Witchy Wisdom: Share a Topic you’re learning about

I am still working on crystals, I have finished my first set of classes & now I am working on chakra energy because there is a part of the crystal healing that deals specifically with the chakras.

They touched on the 9 that they work with throughout the school, but I want to know what I can about the main 7 & then the other 2 that we worked with above the head & below the feet. I also learned there are micro chakras in your hands, so to sense the energy of a crystal & be more receptive, you should rub your hands together briskly for a few seconds before handling the crystal you are getting to know or are working with at the time. I am reading a Chakras for Beginners book in the current book club & I have also been learning to trust my intuition more through the inner work that I have been doing. There are actually books on 12 & there are around 114 chakras that have been identified.