What are your favorite ways of cleansing and releasing?

Thanks Crystal. I appreciate this. When you say a cross roads does that mean a intersection of two streets? I am city witch… :night_with_stars::broom::woman_mage::magic_wand:


Thank you @starborn i will think about using that for my bath this week


Thanks @john1. I love a shower to clease too usuallywith salt scrub too if has been a rough day. I am an air sign but have some placements in Scorpio :scorpius:. I think this where my love of water comes from.


This is going to sound crazy, but I take my yoga mat (it’s waterproof) and I just sit outside under my apple tree in the rain. Just sit and zone out. Feels great. :sparkling_heart:

I’m a fire sign, probably explains why I’ve always got a candle lit when I’m home (fire cleanse) :grin:


I am drawn to swim in the ocean - it really works for me xx


I am an Earth sign [Capricorn] with a fire horoscope [Aries] I walk with bare feet on the earth and ask her to draw all the negativity in the soul and body or I sit in front of a candle looking at the fire and feel the flame draw all the heavy when I have it on me and it burns… :pentagram: :two_hearts:


@celineelise yes that’s exactly what I mean :+1: :pink_heart: :hekate_wheel:


There have been some great suggestions already shared (and I second/third/etc the spiritual bath or shower - that’s such a great way to cleanse mind, body, and spiritual all in one!).

Personally, I’ve found that physically getting away from the area where I was feeling bad energy helps a lot. This could be a person, a group, my computer or TV (like if I’ve been watching the news - it really makes me feel down), a place, etc - anywhere or anything that has been causing or nurturing anxiety or bad energy. Just up and get away from it.

Going outside into the fresh air surrounded by trees or at the ocean is like hitting the reset button. It helps me clear my mind, relax, and release any emotions or tension.

Then, after the reset, I can usually go back with a clearer mind and calmer heart. Sometimes I’ll need to do a follow-up smoke cleanse or sound cleanse in the space too. This is as easy as lighting some incense and wafting it through the area, or playing some relaxing music :notes: :incense:

I hope you can find some great new methods and tools to add to your practice! :sparkles:

Good luck and blessed be!


If I have excess energy in my body, dancing it off can feel so good :heart_on_fire:

Getting back to balance… I like to sit down, visualize roots reaching deep into the Earth, releasing everything that I don’t need and drawing back gentle nourishment… then visualize a pillar of light, a channel to the Source, filling me with light and burning off whatever toxicity might be left, and the two energies meeting at my heart center… just sitting with it for a while, and taking that feeling with me when I open my eyes again. :hugs: :sparkling_heart:


All of the above! I adore Yoga with Adriene and she has some great videos for grielf, anger, forgiveness, detox… Here is a link to those videos

I use the Balance App for meditation and they have great meditations for this as well!

Cleansing baths/showers, cord cutting, calling back energy are some of the spells and rituals I use.


A crossroad is an intersection between two or more roads, or sidewalks, trails, or footpaths. As constructed or as deconstructed as you would like (or can find).


Thank you for explaining it better @Artemisia :+1::grin::heartpulse: :infinite_roots:


For me it would be bath with basil water.
Its washes all the negativity off me.
Sometimes When i cant bath. I would meditate or burn some incense sticks



Great question!

I find I cleanse/process by:
-picturing white light or sometimes gold washing over me, thru me, surrounding me. Then I ground myself.
-go outside and take some deep breathes and just pause. I imagine letting go in each out breath.
-pull a tarot card or two in how I can shift my energy/process what has happened.
-play music
-asking for guidance in my dreams if I am still bothered by nighttime
-energy work


Thanks for the excellent explanation

And one more question,. Is it important for it to be a place that you don’t visit regularly? Because can you then pick up the energy again?
Thank you so much in advance for your wisdom!


@celineelise I would take a cleansing bath or shower. I just posted about it…


I would also recommend some grounding!


That is an interesting question! I suppose I could see an argument either way depending on what spell or ritual you are doing, or your intent.

Familiar places we frequent have a different energy than new and unknown locations. I think if I were doing a spell that was about letting go of the past or forging into the unknown, I would choose a less frequent place or even a new location entirely.

If I was looking to ground and release and needed familiar comfort and support, I would choose a location I frequent that has good positive energy.

Then there’s the third pragmatic thought, what’s convenient to you and your location? Where will you actually have time and energy to go?


Honestly, the thing that helps me the most is journaling. Getting the thoughts out of my head and onto paper helps keep my head uncluttered. Then if you need to let go, you can write a letter and burn it in a ritual release.


One other thing is you might want to cleanse yourself and your home. You can smoke cleanse (practice fire safety! I almost caught my house on :fire:! Someone else had something similar happen. Only takes one ember! You can use sound, sprays, and other smokeless ways