šŸ¾ What is Your Spirit Animal? Take the Quiz!

I love how within the image it does kind of look like a phoenix from the cloudsā€¦ so perfect image for the result of the quiz for you! Absolutely with the Leo :leo: & fire all coming together for you! :revolving_hearts:


Welcome back, @kimberly22! :heart: Iā€™m with Susurrus- that is a gorgeous picture of the sky, and I can see the fiery phoenix there in the clouds! Wow! :heart_eyes: :phoenix:

It sounds like your result resonated- thank you for giving the quiz a go! :blush:


Interesting! I redid the quiz just now, originally I had gotten Reptilian. This time though, I got Canine. Reading the information for that one, I can agree with itā€¦ Iā€™ve been trying my hardest to work on self care & associated things, along with relationshipsā€¦ Plus 1 of my deities has a canine connection & I know both of them have been around & putting me through the ringer :rofl:


Could not finish quiz it is missing the sheep for what your birth year falls under lol :rofl:


Although I already know my spirit animal is the raven :raven: I thought it would be fun to take this. Hereā€™s what came up

Dogs are often called ā€œmanā€™s best friendā€ for their loyalty and devotion to their chosen people. Although strong on their own, both wild and domestic canines are most powerful when surrounded by their friends and family.

Like your spirit animal, you are dependable and trustworthy. You have a good heart and try to help your loved ones whenever you can. The people in your life are truly blessed to have you at their side! :dog2:

Your canine spirit animal is particularly strong when it comes to assisting with Self Care Work and Relationship Spellsā€“ call on their help to mend bonds or create strong new ones! :handshake:


Ohh this happened to me, too. Depending on the source, itā€™s either Sheep or Goat ā€“ both work for the same year! :blush:


Got it now ohh this is interesting :thinking:


Your spirit animal is aā€¦ PISCINE :whale:
The world of the piscine is deep, dark, and mysterious- but those who are able to go beneath the surface will find authenticity and peace. The world of the deep is not for the faint of heart, and like your piscine spirit animal, you are able to look past flimsy appearances and see things (and people) for what they truly are.

Those with a member of the piscine family as their spirit animal are highly intuitive and in touch with other worlds. They have a creative, colorful mind and can approach problems in flexible ways. In tune with Divine Feminine Energy and the Water Element, it is likely that you have a natural gift for healing as well :fish:

Your piscine spirit animal can be an invaluable boost for further developing your intuition, casting Water Elemental Magick, and healing spells.


Now that I have a minute to read it. This is Def true if me. That I see through people in a way. I canā€™t wait to develop my natural gifts. I always thought my career would involve helping others in some way


@Susurrus Nice! I can see how many of the positive qualities of a canine spirit animal align with you :dog: :wolf: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Devenne Apologies for the confusion, Megan is right about the Goat/Sheep being the same! Itā€™s tricky, especially since they are unique Zodiacs in Western astrology (Aries/Capricorn) :sweat_smile: Thanks for giving the quiz a try, Iā€™m glad you got a result that resonated with you! :blue_heart: :blush:

@Winter Awwoooo! Another canine spirit to join the pack! :wolf: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Perhaps itā€™s a secondary spirit animal, or perhaps you just have some powerful pawsitive traits that resonate with this type of spirit! Either way, thank you very much for giving the quiz a try, Winter :heart: :grinning:


A fellow piscine! :black_heart:

It took me a moment, too. :joy:

I hope we both find such careers someday. :people_hugging: :black_heart:


@BryWisteria Now that I think about it. I always fall in weird in between categories with lots of things it seems. Glad to be able to participate with all of you. It is such an honor. I heard a voice in my head yesterday that said ā€œyou are all warriors.ā€ Strong and powerful. I honestly wish I would have wrote it down. There was like one more sentence. This made me think of our coven. It was interesting. It came out of nowhere on a lil road trip with my partner to Michigan.

@starborn Ohh :scream: Your a Piscine too! I didnā€™t think there would be many more. I had never heard of that before. Lol. There is literally like so much to do everyday. Then on top of it I have so much of this I want to participate in. Also Iā€™ve been meticulously reading. Honestly jumping all over the place. There are just so many topics and things to learn. Iā€™m tired :laughing: yet I canā€™t stop :stop_sign: we will manifest the career we are made for when itā€™s time. I have faith. Itā€™s cool :sunglasses: you are the same . I grew up with my grandparents mostly. You could not keep me from them. They would give the shirt off their back, money out of their pockets to help anyone. They raised me that way. For that I am grateful.


@Devenne @starborn
Iā€™m a piscine too!


@Devenne @Sivonnah Fish friends! :fish: :tropical_fish: :blowfish: :black_heart:

Iā€™m the :blowfish:! Because Iā€™m full of too many words. You two can fight between yourselves over who is more tropical for :tropical_fish:. :joy:

Your grandparents sound lovely, @Devenne. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Sivonnah @starborn

Fish :tropical_fish: :fish: are friends not food. just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.
Fish friends unite :smile:


An empowering message- and itā€™s true! We are all warriors :muscle: And although we are all fighting our unique battles for our own dreams, it sure helps to be fighting alongside such great company. Victory is shared- we are all winning together! :raised_hands: :blush: :heart:

Thank you for sharing, Devenne! :sparkles:


Always happy to contribute!!!I love being a part.


@Devenne :hugs: :two_hearts:


it says ā€œtypeforum is now closedā€ how to take the quiz


It looks like the Spells8 TypeForm account has reached its monthly quota! :astonished: It should reset soon. When it does, the quiz will be available again!