Mardon? Hmmm- that’s a new name for Mabon for me too! I did a quick Google search (curious to see which branch or area calls it by that name!) and nothing really comes up. I wonder if the author is from a smaller or lesser known branch of paganism?
Calling on the coven- any one else ever heard of Mabon being called “Mardon”? My curiosity is definitely piqued now!
And choices, choices! Can’t wait to see what book you pick next, Kasie
I hope your witchy things all went well, Krissie! Were you able to hunt down a good book you’d like to read?
Your words always have a lot of warmth, Benjamin- I didn’t find them judging at all! I wanted to express my full support for your wonderful reading endeavors
I also enjoy a wide range of media- from textbooks on cognitive science to shows that some would consider to be just for children (I’m still hooked on the Owl House- there’s a season two on the way!
) .
I know you are working hard as you recover. I think you will be back to reading books of every size and shape as your heart desires before long! Know that I am cheering you on each step of the way