast quickly - and that’s because of the witch stereotypes, that witches are evil and satanic.

However, with it becoming more trendy to be into witchcraft and magick, it does make it easier to procure what is needed to practice Wicca and witchcraft. There are one or two “mystic fairs” in the area every year. Perhaps this helps with acceptance of the lifestyle. It’s not uncommon to find people with oracle decks and even tarot cards. Almost every craft market has a crystal vendor. And meditation is almost considered mainstream at this point in time. Perhaps if people realized the connection this has with witchcraft, they would be more accepting of witches. Maybe some do, and some are - but I’ve been very careful to keep my “witchiness” hidden. In small-town Ontario, most people subscribe to “What I don’t understand is bad and wrong.”


@Catharine Hi, this is true, people do witchy things, yet don’t like witches. Nice points. :sparkling_heart:


@Catharine Ontario gal here too! :maple_leaf: I grew up in such a town and feel what you are saying. I remember seeing a nurse with a pentagram ring on our local doctor’s office as a tween and I can remember thinking “but witches don’t believe in doctors, why does she work here”? That was pre-internet, so I am sad to hear the misinformation is still so prevalent. Sending strength your way :snowflake:


Glad to see you again, @Catharine! Love your post!


I think that this can be funny, but it’s also super interesting to witness! Seeing the personal growth of the people we know and love, watching them come to accept something we hold sacred, and learning the truth about these practices - I think that’s an amazing thing for a witch’s family. I’m glad your family is accepting of you! :heart: Even if the ever-frequent requests for information, cleansing, etc. can be annoying, I’m sure deep down, they truly love and appreciate you.

And your son thinking you ride on a broomstick :broom: is absolutely a plus :joy:

Aww, how wonderful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Our children sure can surprise us! I’m glad you were met with more knowledge rather than negative comments. :people_hugging: It sounds like you and your son have something more to bond over!

I can definitely see how that would be an issue. I wasn’t raised Christian - it was more of a “we go to church during holidays and when we need prayer” type of thing :laughing: but my parents were still against Wicca and paganism. Over the years – I’m in my 30s now – and they’ve come to terms with my beliefs and have even joined in on a spell or two. I have hope that you’ll get there one day, too. Maybe not doing spells with your parents, but at least embracing the spiritual side of yourself after being raised Christian.

I think you should check out one of our previous challenges if you’re looking for more modern witches in media that are balanced and not all negative stereotypes! My favorites include Cassie Nightingale from The Good Witch and the witches in the book/movie Practical Magic.

That challenge was this one → :tv: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Witchy Media

Oh wow, I look forward to reading about your progress! :clap: That’s quite the undertaking!

I think you’re totally right! When we look back through the years, both more recent history and ancient, it’s easy to see the shifting energies and thoughts when it pertains to witchcraft. Everything was good, magic was part of life. Then the demonization started, it become “evil”, and a sin to practice witchcraft and its associated skills. Now, we’re trending more positive, at least in my perception. It’s like riding a wave, almost, the way I picture it in my head :joy: I hope that makes sense!

Witches and magical people have gone by many names in various cultures throughout the years. Not everyone’s practice is the same, and some people see shamanism and Brujeria, for example, as being different than witchcraft. But you’re right - magical people have existed for a very, very long time!

That’s such a narrow-minded thing to deal with, I’m sorry! :people_hugging: I’m glad that you’ve been able to find workarounds for things, though. Wearing a Hekate’s Wheel is a great alternative! Only people that are into history or Paganism are gonna know what it means :laughing: Also - welcome back! :hugs:


Challenge Entry:

I decided to not read others entries till after I submitted my own as to not influence my answers. I wrote most of my answers pre meditation and then added anything that popped up after I did the spells 8 meditations. I thought it was easier for me to respond to the questions provided

Can you think of any stereotypes about witches/pagans/magick/spirituality/etc?

  • I’ve had people ask me what my power’s are as if im one of the charmed sisters, asked where’s my broom to which I said I park it in the garage after I fly across the sky at night, to not let them have the last laugh.

  • I personally find there is a stereotype that were all evil. Its usually Christian’s I’ve found to be the most fearful.

  • People think its like the movies.

  • That we were pointy hats and have warts on our face.

  • The assumption because someone practices the craft we will hex you. :woman_mage:

Been told I’m weird for being a witch and that wicca is a cult. :grimacing:

What did you think about witches and magick before you began your magickal journey?

  • I always believed in the fae and as a child would walk around my garden trying to find them and look for any signs of Magick. So when my dad told me about Wicca when I was 14( I’m now 31). It was an easy transition for me. I loved the idea of connecting with the universe and spellwork. Although I’ve been on and off the path. (mainly for having past partners pull me off, telling me its stupid, its not real, or its evil and get in my head alot) I wish I had the confidence and connection I once had ( although every now and then I feel a pull towards it.)

I was scared of ouija boards and scared of psychic vampires and evil spirits which I still am and not being able to defend myself properly.

Have any stereotypes influenced your own identity (around labels, titles, actions, dress, etc)?

