šŸ“” Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Your Sacred Book

Weekly Witchy Challenge for Amethyst:

Well, I wasnā€™t sure what to post here, but Iā€™ll give it a go. See, I canā€™t read my own writing, even before my hands started shaking. So my BOS is on my computer. Not very fun but practical. I can read what Iā€™m writing! LOL. So hereā€™s a pic of my BOS on my computer, and one of the pics I use to meditate to, that I consider the front of my BOS.

Then there are my book books. I have oodles of witchcraft books stuffed in two shelves of my bookcase. And I do mean stuffed.

Then there are my Kindle books. Iā€™m a book dragon, I like to hoard books so I buy instead of using Kindle Unlimited. Itā€™s more fun that way. Hereā€™s a pic of some of my books. There are some mystery and fantasy mixed in but most of my books are witchcraft books. I have over four hundred last I counted.

So thatā€™s my book hoard. Someday Iā€™ll figure out how to share my Kindle books with yā€™all and everyone can enjoy!


Challenge entry!

I started out with just a binder and regular paper, now i have handcrafted my own :heart: with so much love time and effort I still need to consecrate it as I just finished it this morning! And I also have a big book that I am working on finishing as well. But for now I present to you my mini BOS


I love the way you did your book of shadows @Amethyst when I start mine it will probably be the same way and I love your cover it looks like the horned God holding the Goddess itā€™s beautiful. :sparkles::sparkling_heart::full_moon::waning_gibbous_moon::last_quarter_moon::waning_crescent_moon::new_moon::waxing_crescent_moon::first_quarter_moon::waxing_gibbous_moon:


Great job @jessie4 all that time and effort definitely paid off I love your cover. :sparkles::crystal_ball::white_heart:


@Amethyst Fabulous, I love your bookshelf, all the books, all the flowers. So pretty. I love my kindle too. Itā€™s good to be able to carry your library, try getting all that collection in the boot of your car. :joy::sparkling_heart:


@jessie4 A beautiful book. Really lovely :sparkling_heart:


Challenge Entry

In a little over 4 months I have managed to collect an amazing amount of books and entries for my BOS. I would advise anyone starting here at spells8 to get a ream of paper and a couple of sets of ink cartridges. :sweat_smile:

My books/BOS are not nearly as pretty as the ones you all have pictured. Most are 3 ring binders with the printed sheets from here. No hand written or beautiful pictures/drawings. So I will not burden you with pictures of them. I have accumulated some 20+ books on magick and the practice thereofā€¦ Moving towards green, traditional and animism.

I have a general BOS with Wiccan Wisdom, moon, incense, divination, runes, candles, crystals, and Sabbats in their own little tabs. AND separate binders for spells, Herb and green, and several on herbs in general as they would not fit in my BOS.

As far as a ā€œSacred Book.ā€ I have some that may not be magickal, bur have been greatly influential in my life.

Seven Arrows Hardcover ā€“ January 1, 1972

by Hyemeyohsts Storm (Author)


and the trilogy by Danial Quinn


My magic is greatly influenced by the life and ideas that formed my previous 70 years of my life. I hope that the craft will influence and help in my next portion. :purple_heart:

Love and Light


@Shadeweaver Not long and youā€™ve got lots of books, Spells8 has great BOS pages and they look fabulous, I have printed sheets stuck in my notebook too. Wishing you all the best in this part of your life. :sparkling_heart:


Weekly Challenge Entry

I am a fairly new witch and I love journals! I am not even going to show them all, because itā€™s embarrassing. I used to use different journals for different things. I had a BOS, a Book of Mirrors, a Tarot book, and a regular journal. Iā€™m ADD, and I was just confusing myself, so I got a 600 page journal that I could use for everything.

I wasnā€™t going to use this for the challenge, but it doesnā€™t look like my binder is going to come in for the next few days.I am not an artist, so I use stickera and pretty paper to decorate it. No one has ever seen inside my book, but here you go.


Sorry, my kitty is chewing onmy lemon grass corn dolly. Lol!


@jan_TheGreenWitch Housefire, thatā€™s awful, and scary. Glad you were safe. And weā€™re able to share here. This is a nice challenge. Blessed be lovely :sparkling_heart:


@Ostara Oh your books are very artistic, I love them. And I love your kitty :joy::sparkling_heart:


Thank you, that was the same book. My kitty is a booger, and thatā€™s what hubby named her. Lol!


Thank you! I found the picture on the internet, itā€™s called Pan and Selene. I thought it was beautiful.

Thanks, @tracyS! I had to switch to Kindle otherwise Iā€™d be overrun by books! LOL!

@Ostara your book is gorgeous! Just what Iā€™d want mine to look like, only I could never do it. LOL!


Yes you could. Just do it without worrying that you will mess it up. I have plenty of mess ups in mine, and Iā€™m fine with it. Lifeā€™s not perfect and neither are we. Itā€™s your sacred book and mine makes me happy. Thatā€™s the purpose of it. :open_book:


These look really amazing! Love them!


Thank you Alan, I love yours too!

I love having the pages flip out and the little envelopes with stuff. I have dried herbs, flowers, candle wax from spells and even put essential oils on the pages so the book smells amazing when I open it. It really is a sacred book to me.


Challenge Entry:

Ok so I had a BOS/ grimoire whatever you want to call it ( to me the label doesnā€™t matter itā€™s a witchy book of knowledge so it makes no difference to me ) with a stack of spells 8 pages in it and other things that would I find interesting but since moving house itā€™s in a box I canā€™t get to so Iā€™m starting again.

At the moment Iā€™m reading a book called everyday witchcraft by Deborah Blake so on my Google drive I have a word document I write notes down I think are useful and spells I write a credit so I know itā€™s her spell next to it.

I have a YouTube playlist of videos I find useful such as an egg cleanse intepretating video etc .

I watch witchy YouTubeā€™s. And refer to this forum etc as well

I also have Ebooks on my tablet as well as itā€™s more discreet, also allows me to keep my books regardless if I move or how much space I have etc.

At present I donā€™t really have anything to show otherwise Iā€™d share pictures.

Iā€™m currently doing the green witch course on the spells 8 website.

Canā€™t remember who said it in a previous entry but I too have ADHD symptoms but have not had a formal diagnosis just a screening with a psychcologist who wants me to have further testing. Would explain my million half read books etc and why my witchy practice and studying isnā€™t as consistent as Iā€™d like. Iā€™m a very visual learner and reading witchy books Iā€™ve always struggled to focus.

One of the reasons I actually feel Iā€™ve learnt so much from spells 8 as itā€™s easier to grab my attention, itā€™s easily explained and the cast along really help to stay focused and do tasks correctly as it was hard to visualize an excersise I havenā€™t seen done before i.e calling quarters. The courses motivate me to study as itā€™s so satisfying seeing that tick and getting badges etc for participating in courses, witchy activity challenges etc.


@kira-marie The courses are great right. I love the little videos with each lesson, it really helps. And the meditations. Your entry is lovely. :sparkling_heart:


Challenge Entry

Hello! It appears that I jumped back on just in time to take part in this challenge! I wonā€™t talk about my official grimoire as Bry mentioned it in the original post. I will talk about my three most important books that I use.

First up, my personal journal. I found this really pretty purple tree of life journal that is refillable. I journal in this everyday. I bounce between shadow prompts, general thoughts, and other writings.

I start each day with my affirmations. As Iā€™ve done more research on chakras, I realized that I have only been using root chakra affirmations, which is great but I wanted more balance. So I rewrote my affirmations to have one per chakra.

I am happy and healthy.
I feel loved and accepted.
I do my best everyday.
I love myself as I am.
I speak my truth.
I see the beauty in everything.
I know I am loved.

I then write/say my daily mantra and proceed into that morningā€™s journaling. At night, I write the following:

  • 1+ dislike about the day
  • 3+ likes about the day
  • 3 things I am grateful for
  • 1+ thing to be proud of
  • Any resentments that occurred during the day & processing them
  • 1+ ways I can improve and/or maintain myself (health, emotions, etc)

Next is my Tarot journal. I use Writual Societyā€™s 3-card journal. This is my second year using it and I absolutely love it. I have gushed on it before so I wonā€™t go into too many details here. You have pages that contain enough space to record your readings and interpretations for each day of the week (1 week covers 2 pages), monthly spreads, new and full moon spreads, and a yearly forecast spread.

Lastly, is my working Book of Shadows. This is a three-ring binder with dividers that contain various printouts, trial spells, and notes. I am able to add and remove as needed without marking up my permanent one. Once I finalize a spell or determine I want to record information, I add it to my permanent one.

Iā€™ve loved reading about everyoneā€™s sacred books. They are all amazing.