Greetings to All
A while ago, someone (I think it was @tracyS) suggested I do a post on my experiences with witches runes, so here it is!
It started in December with my tarot reading - one of her suggestions to me was to use runes, so of course I went off and began to research runes. Yet the more I read, no matter how fascinating, it just didn’t resonate with me…when you connect with something, you know about it, right?
I wondered if it wasn’t for me, but she was pretty clear in the reading, so I kept researching, and then I thought that it might help if I had my own set. I started looking around and couldn’t find a set that called to me. Then I saw this…
Huge lightbulb went off, my insides were fizzy and I knew that was my set. But as I looked at them, I realised that the markings were different to the traditional runes, and there were less of them. I went back to Google, and that is how I discovered witches runes.
I like them for many reasons, the first being the simplicity of the images; they’re easily recognisable, and like tarot, there are different depths to explore, from basic to deep. For example, with tarot, you can look at a spread, you can check the elements, zodiac, numerology, etc…and you can also look at the cards, are there repeating numbers, symbols, suits, colours, features, yes/no, etc. This can obviously be applied to Elder Futhark Runes too, but for me, the images themselves don’t need to be deciphered. I also like that they all resonate with elements of the Craft which are obviously familiar - sun, moon, etc. There are 13 in total: Sun, Moon, Flight, Rings, Romance, Woman, Man, Harvest, Crossroads, Star, Waves, Scythe, and Eye.
Just like tarot, sometimes I do a full spread, sometimes I’ll use a crystal or tarot card too if I have a specific intention or question, or sometimes I’ll draw one. Even though I didn’t end up with the set I wanted - that’s another story - they are extremely intuitive, accurate, and subjective. Like every other divination tool, like almost everything in the Craft, it also matters what it brings up for you - everyone has their own meanings outside of the general consensus.
Out of all the research I did, I think these 2 are the most helpful as a starting point, in case anyone else is interested:-
Be warned, this has an extra long list of vendors with a “legitimate interest” - but I’m the kind of person who will go through every single company listed and turn off their interest. Only because it makes me feel better, not because I think that will stop them. It does have a good overview of the runes, so it was totally worth it.
This one also lists extra information associated with each rune, such as element, chakra, yes/no.
I also use an app (of course) for when I’m on the go
So that’s about it I think, I’m still learning obviously, but it has been a beautiful journey so far!
x Blessed Be x