Your Sun Sign as a World City

Hello everyone,

After the movies, here comes the zodiac signs as world cities.
Have you ever been to the city linked your sign?
Did you enjoy it?
Did you feel like you belonged?
If you haven’t been, does it sound like a place you would like to visit or one that resonates with your values?

Remember, above all else, this is just a bit of fun.

Blessed be


PS i am looking for ideas for the next comparison if anyone has any. :smiling_face:


Oh, how fun! Hmmm, I have yet to visit Amsterdam but have always wanted to!


I’ve never been to New Orleans, but it’s always been a place I’ve wanted to visit! With its ties to spirituality and magic, I’m not surprised at all that it’s a city given to Scorpio :laughing:


Love this thank you. I am Geneva, went to Switzerland when i was young. But onlyto Zuich, where my parents lived for 10 years… this is so fun


Paris definitely suits me. I love its laid back pace and the fact that no one is in a rush. One of my favourite things to do is just sit on the Champs Elysees with a nice glass of red wine and watch the world go by or admire the beautiful architecture.

The little squares with artists on their easels as they have done for years and leisurley batobus on the rivet Seine.

I literally lose myself in the artwork in the Louvre and savour every bite of food. I do probably come back home heavier than i was when I went but that is the sign of a good time


Rio for the Leo, here. I’ve never been. Scared to, now. Allergies make food nearly impossible. I enjoy music and culture, but I prefer watching it from the sidelines- possibly my Virgo Moon.

Stockholm sounds wonderful!


I have never been to Rio, but I feel like it could be amazing, especially during Carnival! I’ll have to add it to my list of travel destinations!


Paris is definitely this way!


Never been to Reykjavik but it sounds like a lovely city :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Would be sweet to visit Iceland some day. The image in my mind (in addition to the enchanting landscapes) is that there’s a lot of ancient wisdom of the land and folk magick, and so much of it is still being kept alive, just like the language that out of all the Scandinavian languages is still closest to Old Norse :sparkles:


Tokyo! it will be wonderful! :fehu: :fehu: :pentagram: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :two_hearts:


Have you ever been to the city linked your sign?

If you haven’t been, does it sound like a place you would like to visit or one that resonates with your values?
Nope, and that’s a major reason why I haven’t been. Paris sounds like it’s the exact opposite of what I’d enjoy.

Not that I don’t enjoy architecture, I do and I love photographing it, just not that particular style. I also love gardens and food, but my favourite kinds of food come from elsewhere. Expensive and luxury things really put me off, though. I basically refuse to go to fine dining or choose to buy luxury brands myself (which I have to word like this because I have been gifted them and, in the past, forced to buy them). I like comfort, but I really dislike luxury (stuff the average person can’t afford).

I do love a laid-back pace, though. :smile:

Thank you for this. It got me thinking about my values and that, in itself, is always helpful. :black_heart:


South Africa. Wow. It’s one continent I’ve yet to explore. I’d love to go to anywhere Africa. Yes this resonates with me. :sparkling_heart:


@starborn I love what Paris used to be (it’s changed). You could get up with the rising sun, go to gare de Nord, and opposite that station was a fabulous little cafe where, at 5am! you can have a big bowl of coffee, fresh made croissant, some french cheese and chat with locals. Cheap and cheerful. That old Paris has gone, but it was my favourite city in the world :tokyo_tower:


I’ve heard the same from my half-brother’s father (who was born in and grew up in a small town near Paris). It’s really sad. :slightly_frowning_face:


Neat idea.

I have not been to New York nor do I wish to. I am not a huge fan of crowds.


New Orleans for Scorpio, hmm? I can see it! :grinning: :+1: Alas, I haven’t been there - I’ve been to 7/12 of the Zodiac cities, but New Orleans isn’t one of them. Perhaps I’ll make it down there someday! :grin: :airplane:

Reading the description made me think of Pompeii as well - another city tied to destruction, transformation, death, and change. It can be a bit dark, but the places hold the memory and it’s powerful to experience as a visitor. I agree that these energies are well-suited to the Zodiac sign that encompasses Samhain and is ruled by Mars and Pluto. It definitely resonates, at least in my eyes! :astrology_pluto: :volcano: :skull: :sparkles:

Immensely enjoyed seeing the cities and reading about each - you picked out some wonderful ones, @Cosmic_Curiosity! Thank you so much for this, it brightened up my morning :blush:

Oh exciting! Let’s see… comparison ideas… perhaps matching Zodiac signs to crystals, animals, genres (like fantasy, fiction, historical, romance, etc), colors, herbs/flowers, trees, tarot cards, famous witches/practitioners, periods of time (like renaissance, classical, bronze age, etc), folk tales, smells…

(I’ll add in more if I think of any! :laughing: )


@BryWisteria I love the Pompeii link. It certainly faced destruction on a massive scale but when you think of how it remained buried for hundreds of years before being found, its almost like a rebirth and an invite to peer into life in the past, litlerally peering at the final moments of peoples lives. It is a fascinating place to visit.

There are so many that could fit each zodiac sign and some could fit more than 1. I think this is because of the elemental link between signs too. Its really great fun trying to link the signs to things like this. Thank you for the suggestions. There are many to go on with here.


That’s a very beautiful and poetic way to see it!

The wreckage and ruins in Pompeii are striking and grim - toppled statues and destroyed buildings forever in the shadow of the volcano that destroyed them.

(please excuse my terrible camera :sweat_smile:)

But at the same time, the space is alive once again with tourists and scholars and even people walking their dogs. It’s a living memory of death. A reminder and a promise all in one.

It’s my pleasure! :heart: When it comes to Zodiac comparisons, I think the options are as endless as the skies above - I can’t wait to see the next match-up you choose! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would visit Tokyo but it’s not a place I’d live. It is befitting of a Capricorn, just not this one​:laughing::crazy_face:

Maybe you could try food or music(genre maybe)? Item of clothing or type of car?