Merry meet @sweepea1996, I’m Siofra from Cape Cod. I’m an Eclectic Witch here, I lean towards Celtic/Irish Paganism, I work with Brighid daily & the Morrigan when it’s time for me to wade through the Shadows. I’m a Scorpio
, Virgo
, & Capricorn
We do have a post to see where other witches from the forum are around the world: Where in the World are the Witches? GROUP POLL! 2022 , our members come from all over!
I would suggest the courses section, there is a lot of great information whether it’s the first time you are learning or a refresher. There is a lot of information within the forum also so feel free to search the forum for any information on tarot, oracle, divination, crystals, spells, rituals… whatever comes to mind. Sunday is Beltane so we have Beltane 2022 Coven Celebrations.
I look forward to learning with you!