I find myself wearing very small discreet jewellery as I dont want the judgement. I just don’t have the energy to educate ignorant judgmental people. I dont have the confidence as one of my friends, who is also a witch, wears as a badge of honour. She will proudly say even at a work meeting when asked what did you get up to, oh I did witchy stuff.

How do you feel about witchcraft and magick as a “trend” or “aesthetic” affecting how people view witches?

I feel it’s become a fashion style. It’s usually very gothic and I’ve rarely seen light colours, pinks and delicate pieces of clothing and jewellery for pagans. I think people get creeped out by the aesthetic, although I like the Morticia look myself.

Do you think stereotypes around witches are improving, getting worse, or staying the same over time?

Personally I’d say its more accessible now. When I was growing up it was a struggle to find any books on the topic at the libary or at the book stores in my area, and the bad looks you’d get for buying or picking it up was annoying. Now I can walk into Kmart and Big W ,here in Australia and there’s heaps of books easily accessible. So I guess there has to be increased demand right ? There’s also Youtube channels which wasn’t around when I was growing up (which would of been extremely helpful being I am a visual learner) But whenever i’m talking to people I’d say the general attitude is the same.


One of the biggest Challenges is properly answering this question:

 *"What do you think God is thinking about you?"*

Mote it Be,


I usually cringe at witch interviews but this was a good one. He seems very wise. Thanks for sharing :blush: x


Your welcome @kira-marie im glad you enjoyed it. :grin: :sparkling_heart: :sparkles: :infinite_roots:


That is so ironic "

Just last night my "male friend, ex-boyfriend, pain in the &*%$ friend, when talking about Witchy things, told me I was “weird” LOL. Blessed Be



I love your Weekly Witchy Challenge! You have brought up some old memories and the pictures are great.

Blessed Be,


The first thing my mind went to when doing this challenge was the stereotypes of witches in ghost-hunting shows. The really annoying one is usually Zac Baggins from Ghost Adventures. It bugs me because he will have a witch come on, Patti Negri, but she follows the Wiccan Rede and practices a more New Age style of magic. Then in other episodes where there are portals or things like that, he always blames it on the witches!

Like hello, sir, there are other entities and beings out there that can create portals. Sometimes portals just exist, and it isn’t always because of witches, sacrifice, or Satanists…

Even one of his crew members has a tattoo of a pentacle :pentacle_tarot: so they should know that the stereotype they’re perpetuating of witches being the ones to cause those hauntings is harmful (and annoying). I swear, one day if I ever get the guts to do it, I’d love to interview him for my podcast and ask him what the heck his issue is :joy:


@MeganB I’ve never seen the show. Yes this would annoy me too. It did remind me of a line from Stardust. “If you don’t return my Tristan exactly as he should be , I’ll be your personal poltergeist,”. Maybe this Zac will get his comeuppance one day. :ghost:


Hopefully so :joy: I have to try and remember that it’s all TV, and even if their investigations are real, a lot of it is dramatized because TV ratings matter :woman_shrugging:



I’m taking a scattered approach to this one.

When I was maybe early teens I saw one of the many teenager finds out they have magic abilities movies, I wish I could remember the name of it but I only remember a girl goes into a bookshop and finds out she had has magic abilities. It was then that I knew that magical ability was real and that I had it. I just had to wait to find out and be trained. I insisted to my bio mother to the point of it becoming a not good situation but I stuck to it because I knew that was who I was.

When I worked in retail as a cashier I had a few customers becoming very upset when their order came to $6.66 or $13. I know there were more but I can only recall 2. One was sweet older lady, very proper in dress and manner. When I told her that her order totaled $6.66, she shrieked and ran out of the store. There was another who’s order came to $13 even, he very calmly picked something from the impulse counter and happily payed for his order and went about his day.

I just pulled up part of a memory about a conversation my Grandmother had with someone, I don’t remember who. The conversation was about her street number being 77. The person made a comment that ended up with them trying to convince my Grandmother how terrible and unlucky the number was. My Grandmother very much disagreed.

This is the Grandmother whom I suspect to have had so called Witch Blood. I guess that could be considered another kind of stereotype. There are some who think those born to a family of Witches or who can trace back to a Witch are the only true Witches or that a person born to a Witch is not only a Witch but born true Witch but that a so called Born Witch is born with complete knowledge and powers and just needs to grow into and learn how to use them.

I believe none of that, when I heard that was a thing I only started trying to find a connection through her blood line based on a growing list of what you could call circumstantial evidence purely because I find it interesting.

Nothing thing really changes. The fears go back hundreds of years and will continue.

I never wear anything that would imply Witch. I was told by my bio mother that people would see me as evil. I’m still struggling a lot with that. She taught me that what people think of you is everything. “Always pretend that someone is watching, that way you will always be at your best” That definitely doesn’t help but I’m about at the point that I’m going to put on tight jeans, my kick ass black boots, my Witches be Crazy T-shirt, my Hecate ring and triple moon Pentacle necklace and call it good


Aww no it totally sucks when we’re accepting of others are others aren’t reciprocal. Blessed be x