Would anyone like to decipher this reading for me?

Good Evening,

For context, I’ve only ever believed in God - “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”. I have come to understand that it’s possible that as the God and Goddess are the Divine Parents, they may have given birth to the other gods and goddesses. Therefore, it’s a bit presumptuous of me to assume that the signs I received came from the Goddess herself.

FYI, the signs include an instant manifestation, a glowing clock that still doesn’t have batteries in it but glowed… and I’ve got pictures and videos, but I digress.

I performed the Deity spread from spells8, but I hope someone else (or a few someones) might have an idea about who the cards are referring to? I’m going to try and upload the picture, but the cards are:

  1. The World
  2. Judgement
  3. The Sun
  4. The Moon
  5. The Star
  6. Wheel of Fortune
  7. The Hermit.

I want an independent opinion because I know which goddess I feel a pull towards, but that doesn’t mean she’s feeling me. And in case you’re wondering, I did shuffle and draw from the whole pack, so the fact they’re all Major Arcana cards is fascinating.

Thanks for reading, and for any replies!

x Blessed Be x


I’m not great at tarot but here’s @MeganB @Artemisia @BryWisteria @Mystique all great at tarot. :beers: & Lots more lovely witches but it’s late here and my brains fried :rofl:


I actually specialize in this type of reading. I haven’t seen the deity spread in a while so let me go back and look. But from my initial thoughts and feelings… I’m feeling The God and Goddess given the presence of The Sun and Moon


Thank you for tagging them, looking forward to hearing from experienced hands!

x Blessed Be x


That’s what I thought, but like I said I didn’t want my bias to influence my process… thanks for letting me know your initial thoughts, I look forward to hearing more!

x Blessed Be x


I’m with you on that! There are some very big players on the board in this spread. I agree with CasLyn that there’s some strong energy of duality from both The Sun and The Moon.

My initial reading is very biased, as I no longer worship a single deity, but rather all deities (and no deities at the same time) - I honor the Universe in my personal practice, and this spread says “Universe” all over it to me. The dual forces, the cycle of the Wheel of Fortune, the very first card in the spread being The World, and all Major Arcana cards all point to the vast overlying and all-encompassing nature of existence.

(That being said, in some practices the combination of the Goddess and the God may represent all universal forces, so go with what resonates for you!)

At the end of the day, it sounds like your intuition is telling you what the answer is - trust it! :blush: :+1:

Blessed be


I have been tagged! :partying_face: :laughing:

Okay, so I had to go back and remind myself of the spread (even though I wrote it… :woman_facepalming: :sweat_smile:) so I’m going to match the cards in the spread with the cards you pulled.

Card One: The Deity
– The World

The card itself represents completion and finality. This could be taken literally for the deity, such as this deity being connected with endings and completion. It can also be taken more metaphorically with The World being representative of Earth, your world, or a universe as a whole.

Cards Two through Five: Traits and Characteristics
– Judgement, The Sun, The Moon, and The Star

For me, this ties back to The World. All of these concepts here are related to both Earthly and spiritual-world matters. It is all connected back to the heavens. These cards and symbols also remind me of larger celestial bodies, so you may be looking at a deity who is connected to different aspects of the solar system in their mythology. Judgment is thrown in there as a sort of extra card that doesn’t quite fit. It may point to the deity having a connection to a justice system in their mythology, or a connection to the concepts of good/evil and right/wrong.

Cards Six and Seven: Signs and Symbols
– The Wheel of Fortune and The Hermit

These two cards immediately bring to mind the concept of fate and isolation. Looking closer at the symbolism, the Wheel of Fortune is a literal wheel, but it also contains different letters and animals on the card. This makes me think of the turning tides of fate but also of wheels in general. The Hermit’s most notable symbol is the lantern, a guiding light in the darkness.

I don’t have a deity in mind and I don’t generally do deity readings for others because it’s going to be limited to the knowledge I have on the Gods of the world. However, I would say that if you have an idea of who it is, trust your intuition and start there, especially if the signs make sense. The worst that can happen is that you’re wrong and the deity you thought it was turns you down.


In past readings I’ve done where I had similar cards come up it’s usually been either the God and Goddess or other pairings such as Ra and Isis or Apollo and Demeter. With the World card it would have to be creator type, like an earth goddess. But there aren’t very many goddesses directly associated with the sun that I’m aware of anyway, except for maybe Hathor.
But I stick by my initial feelings of The God and Goddess.


Flattered to have been tagged but I’m honestly useless when it comes to reading tarot so I’m very happy that you had some true experts help you out!! Good luck with discovering who’s been contacting you :pray:t2:


@Artemisia @MeganB @CasLyn @BryWisteria Thank you all for your insights, so blessed to know such an experienced group! You’ve all provided a few things to consider so thank you, I guess I have some researching to do; but I agree that it seems the universe and the Divine Parents were sending the signs. Quite daunting when I think about it, I hope I dont let them down!

x Blessed Be x


Gaia is another strong possibility. I just saw this again and came to a new conclusion


Hey @CasLyn :waving_hand:t4:

That’s where I ended up actually! There were other signs that happened after I did the spread, and it’s definitely Gaia, so glad you agree :heart:

x Blessed Be x


I’m not sure why i didn’t see it the first time. Most likely because i had already read the God and Goddess in the post and unknowingly biased my answer. I definitely feel Gaia’s power with these cards.

I’ve done a couple of readings where the deity was Gaia and it was always with so much power! Just like this one with all major arcana cards.

I’m so glad you know. You can start the more fun stuff now. And Gaia is absolutely amazing and loving. She gives off a very motherly type of energy


Yessss! She’s like the mother everyone wants, without the nagging lol! And her energy is so pure, and yet so strong and subtle at the same time.

Honestly, when I first did the spread I did wonder whether it was Gaia, but it seemed so unlikely that i posted it here to see what others thought. Later on, I was watching YT, an advert came on and in capital letters across the screen was “DISCOVER GAIA” - message received loud and clear lol!

x Blessed Be x


Hello, I saw this late so leave my interpretation as you wish

I see that this is less about Deity and more about a life’s quest. It’s a highly emotional quest, and you are deeply protected during this event…you don’t know how much!

The accomplishment is being hidden from you. Either you are doing it, which it appears to be the case, or someone/something is hiding it from you. Alternatively, a full moon might reveal the accomplishment you can’t see at the time of this reading.

There was a point in your past where you either forgave someone or someone forgave you. Whenever that point was, let’s pretend X months ago, is as far in the future that the reading goes, so X months from Jan.

That forgiveness, whichever way it went, was karmic. It directly impacts any and all ‘completions’ you will experience within the time frame of this reading. You will definitely achieve that ‘completion’, but there way be a bit of disappointment in how it turns out. Although it may be slight different than you expected, it be quite hopeful and renewing accomplishment.

Underlying it all is a sacrifice or delay. You’re waiting for something, a big something, leading towards this ‘completion’.
Again, you’ll get it…and it’ll feel like it was completely by chance.

It isn’t. It all relates back to the point where the forgiveness took place. That released it.

Gaia is all over this reading too, the feminine aspect.

But I get the sense, as can happen, that the cards were telling you something much more profound

Blessings :purple_heart:


Many thanks @Wysteria_Norn, what a lovely reading, thank you! It does ring true, and funnily enough, the last 2 lines - that is exactly what the tarot reader said to me in December…and it gave me a chill lol, thank you!

x Blessed Be x


Yes!!! Absolutely!


You are right. I have no idea which deity the cards are pointing to but it is one you should seek. It may not be one you bind with but it is definitely one who wants your attention.

I did the spread and got positive vibes from it but I was stumped as to who it might be, too. I decided to focus my intent on single deities with a spread and see how that works out. Essentially an interview spread with the major players and the minor ones that interest me. It will take a while but it is fun to do.


:open_mouth::eyes::open_mouth::eyes: I have literally just done that! How spooky…

I’ve said a couple of times that I’d like to have a zoom conference with the Divine Family (that’s what I call the energies/deities who surround and guide and poke me), so I did! I charged the cards with my intent, stating that I would pull cards until I had drawn 10 Major cards - any energy who wanted a relationship could let me know with their card.

I have to say, it worked better than expected, after that I did a Q & A (using Yes/No) just to ask them some questions, it was a lovely “conference call”!

x Blessed Be x