January 28, 2022, 2:27pm
My immediate thought is that the ink got hot and that changed the color. I don’t think it necessarily means anything specifically. Take note of it and see if it happens again. It has meaning if you feel it does. I’m going to quote @BryWisteria here real quick from a different post we’ve had recently → What does this mean? - #2 by BryWisteria
Symbols have various levels of meanings:
On the reading level, we find their traditional interpretation (what you would find in a book of correspondence or reference site) and your personal interpretation (how your unique intuition deciphers the symbol)
Then, once we have the meaning of the symbol in general, it is up to the reader to make the meaning relevant : aka how does this symbol relate to me, the person I am reading for, the spellwork cast, or another situation?
Reading symbols from spellwork remains, tarot cards, tea leaves, etc is usually straightforward and clear (or, as clear as reading symbols can be haha!)- an intention was set, direction was given, and now we are reading the results. But when it comes to things randomly encountered during the day, it can be a lot harder to interpret .
To interpret what you saw, you would need to find the purpose of the rabbit being there:
Is a rabbit a personal symbol or spiritual guide of yours (or someone close to you)?
Are the colors brown and white significant to you at all?
Did you ask a deity, higher power, etc for a sign ?
Were you actively searching for a sign of successful/failed spellwork?
Again, just my personal opinion- but if the Universe or a deity sent that rabbit as a sign to you, I believe you would immediately feel that it was meaningful to you and would likely know right away what it was pointing to .
The fact that you are having a hard time finding what this rabbit could possibly relate to leads me to believe that it may just be a piece of nature- there may not be a deeper meaning there that you need to be aware of.