Working with Gaia

I have been praying to Mother Earth since I started practicing last year. Was just 2nd “nature” (:laughing: I like puns :rofl:)

Like after my :shower: cleansing ritual, I thank God (yes, I’m a Christian)and Mother Earth :earth_americas:. Mother earth because she takes what I no longer need and cleanses those energies. :sparkles:

I’ll get to the point in a minute here :laughing:

Since childhood, I’ve had a love of nature. :potted_plant: :seedling: When I couldn’t go outside, I’d sit and stare out my bedroom window. :window: I love the feel of grass :seedling::ear_of_rice:between my toes. :foot:The smell of grass and trees… So wonderful! I loved finding shapes in the clouds :cloud:and the plethora of types and colors of flowers. :hibiscus::rose::tulip::wilted_flower::sunflower:I loved lying in the grass at night staring at the moon :first_quarter_moon_with_face: and stars :milky_way::stars: I think my favorite is the trees though. :deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree: I always found comfort and protection among the trees and how the sun :sunny: shined through the leaves, almost like stars. :sparkles:

Of course I still love those things! :purple_heart::heart::two_hearts:

During my last shower ritual as I’m praying :pray: to Mother Nature, it hit me! :woman_facepalming: Why haven’t I chosen her for my deity???!!! :woman_shrugging: I literally hit myself! I tried working with Brigid, but I wasn’t feeling it.

So as I was praying, :pray: I asked her how I could connect with her. She yelled at me and said, “You were outside today and you didn’t even notice me!” Another slap in the head! :woman_facepalming: :woman_shrugging: :crazy_face: Now I know! :laughing::rofl:
I found quite a bit of information on the Spells8 main page about Gaia. :hugs:

Finally, the question is, has anyone had any experience with Gaia?


This made me laugh - it sounds like She has been waiting for you this whole time! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Congrats to you on depending your connection with mother nature, Sivonnah. While I don’t currently work with any deities by name (I address the universe as encompassing Them all), Gaia is a lovely deity who is quite popular around the forum! I’m sure you’ll be able to connect with others who worship and work with Her and find plenty of Gaia-specific resources for you to use :earth_americas: :green_heart: :blush:

Blessed be!


Thank you :blush: @BryWisteria


@Sivonnah :green_heart: :hugs:


:laughing: I know that feeling when I realized Artemis was my diety. It was so darned obvious in retrospect.

But to be fair, I do tend to get Gaia as my diety when I do the quizzes :thinking: I don’t know where I have resistance to looking more into her to see if she fits as well.


That’s lovely. These deities are so patient with us (Loki waited 40 years :rofl:). There are some beautiful psalms that can be used in spell work and ritual that can connect you with both God and Gaia. You’re relationship will blossom now you’ve said hi. :sparkling_heart: