What are good offerings to Apollo?

I have been interested in worshiping and maybe working with Apollo and I was wondering what are some good offerings.
Blessed be!


Hi :wave: I don’t personally work with Apollo but we do have a few posts on Apollo that may help you within this post:

β†’ Greek/Roman Deities Master Post

There is a link to an external site on Apollo also contained in there too! I hope that helps you! :revolving_hearts:


I’d say lemons and bay leaves. Lemons are good for you and look like sunshine. Sunflowers. Poetry dedicated to Him. Hope this helps you a bit.


Hello @ann6,

I see that Siofra shared some great resources on Apollo and Amethyst offered some wonderful offering ideas- if I can add in a few additional offerings for you to consider, I’d also suggest:

Good luck and blessed be, Ann!


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