What's your thoughts

Is this what they call a low engery flame?

Or a spell not working ( on the low flame candle)


I can’t say. I think some candles are just more chill than others. But that’s just me. I try not to worry about anything. :laughing:

Just out of curiosity, what was the purpose? :smile:


When I get a low flame, I look closely at the wick in the candle flame. Usually, the wicking has melted into a clump or knot at the top, keeping the flame from standing tall. This is a fault in production, not magic. Cutting off the tip of the wick doesn’t usually help because the next burn has the same effect. It will affect only one candle once in a while.

Another possible cause of a low flame is humidity in the air or low oxygen, but that would affect both candles, not just one. At any rate, both conditions would cause a lack of personal energy and reduced magical outcome.

Once physical causes have been eliminated, then figure out if there is a magickal cause.


@john1 don’t worry some candles burn like this with a low flame… :hekate_wheel: :pentagram:


Never heard this. I don’t base the success of my magick on flames or smoke. I believe before , during, and after in the success of my spell. And if it doesn’t work it wasn’t the right time or meant to be. Somethings can tsk ealot of time before they come into effect. We don’t get see what’s at work behind the scenes. Just keep faith


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