What's your Sun Sign? - The Zodiac ⭐

Sagittarius that’s me, and that’s the breadth and depth of my astrology :person_facepalming::joy:.

True, I think that’s summed up in one word, Chaos😂

Also true, I want to know everything now and understand it perfectly, but this rarely happens :rofl:. Love new ideas even if they shake my foundation a bit. And no, not one to give up easily, fall flat on my face yes, frequently, but give up, that takes alot to make me give up. :grin:

This peaked my interest, because I’ve never been orthodox, even when I was a Christian, it was part of a fringe group, not the mainstream, and now I’m Loki’s, also outcast amongst Heathens. :thinking:, so maybe this is where my lovely Beastie manipulated things me wonders? :person_shrugging:
I would agree with the other common characteristics though, but the honesty bit, lands me in trouble sometimes. :joy:

Yes, antics (chaos again, I drive people nuts with some of my foolishness :grin:) fanaticism, and dogmatism probably, but Loki is expanding my horizons and helping me accept things,( like him being the Devil , that’s priceless! Hail Loki :rofl:) that I previously would’ve found difficult.

Going to add Loki to that. His special date is December 13. :partying_face:


Welcome to the forum @joanne1 :wave: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You’re absolutely right on this one! Astrology is a funny thing because what we usually see information about is our Sun Sign. That’s great and everything, but then many people (myself included) tend to forget about the rest of our natal chart :sweat_smile: and astrology is not my strong suit at all, so I can’t go into too much detail. But our natal chart and experiences definitely shape the way we are. :heart:

hahah I’m like you! I relate to a lot of my sun sign but when I did my full natal chart, I also related to a lot of my moon and rising signs. It’s been a while since I’ve gone through the reading and looked at it. I’ll have to do that again sometime soon!

And for what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re dull at all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You’re not alone there :joy: I like your interpretations for your astrology, though, and how you’ve connected certain things. Again, it’s making me want to go back through my natal chart and read it over again!