Witchy Book Reviews! Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions I ~ XXV

Thank you. I wish i could spend more time reading it but i am caught up in this other fictional book called Gild By raven Kennedy which is giving me mixed emotions… It is addictive. Guess it is a nice change as i was so obsessed with House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas it made me a little book worm. For anyone wanting a sick read i suggest this last one. To me it has been life changing in the book world:




I just couldn’t get into it. Which is sad, it started out good and then went downhill. The bee thing, I’m not sure. It had you sitting next to their hive or something, I don’t remember really. But while I don’t mind bees, I don’t want to be that close to them either!

Two of the other rituals to get closer to your inner wild woman was a with ritual baths, which is lovely but with my leg and butt I can’t do. Plus I was going for GRR, not spa. You know? It was just too disappointing to continue.


@BryWisteria all Lisa Chamberlain books i have found are really good. She breaks everything down.


Ohhhhh the artwork looks really pretty- I’ll have to take a look! :star_struck: Thanks for the recommendation, @TheMuslimWitch! :blush:

You’re not alone on that one, my friend! :laughing: I mean, I guess you could go sit with bees if you were a beekeeper and you had your own hives that you knew well? But if I remember correctly from my beekeeping class, it’s pretty dangerous to go up to unknown hives, especially without the proper protective uniform- some hives can be aggressive :worried:

All in all, it sounds like one that just didn’t click- sorry, Amethyst! I hope the next book you choose will be a more enjoyable one for you :pray::blush:

Good to know! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I really enjoyed this one- you’re right about well she breaks things down. I have to say I really enjoy her style of writing and the friendly but wise tone she uses. I’ll definitely be looking into her other books! :books::grinning:


This sounds like a good read, and thanks for the review. I’d be interested to hear your take on Scott Cunningham’s Herbal book if you’ve had the chance to read it. I found his writing and work to be compelling and honest, like Buckland and Chamberlain.


Her book about Runes was really well done & helped me a lot when I did my deep dive :star_struck:


You’re very welcome, Wysteria! :heart:

I haven’t read the entirety of Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs (his book Wicca in the Kitchen is currently higher up on my to-read list!), but from the writing of his I’ve seen so far, I agree- he’s got such a great and very beginner-friendly way of presenting the information. Definitely one of the best witchy writers out there (at least in my opinion!) :books::blush:

She’s got a great way of breaking things down but still keeping it engaging :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve still runes on a kind of back-burner as I focus on other things, but I’m going to keep Runes for Beginners in mind for a future read! :grinning:


I haven’t heard of his Wicca in the Kitchen Thank you! :kissing_heart:
(Monday giggle) I will utilize my Cyber Monday Magickal powers and seek this out!


I utilized them myself… & now I’m on shopping lockdown :rofl: However, all of our shopping for the kids is done! My husband said he just has 2 things he would like to get for me, but they are from stores or can be done with the help of my son. I feel like we did good this year!

I’ll be seeking out a couple of books though… can’t not have books! My library likes new friends :joy:


@BryWisteria oh u know i have. Lol


@BryWisteria oh yes Chamberlain’s are really good. And Cunningham just has. Way to lay it all out for u in layman’s terms. Both definitely wonderful authors especially for beginners


@Wysteria_Norn i know u didnt ask me, but here is my review.

I think Cumminghams Herb Encyclopedia is an excellent book for beginners. However it doesnt have all of the info that i wanted. I still use it as a reference only when the info isnt available in my “herb bible”, and before i look it up online.


Hahaha that sounds like a great use of Cybe Monday Magick! :shopping: :sparkles::laughing: I hope you were able to find some great book deals, Wysteria!

I love this :joy::+1::books:

Agreed! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I just want to share some books i have read over the last 2 weeks where however they are not craft related, they are an excellent read. I originally brought the whole series knowing on instinct it would be good since i am into fictional fantasy when i am not reading books on the craft, a hobby which has taken up most of my time lately. This book series has taken my breath away at how closely i relate to it and atm while reading the third book, i have had just had a self-realisation at how similar my situation is in comparison to the book and the main character. I will not go into too much detail as i would say this book has some sensitive content and involves some violence and lets say more harmful topics, however, not to be confused that the book it solely based on these factors but a heads up to our more sensitive readers is in order. I understand how although the main character Auren who is a gold girl with literal gold skin lives in a castle and has everything cannot get past the fact she lives in a cage. It just hit me today and the book has made me question a lot about how i see my situation. I don’t want anyone to feel downed by my review but actually some mini-celebration is in order as i feel i have opened my eyes for the first time and seen my situation in it’s true light thanks to the books.
I too am spoilt to a degree but it does not come without giving up my freedom on everything from small desires to bigger ones so much so that i am left wondering is having everything really worth giving up every ounce of freedom?
Anyways i would like to know if anyone else has read The Plated Prisoner Series By Raven Kennedy.
I can say one true thing right now is that although my freedom is compromised, i am so grateful to be able to read and have had the education i have had, as there is many people out there at the moment who cannot even read and it is not their fault. I am glad i can at least have this freedom however small it may seem, as it gives me an opportunity to escape my own life even if it is just for a few moments a day. Thank the gods and goddesses and most of all i thank my mum and my country for giving me this opportunity.
I RATE THIS BOOK 20/10! If anyone wants to almost transparently read what i am talking about as i speak of an emotional rollercoaster this is a great series to get lost in :blush:


(I hope you don’t mind that rehomed your book recommendations out of the Book Club FAQ page to here in the current book discussion- this way, hopefully more folks will see it! Thanks for sharing it :heart:)

That’s an impressive rating- it sounds like The Plated Prisoner Series was a really great read for you, @TheMuslimWitch :raised_hands: :grinning:

I’m happy you found a book series you connected with- books and stories are really powerful things. I know I have a few books that pulled me out of dark times (or, at the very least, provided a bit of escape to weather some storms). Learning materials are great, of course, but I truly believe we need fantasy too :pray::heart::books:

Thanks again for sharing your recommendation- blessed be! :sparkles:


Mastering Magick

By Mat Auryn

Synopsis: Although this book can be considered a sequel to “Psychic Witch,” it works brilliantly as a stand-alone. Mr. Auryn writes about witchcraft with a reverence for the craft that is undeniable, and yet in an easy-going manner that equally allows for many traditions. His knowledge is impressive and he masters the subtleties of defining and explaining in detail without a hint of lecturing. His books are sought after because, simply, he’s a good writer - ‘his prose flows’.
Pertinence to Craft: In the vein of Waite, Cunningham and Buckland, this book, in my opinion, is a ‘must-read’ for all truly interested in crafting witchcraft. There are others as well, and Mr. Auryn’s work in amongst the best company.
Rating: 10/10
Worthy of Mention: Auryn provides the history of his topics, along with countless worthy spells. There were more than a few points that resonated with me. In particular, his impressions on spell direction and tarot suit meanings, amongst others. Where his practice may differ from others, as is extremely common in the craft, he provides open-minded interpretations that may help many as not all practices work equally for everyone.

Thank you


I didn’t realize his new book was out yet! :astonished: runs to put it on a wishlist


I’m just about finished with mine, and then I’ll put my review up. LOL! I got distracted this month by broken modems and shiny things.


I just signed up. And I’m about halfway done with my precious new book!


Book Title and Author: Llewellyn’s Little Book of Yule by Jason Mankey.

Status: Finished.

My overall rating of this book: 10/10 would read it again!

How does this book relate to my magical practice?: This book is good for people wanting to celebrate Yule.

My personal thoughts and opinions: This is a lovely little book full of information on the meanings behind the traditions of Yule, Saturnalia, and Christmas, and characters like Santa Claus, Krampus, and Belfana. Also, little spells to enhance your holidays right up until New Year’s!

An interesting quote from the book: “More than just a synonym for Christmas, Yule has reclaimed its place at the holiday table as a distinct and valuable religious and spiritual tradition. It’s celebrated by Pagans, Wiccans, and Heathens, and for many secularists and atheists, the Winter Solstice has become a viable alternative to Christmas.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes!