What is chaos magick?

@Wandering_free I adore the beastie :green_heart: (my nickname for Loki) and had amazing journeys with getting to know him and finally making an oath with him (fulltrui). If you’re interested here’s the links to some of the stuff I’ve written and other information on the beastie :grin:
Loki to invite in or no? :warning: Alcohol is mentioned in this post
Gods and Technology (Warning: :warning: Sensitive Topics Included! Near Death Experience)
Fulltrui or not to Fulltrui
:triple_moon_goddess: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Deities & Deity Worship (post 8)
Loki’s Tales

If you want a book list let me know. He’s wonderful to work with, and very real. If you start showing an interest, he can get very enthusiastic and become active in your life (as in supernatural things happen :rofl: ). But he’s not like the Disney version. He’s loyal, protective, fun, and an amazing guide and tutor. He is also mischievous, unauthodoxed, sometimes a little daunting and does push all your buttons and challenge you. If you thrive in chaos, you’ll thrive in his energy ( but it can be exhausting :person_facepalming: sometimes). I love him, and will gladly promote him :partying_face: