Honestly, I couldnt get passed the first few pages & abandoned the book to start reading Hands of Light by: Barbara Brennan.
Hands of Light is a good book once you have the basics of the main 7 Chakras. This goes much more in depth & has some great exercises & meditations. There are also questions at the end of each chapter to review what it was about each time. I found that helpful because I have cognitive impairments.
It was written from her experoences point of view & scientists that have done research in the area of energy healing. It made me realize that some things that have been revealed much more intensely & some that hadn’t been used due to blockages, that I am highly emapthic in multiple ways & have been since I was younger but either thought it happened to everyone or didn’t know what it was I just did it. There are 2 other books by the same author in almost a trilogy regarding healing.