13 Moon Journal from Moon Phase Studios: Great Moon-Based Journal

I recently purchased the 13 Moon Journal, a daily journal based on the moon’s phases, astrology, and the celebration of the sabbats.
13 Moon Journal from Moon Phase Studios
(13 Moon Journal – The Moon Phase Studio)

So far I’ve been using it as a combination of a mini Book of Shadows, a daily journal, and an oracle/tarot journal depending on what the day throws at me.

I’m a serious planner person and always have planned my week and month in a paper planner. But when it comes to daily journaling, I could never keep the habit up. I’d start strong and then lose momentum. This journal began on Dec 12 (the beginning of the cold moon phase) and I’ve been journalling every day since then. Some days have half a page, but the days that are new moon or full moon have full pages to write more and I honestly look forward to that!

The nature-based artwork is beautiful throughout, a mesmerizing watercolor with multicolor gemtones that change color for pages for each moon.

There is educational information in the beginning of the journal about moon phases and the cycle that is helpful in thinking about what you should be doing in each of the phases. And then for each month at the beginning of the phase there is a Venn diagram showing the particular moon (eg. Cold moon) then if the new moon is in sagitarrius and the full moon is in cancer for example where the overlaps are.

I’m enjoying it so far and I’d love to hear if anyone else is using this journal? Or do you have other guided similar journals that you use?


I have two guided journals waiting for me to start. Can’t quite pull my mind together because of illness, but that will change. Neither is focused on the moon. One is unicorns, and the other is a set of questions to answer. I plan on taking a question a day. The unicorn guided journal looks like it might be more playful, so I might start with that one just to ease myself into the habit of daily attention.

A previous guided journal was put out by the same company as the more serious journal in waiting. It had one question per page, and I enjoyed working with it for a full year and a half. The current journal in waiting has several questions per page, so I will be using a separate book to write my thoughts. Good thing I have lots of blank books!

I’m glad you’ve found a journal you like. Enjoy!:sparkling_heart:


Most of my journalling is done in a Word Doc on my computer- I’ve found it works when I have a lot of things to write. But when I don’t have anything in particular I want to say, the blank space can be intimidating! Journals with prompts, guidance, and beautiful imagery are really helpful for “filling in the blank periods”- they provide guidance and a lot of encouragement too :blush:

This Moon Journal looks really lovely- thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback about it, @BlueAngelite! :open_book: :full_moon: :sparkles:


This sounds fun!

I’m glad it works for you! For me, the half page is perfect, because it is so non-intimidating for a journal beginner. :sweat_smile: I can write a line and call it complete. Or write a paragraph. But if I needed to write pages and pages this particular journal would not be flexible enough for that. Good thing there are lots of options out there for all of us. :slightly_smiling_face: :notebook_with_decorative_cover:


I’m also thinking that this journal may serve also as my “Book of Mirrors” where I can reflect on my spiritual journey. I didn’t know of this term until I just got through a portion of the Spellcasting 101 course. Thanks to Spells8 for putting together these courses!


I’ve never used this journal, but I love the idea of a moon journal, something to follow the Lunar Calendar rather than the Gregorian Calendar we use. I’ve thought about starting something like this on my own, but it would be a much more convenient thing for me to get one already made!

Thanks for sharing this one - I’ll have to look into it and see if it works for me. I’ve always wanted to be the type of person to journal but I’m like you. I start out with good intentions but always fizzle out because things get too busy and my priorities end up elsewhere. I’m also a planner, but I haven’t found a system that works well for me yet. I’ve tried so many different planners - bullet journaling, Dreamworks Journal, and different planners from the store… I’m picky, I guess :joy: I’ve even tried digital journaling and planning and that doesn’t stick, either.


@MeganB you can follow Moon Phase Studios on [Instagram] (https://www.instagram.com/moon_phase_studios/?hl=en)
They are an interesting UK-based bunch. I really like their astrologer! (but the journal is also sent out directly from the US so no worries with shipping). When they were creating this journal they decided to delete the idea of starting on Jan. 1, and follow the moon cycles ONLY. Which is super cool. They also have a digital version, if that’s your jam.

For work and “normal” life, I use a Passion Planner and have for years. The version I use is a weekly/monthly although they also have a daily version. It’s an hourly format with lots of checklists and just helps me stay super organized with multiple projects. I work from home full time plus do side work and volunteer so I have a lot going on. I use Outlook calendar for work (for my main job) but I need to see EVERYTHING on paper as well, appointments, due dates for deliverables, conferences, travel, all of it. I’ve always thought bullet journalling was cool and tried it for a week until I realized that I would have to create every spread every week until the end of time, and I instantly gave up. Dreamworks journal, I’ll have to look at that one, I’m not familiar. Ones I’ve tried in the past: Erin Condren, Plum Paper, Hobonichi, Happy Planner, and maybe some others. :smile:


Yes, this is what I think I want :joy: the search continues, so thank you for these suggestions! I think I need to have two separate planners because I also work full-time at home. I freelance, so I tend to have a lot of different things going at once, plus my own content creation for the podcast and YouTube stuff. I’m just very, very picky, I think :sweat_smile:


My sister in law got this one she loves it too. She has similar intentions. Good luck keeping the habit.


I got the one from tamed wild. It doesn’t start till January. Its real pretty. I also buy the witches planner and llewellyns witches almanac. Every year I find them valuable. So many beautiful ideas and information. At the end of the year I cut out the artwork and use it in my journals


I was just looking at the Witches Planner from Llewellyn! I think I’m gonna splurge on that one and get it. I’ll have to look at the Tamed Wild one, too. I’ve heard good things about them.


Used to try and do everything in one place but my brain needs them to be separate so the moon one, the witches planner, and my journal for divination helps me stay organized. Let me know what you think when you get it!


The one from Tamed Wild, is that just a month at a time? I was looking at their website but I can’t tell for sure :joy: I’ll be sure to let you know what system I like best if I find one!


Thank you @Sabine_Estella

I was looking at these online before too

Llewellyn has great stuff! And free online events and they do replays on their youtube channel too with their authors which is nice.

Yes, Tamed Wild is a monthly subscription for their journal. Good luck in your search for the perfect journal!


I forgot I also have a third planner, HAHA!
So in addition to the:

  1. Passion Planner (for most of my work), and the

  2. 13 Moon Journal (for journalling, Book of Shadows, Book of Mirrors, oracle/tarot),

  3. I also have a Laurel Denise monthly project planner (for social media content planning). Part of my day job includes managing and creating content for a couple of channels and this planner helps me visualize it.

This might make me a planner/journal hoarder :smile:


I purchased the actual journal. Not the monthly. Here are some photos.


Agreed wholeheartedly- it’s nice that there’s something out there for each and every witch! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :books:

Nothing wrong with that! Of all the things out there, journals are a lovely item to collect and enjoy :grinning: :heart:

This is so beautiful! I love the shiny cover :sparkles:


Almost too many! I will say the witches planner I come back to each year. That is rare these days. Happy planning!


It was goddess provisions not tamed wild! Sorry. Mixed them up.


When y’all mention the “Witches planner” so you mean this one

or am I missing the planner? :thinking: