"7 Writing Prompts to Keep your Resolutions on Track"

:confetti_ball: :sparkler:

1. What have you accomplished that you set out to do?
2. What healthy decision can you add to your day?
3. What new skills do you want to learn?
4. Make a plan for how you are going to accomplish learning these new skills.
5.What roadblocks are preventing you from achieving your goals?
6. What choices do you face today that could impact the direction of your life?
7. What small changes could you make today that would change your tomorrow?


These writing prompts are great! I just got a new journal book from my wife:

I was thinking how to start it and you posted this @Missa! :+1: Just what I needed.

I definitely want to learn new skills. Especially to read more Tarot!
Read more books
Call my friends and extended family more often.
Start a Youtube channel and improve my English!
Continue improving my relationship with my wife

Blessed be! :pray: :sparkler:


These are great writing prompts - perfect to start off the new year on the right foot.


Thank you! These are great & I just printed them to put into my BOS. I love when we have these kinds of things to put in there & work on. I can add them to the part where I have my prompts for shadow work! I appreciate them very much.


This is lovely, @Missa! Itโ€™s the perfect time to begin thinking about resolutions- and it goes hand-in-hand with the current challenge.

Thanks for bringing this back, @Susurrus! :grin::raised_hands:


@BryWisteria no problem. I am looking for things to keep my BOS organized and come up with a daily plan for my craft. Iโ€™m constantly changing what I do in the morning because my sleep patterns canโ€™t make up their mind what they want to do.


It really sounds like you are finding your groove, @Susurrus! :raised_hands: Cheers to that- this time of year and the holidays always mess with my sleep schedule too :sweat_smile:

But a daily plan is a fantastic idea- I bet it feels great to have things orderly and easy to find :blush: :+1: