Now this is interesting, I realized it isn’t the first time coming across that rune for me!
Also I found that it’s the rune number 22, a powerful Master number in numerology, and my destiny number, which resonated with me quite a bit when I got it
Revisiting it, this especially stood out
The risks with the grand plans may be too much for you and you may prefer to be more practical in your endeavors as per expression number 4 (22 reduces to 4). This can lead to frustration because you feel called to greater things but can’t quite seem to get there
The frustration is real…
You are headstrong and driven. However, this brings a risk of becoming too domineering to the point of losing the support of others. Remember that your goal is to create, not to destroy.
I have a pretty spicy emotional and mental landscape, and that’s made connection with similar spicy deities such as Lilith, Kali and Shiva work out well It feels that something is shifting however, I’m being called to be more patient and nurturing
Exploring this side more, maybe some new deity connections will be made…