Working with Anubis for the first time... scared šŸ˜³

Hello :wave::hugs:,

In the first week in July, I will be working with Anubis for the first time.

Any suggestions???

How should I begin my practice with Anubis?

How do I begin?

I donā€™t even have a proper ankh to set up for an altarā€¦ scared my altar will end up looking pathetic and then Anubis will be angry :triumph: :rage:ā€¦

Any suggestions??

Looking for guidanceā€¦


Iā€™m going to tag in @starborn and @Cosmic_Curiosity who maybe able to help. No need to be scared, deities are beautiful, all of them :green_heart:


Hi @megan4

Like Tracy said, there is no need to be scared. Deities will not expect perfection all of the time, especially when you first begin to work with them. When I started working with Osiris, I didnā€™t have a statue, only a picture I drew. Altars donā€™t need to be elaborate, just functional for you and you deity to communicate and work together .

Take a look at this post I did about Anubis a few weeks ago. It gives an overview of him and his mythology, but also epithets you can call him by, suggestions for altars, offerings, correspondences etc.

Hope this helps but if you have any questions, just ask and Iā€™ll be happy to help.

Blessed be



I agree. You technically donā€™t need much of anything to start talking to a deity. Just be yourself.


I also agree with this. Thereā€™s nothing specific that I do for Anubis that I donā€™t do for anyone else.

You donā€™t even need an altar to get startedā€”just yourself and an offering of your dedication, even something as ā€œsmallā€ as your time and energy. (But whatā€™s more precious than your time and energy, truly? The things we buy are just time and energy put into physical form since the money we earn to buy them costs our time and energy.)

Anyway, these deities arenā€™t so petty that theyā€™ll bother to smite you for not being elaborate and perfect all the time. :black_heart: :silver_heart:


This post has been continued! Keep reading in First Working with Anubis :sparkles: