13 Moon Journal from Moon Phase Studios: Great Moon-Based Journal

Thats the one!


@Sabine_Estella cool I like this one

Yes I was going to say - I couldn’t find one that looked like that on Tamed Wild. But let us know how it works out. I like the format. :astrology_moon:


haha well, as long as they work for you, that’s what matters! I don’t think you’re a planner hoarder, just a well-planned person :joy:

No worries! :blush: Thank you for the information - now, I can go look it up and see about getting it!

Nope, you’re not missing anything - that’s the one I mean :joy:


Thank you, just wanted to make sure I was getting the right one with my gift card!


You’re welcome! I hope it works well for you - I haven’t gotten it yet but I think I may order it soon!


Concerning Moon Phases, I don’t have a journal per se, but I do have the Moon Phase Manual. It has every moon phase along with every phase in every sign. With meanings, things to do, work, reflections.

I do have a 2024 Tarot Planner that also includes phases of the moon with tarot.

Then the guided journal that says, You Are Magic on the front of it.

My Book of Mirrors/Journal has some prompts in it or I will add prompts for the day to write in it. The front & back cover say Live By the Sun, Love By the Moon with a latch on it.


That may be more planners / journals than I have, and I’m a planner “addict”!

  1. I have a Passion Planner medium Monday start (weekly/monthly) for my everyday carry, mostly work but my everything planner.

  2. A big Happy Planner dashboard layout (weekly) for my volunteer work mainly and notes for a class I am taking relating to that.

  3. Laurel Denise Planner project edition (monthly) for social media / content planning for work.

then the 13 moon journal (daily journal)
also a japanese little A5 notebook for my tarot oracle notes - I don’t do tarot/oracle on the daily, so the notebook allows me to come and go as I please.


My book of mirrors, its more of daily journal that I had written prompts in the first page. The Moon Manual, is a book with all the information & its very thorough :rofl:

The 2024 Biddy Tarot Planner is tarot based & reflective with an area for your own daily draw, lunar spreads, seasonal spreads, meanings of the readings, reflections on the readings, & things related to those types of things. As well as a planner for each day.

The daily planner is very helpful to help me organize what it is I have going on during the week & what my goals or priority things are for the week. Along with the month, year, & steps to get there. :hugs:


FWIW, I got my copy but didn’t feel like it would work for me so I returned it. There was lots of neat stuff in it, but not enough that I felt like I would actually want to use it daily and carry it with me. I wanted to like it.


You’ve got to use what works for you when it comes to planners and journals, I’ve found. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yep, and I’ve ordered and kept many (MANY) that I never ended up using. :grimacing: It’s a real struggle to find the perfect one or at least one that resonates with you. Maybe that’s why I’ve mostly just resorted to a commonplace book for all my notes and an online calendar for the rest.


I think this is my hesitation with buying it, too :joy: It sounds like a cool idea, but I’m not convinced I would use it like I want to - and I’m like you, I want to like it and I want something that I will use every day :joy: