Witches Runes

Greetings to All :wave:t4:

A while ago, someone (I think it was @tracyS) suggested I do a post on my experiences with witches runes, so here it is!

It started in December with my tarot reading - one of her suggestions to me was to use runes, so of course I went off and began to research runes. Yet the more I read, no matter how fascinating, it just didn’t resonate with me…when you connect with something, you know about it, right?

I wondered if it wasn’t for me, but she was pretty clear in the reading, so I kept researching, and then I thought that it might help if I had my own set. I started looking around and couldn’t find a set that called to me. Then I saw this…

Huge lightbulb went off, my insides were fizzy and I knew that was my set. But as I looked at them, I realised that the markings were different to the traditional runes, and there were less of them. I went back to Google, and that is how I discovered witches runes.

I like them for many reasons, the first being the simplicity of the images; they’re easily recognisable, and like tarot, there are different depths to explore, from basic to deep. For example, with tarot, you can look at a spread, you can check the elements, zodiac, numerology, etc…and you can also look at the cards, are there repeating numbers, symbols, suits, colours, features, yes/no, etc. This can obviously be applied to Elder Futhark Runes too, but for me, the images themselves don’t need to be deciphered. I also like that they all resonate with elements of the Craft which are obviously familiar - sun, moon, etc. There are 13 in total: Sun, Moon, Flight, Rings, Romance, Woman, Man, Harvest, Crossroads, Star, Waves, Scythe, and Eye.

Just like tarot, sometimes I do a full spread, sometimes I’ll use a crystal or tarot card too if I have a specific intention or question, or sometimes I’ll draw one. Even though I didn’t end up with the set I wanted - that’s another story - they are extremely intuitive, accurate, and subjective. Like every other divination tool, like almost everything in the Craft, it also matters what it brings up for you - everyone has their own meanings outside of the general consensus.

Out of all the research I did, I think these 2 are the most helpful as a starting point, in case anyone else is interested:-

Be warned, this has an extra long list of vendors with a “legitimate interest” - but I’m the kind of person who will go through every single company listed and turn off their interest. Only because it makes me feel better, not because I think that will stop them. It does have a good overview of the runes, so it was totally worth it.

This one also lists extra information associated with each rune, such as element, chakra, yes/no.

I also use an app (of course) for when I’m on the go

So that’s about it I think, I’m still learning obviously, but it has been a beautiful journey so far!

x Blessed Be x


Fantastic. I’m so glad you did this. This is great. We can all learn with you. :partying_face::green_heart:


Thanks for suggwsting it lovsly, I figured it was you lol. I’ll post from time to time, see where the journey takes us!

x Blessed Be x


It’s so funny that you posted this! :laughing: I’m actually finishing up a post for the main site on Witch’s Runes – hopefully complete with a printable! :joy:

I look forward to hearing more about your experience with them if you choose to share!


Oh wow! Well I look forward to checking that out!

x Blessed Be x


Did you consider putting this beautiful post in the Witchy Challenge? It would fit perfectly! Just let Bry know.


Hey @georgia, aww thank you, but I actually have something a little more radical in mind for the challenge lol… I’m going to align my chakra cause it’s out of wack, then I’m going to try it. I’ll post my attempt (successful or not lol) in the challenge thread.

x Blessed Be x


Greetings to All :wave:t4:

I’ve been searching for witch’s runes cards, for the longest time all I could find was traditional rune cards. But thank the Heavens that the browsing last night actually led to something good! I’d forgotten about it until I opened one of the many tabs in Chrome lol.

I found this on Etsy - no, I do not know why I didn’t go there first - and thought I’d share it in case anyone here is interested. They’re printables, and I think they’re gorgeous.

Look what I found on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1690914327/printable-witchs-runes-deck-i-witches?ref=share_v4_lx

x Blessed Be x

ETA: Sorry, forgot to add the pic doh


Ohhh those are pretty!! :heart_eyes:


I know right?! I feel like I’m that firefly in the animation movie A Bug’s Life - ‘Don’t look at the light!’ ‘I can’t help it, it’s so beautiful…zap’ :see_no_evil::rofl:

x Blessed Be x


Greetings to All,

I just had the most vivid, most intense visualisation of my life, I’m so excited and just a little bit freaked out which is progress for me! I can’t do intense intuition work then be surprised when it actually works…but I am…

When I woke up this morning, I had the feeling that someone was there, and they wanted to tell me something. Unfortunately, Kiana woke up coughing and I had to tend to her. I put on one of my games she likes to calm her, and while she was playing, she got a sticker.

Now this is what I call the Flight rune, because that’s what I see and what resonates with me.

That’s the meaning from an app I use. Anyway, I figured that I was right, that someone wanted to tell me something. Now I don’t know about y’all, but when I close my eyes I still see any light in the room which is distracting, either the room has to be blacked out or I cover my eyes…I use a sleep mask, they’re so comfy! Anyway, after putting K to sleep, first I aligned my chakra, then meditated on the Birds rune and stated I was open and ready to receive the message (famous last words lol), then I picked up my phone to jot things down, and I saw so many things, it was unbelievable, and they were so clear, like HD or something. Most of the things I saw were light, some were dark, illuminated from behind…it’s a little hard to explain. Anyway, here’s what I saw, minus the typos and personal stuff:

Okay, now that that’s outta my system, I’m off to try and decipher the rest. I’ve already found 1 symbol I couldn’t identify before, when I opened this post - it’s the shape on the crossroads rune card from the Etsy link. Interesting… and I’m really curious to figure out which tarot card I saw!

By the way, in case anyone is interested, the app I’m talking about is called Magic Amulets, but it’s actually a rather large database of symbols from many different cultures and religions, with history and meanings for all of them. It also has the traditional runes in there too, and how to utilise these symbols.

Now, to my BoM! Have a magickal day everyone!

x Blessed Be x


I know that feeling! :rofl: When I connect with something, it is soooo obvious.

Interesting observations and I love that set you picked. Now I want one! :smiley:


They are beautiful. I ordered a set of actual witch’s runes from a seller in the UK on Etsy. They are on their way as I type :slight_smile:


I know, right? That half of a split-second where you’re like ‘what was that’ and then it’s like ‘ah, okay, I can take a hint’ lol! And the set I picked is called polychrome, but I haven’t actually got it… first they sent a green set, then an orange set, so I kinda gave up trying lol. But I hold on to the hope that one day I will find a set that looks like the picture!

Yay, how exciting! Good luck on your journey, I hope you share it with us!

x Blessed Be x


I looked on Amazon but couldn’t find something that looked like it. Where should I go?

edit: Ooopps. That was an open ended invitation… where should I go to find a polychrome set? :rofl:


As I was typing I saw your edit @dan3 lol!

I found this Amethyst set on Amazon for £24:

I bought mine from Temu currently £9.26, but like I said, I don’t think it’s Polychrome in the picture, I think it’s Orange/Amber:


As for where to find an actual Polychrome set - not a clue. I scour the internet every few weeks, but I’ve had no luck so far. Not to mention I’ve been burned twice, so I’m starting to think there aren’t any Polychrome runes. Do let me know if you find any, and I’ll do the same!

x Blessed Be x


I saw that one and I’m an Amethyst geek. I’m thinking about it… I really want the other one. :smiley:

I will certainly do so. They have become my precious… my precious… :star_struck:


Yessssss that’s exactly how I felt from the second I saw them… I’m so glad I’m not the only one searching for them! :people_hugging:

x Blessed Be x


The set from Temu came and they are orange. However, when I pulled them out of the bag, the light was such that they looked pretty cool. I may stop looking.