When does the spell start?

When does the spell start?

I take a lot of time designing a spell, from researching correspondences, picking the tools, the timing, etc.

Recently I was reading Kate West’s book: The real witches’ craft: magical techniques and guidance for a full year of practicing the craft, 2005. She states:

“Many Witches find that the process of designing a spell actually starts the magic even though they may have intended to perform the magic at a later point.”

She goes on to say that to give maximum impetus to the spell, she would still go through the act of magic. This is another reason why it is essential to think through your magic very carefully before you start; otherwise, you could set things in motion which you subsequently want to change. Technically speaking you could hex someone by accident, but you have to be in balance in order to work magic and you are unlikely to be, if in the grip of anger or outrage.

Sooooo, I was wondering if anyone has found that the magick started before they actually did the spell?


I’ve always felt the magick starts with the intention. As soon as you set your intent on doing something, the wheels are set in motion. As your preparing your tools, words, what ever you need, you are thinking about what you are going to do, so your intentions are being set there as well. So I would say, yes, the spell starts as soon as the intent is set. The more you do to get ready the stronger the spell is, and during the actual casting of the spell is when it will be at its strongest. But I do feel you can sometimes feel or see results just by setting your intentions and setting the process in motion.


I agree with @Mystique whole heartedly. There have been times that I had spells come true while reading about them, without even setting up or focusing my energy.


That’s a great thing to ponder on - always love some magickal theory! :grin:

I have to second (third? :laughing: ) what Mystique and Georgia said.

I think Mystique worded it beautifully here:

I strongly believe that magick is powered and directed by our intention. It doesn’t always have to be conscious intention, but that’s another cauldron to stir - the point is that what our minds put into motion begin to manifest or prepare to manifest, even before the actions of the spell.

In an analogy, I’d say that our intention is equivalent to loading a ship with necessary supplies or filling the rocket with fuel, and that the spell itself is that grand launch - into the sea or into outer space :ship: :rocket:


I like that. Well worded!:purple_heart:


Thank you, Georgia! :heart:


That’s what I hoped you would say! :smiley:

Wow, that is power! :witch_hat:

Me too, a little over a month to go in my year and a day, but I feel I need another year with all the theory!

Thank you ladies! It is nice to bounce these theories off others with more experience. I read a lot but I sometimes wonder if the author is going for sensationalism just to sell books, or is just a prolific writer.


I’ve got 35+ years under my witchy hat and I’m still constantly learning and growing. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:
I love learning and expanding my craft. Joining this coven has really helped with that. I have learned about so many different areas of the craft I never really knew existed!


I’m not sure if this will work yet, it says early access but it talks about advancing your craft and spellwork :person_shrugging:


I won’t lie, I haven’t taken the time before to watch one of her videos all the way through (blame ADD :woman_shrugging:t3: ) but holy heck, do I just love her! What a wonderful video, so well put together and informative!


They’re a very good teacher. :grin:


Thanks Tracy, the video worked. I really connected with her idea of her favourite tree, an oak. When I moved to my present location 33 years ago, I planted an oak sapling that was about a foot long and now it is over 30 feet high and recently gave me a dead branch for a wand. I have been collecting plants in local wild places as well.
The tip of acknowledging the spirit in everything resonated with me as well because my family tree is 50% Finnish/Sami and I have been trying to find more info on animism and shamanism in northern Finland.
I have seen a couple of her videos but I must check out some others!
Thanks again. :heart:


I’m glad it worked. Your tree sounds amazing :partying_face:.

Tracing ancestry is hard. I’m still tracking down, or trying to track down the Saxon witchcraft traditions, :face_with_monocle:, not easy. All the best in your searches. :green_heart:


I am inspired by her and this video (thank you thank you for sharing this, I never would have found it on my own). I absolutely love the idea of a bio-regional practice as I’m already paying attention to the birds, stones, trees and plants in my area. I may have to think more deeply about how to weave the two together. Sorry, I’m trying not to take this too off topic!


You are not off topic. The topic is evolving. I started it to provoke thought and that is what is happening! :heart:


It really is a thought-provoking topic. Something I sort of take for granted there’s a simple answer but then when I stop to think about it, I realize it’s more complex. I hadn’t given it much thought before this thread. Thank you for bringing this topic up! It’s been a lovely way to expand my definitions of things and journal at the same time. Perfect activity for a lazy rainy day! :green_heart:


You will love their channel. I’ve learnt so much. :green_heart: