🌌 A Dedication to Nyx, Goddess of Night

Continuing the discussion from :classical_building: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Greek & Roman Traditions and Magick:

For this challenge, I chose the beautiful Nyx (Νύξ, or her Roman equivalent, Nox), the Goddess of Night. Her name itself means “night” and she rules over nighttime, darkness, chaos, creation, destruction, divination, love, motherhood and mysteries. Nyx is one of the protogenoi that appeared at the dawn of creation, having emerged from Chaos.

In a sense, her partner is Erebus, the personification of the darkness, and with him, she has two children, Aether and Hemera. Her other offspring, produced on her own, are many and are often considered to represent “negative” forces. However, this is not entirely true, for these children are Moros (Doom, Destiny), Ker (Destruction, Death), Thanatos (Death), Hypnos (Sleep), the Oneiroi (Dreams), Momus (Blame), Oizys (Pain, Distress), the Hesperides, the Moirai (Fates), the Keres, Nemesis (Indignation, Retribution), Apate (Deceit), Philotes (Love), Geras (Old Age), and Eris (Strife).

Sources claim that Nyx lives with Erebus in Tartarus and she is said to be so powerful that even Zeus fears her.

Nyx, in her physical form, is a striking sight to behold. She is often depicted as a large, black bird, or a woman with black bird wings, a woman wearing a black veil studded with stars. She has long, black hair and grey eyes, while she adorns herself in all black, with silver accessories that mirror the colour of the stars and moon.

The Spells8 website has a lot more information on her here: Nyx: Goddess Symbols and Worship of the Goddess of Night – Spells8

And her relation to Hemera was recently explored by the wonderful @Artemisia over here: https://forum.spells8.com/t/challenge-entry-greek-roman-traditions-and-magick/51415/18?u=starborn

Anyway, we’re here because it’s weekly challenge time and I’ve done a dedication ritual to her. So, let’s start with some music. Here’s something a bit more powerful:

And here’s something a bit more melancholic, I’m working on this playlist as a darker accompaniment to my Lunar Magick playlist:

As for what I used in this dedication ritual, see below. If you’d like to do something similar, feel free to change them to suit whatever your deity and purpose may be. There’s nothing rigid about this process.


  • Incense.
  • Salt.
  • A black candle. || I used three
  • A mirror. || I used an obsidian mirror
  • A piece of obsidian. || I used a palm stone
  • A silver chalice filled with water.
  • A vial of lavender, rosemary, or mugwort oil. || I used both lavender and rosemary.
  • A feather from a raven or a black feather.
  • A (silver) pendant on a chain.
  • A strand of hair.

I drew a circle of salt and placed my primary materials in the centre. Then, instead of one black candle, I chose to light three. I put the first one behind Nyx, the second to my left, and the third to my right.

I lit the incense using the first candle and allowed the smoke to purify the space I would use for this ritual.

Instead of a “proper” mirror, I used an obsidian one. I sat holding the obsidian palm stone I’d chosen in my left hand and the silver chalice in my right.

As I gazed into the obsidian mirror, I said:

Nyx, mother of the night, mother of sleep, mother of death:
Might your darkness embrace me
Might your energy caress me
Might you be mine and Might I be yours
Blessed be.

Then, I placed the obsidian palm stone at the base of the left candle.

I dipped the black feather into the oil and anointed the silver pendant. I then placed the pendant in the chalice of water.

(Here’s a slightly better closeup of the pendant. The stone reflects a few different colours. I’ll get a clearer photo when I’m not working purely by yellow candlelight.)

I offered a strand of my hair by placing it into the flame of the first black candle, allowing it to burn.

Then, I took the silver pendant from the chalice and placed it around my neck. While holding the chalice with my right hand and having my left hand on the pendant against my chest, I said a more person chant.

For a while after that, I sat quietly and meditated, visualising with Nyx, my soul intertwining with the eternal night. Spending this time with such a powerful yet caring goddess was a blessing. Her unbelievable strength and her dedicated nature bring a wonderful sense of calm and safety to a space.

I thanked Nyx for her presence and assistance and extinguished the black candles.

I will store the obsidian palm stone in a special place, symbolising the grounding of my spell, and keep the silver pendant around as a reminder of my bond with Nyx. I will use the pendant to reflect on my gifts and the responsibilities that come with them.

I have also gotten my pencil and paper out and will be drawing this beautiful goddess. I just need some more time to do so, as I’m quite enjoying this mixed medium format I’ve been trying out recently.

:black_heart: :silver_heart:


There was no moon visible this night, which also felt kind of right. The clouds were thick, and the rain fell heavily, making visibility very low but giving the streets a lovely glossy look. :cloud_with_rain:

Also, it was 02:06 or so when I took this photo, so most people were asleep. :smile:

:black_heart: :silver_heart:


Beautiful post Kataya as always :people_hugging::heart::rose: if I wasn’t at work I’d write a lil more


Thank you, @Satans_Helper. I appreciate you, my lovely sister. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I finally did a quick “colouring” of my Nyx drawing. I’m having a “quick and imperfect” phase. In the past, I would have traced the outlines in Photoshop as cleanly as possible. But right now, I’m enjoying the scrappiness of this for whatever reason. Seasons come and go, I suppose. :black_heart: :silver_heart:

Photos used are:

And I generated some watercolour constellations with DALL·E.


I love it in blue, that blue is very spiritual :green_heart:


Wonderfully written post with gorgeous photos!!! I’m not mad at all at how this worked out - it was perfect!!! I couldn’t have done Nyx justice the way you did and you have a connection to her. I enjoyed exploring Hemera more than I expected and loved the connection to Nyx. I love how they complement each other. :black_heart: :white_heart:

oh, and the reflection of the statue of Nyx in the obsidian disc is stunning!!!

I have no words for how amazing I think this is. :star_struck: So very beautiful and perfect colors!

The little creative bug in my brain wants to see a mirror image of sorts of Hemera.


Thank you, @tracyS and @Artemisia! :black_heart: :silver_heart: :hearts:

Me, too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It feels like such a wonderful combo.

I kept hesitating with that one because the safety lines on the balcony door glass is in the shot. But I’m glad I didn’t. I love the visual, too. :black_heart:

I might actually take those off…

That would be amazing! :star_struck: I’ve given it an attempt, but the lighter theme is proving a bit of a challenge for me. :rofl:


It’s an abnormally dark night tonight. I keep forgetting that all the curtains are wide open because it just feels like there’s a black wall out there. Or a void that eats the light.

I put my phone on manual mode so I could capture the scene as my eyes see it. It’s 8°C (46°F) outside, and humidity is around 67%. Anyway, here’s the result.

Somehow, even the streetlights look as though their light is being enveloped by darkness (to my eyes, not just in the photo). I’m cross-checking other photos, even though the camera always brightens them. Last night wasn’t this dark, nor did the street lights have that complete lack of glow to them.

Guess what I’m going to do now?

Yep. I’m going to go sit with Nyx for a while. Seems perfect. :milky_way:


I got the shots I wanted!!! :partying_face: :sparkles: :partying_face: :sparkles: I’m so happy! :black_heart: :sparkles: :silver_heart: :sparkles:


So much loveliness!!! Gorgeous photos of the night and that statue!


Love your statue :statue_of_liberty::statue_of_liberty::statue_of_liberty: :moyai:


So beautiful, all of it :heart_eyes_cat: :black_heart:


She is so beautiful and, aham, dark :night_with_stars:

Found the orphic hymn for her if intrested


Oh, that’s beautiful. I like the timelapses of the rolling night skies. :heart_eyes: Thank you. :black_heart:


You always have such beautiful rituals, @starborn :heart_eyes:


Give me a moment to pick my jaw up off the floor - this is amazing! The ritual is stunning as always, but those pictures though!* And the art - look at that drawing! :heart_eyes: :milky_way: :sparkles:

Gorgeous work here, @starborn - this is such a joy to see! Thank you for sharing about Nyx, working with Her, and your beautiful creative talents too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you, @MeganB and @BryWisteria. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m glad for the nudge to finally do so. Nyx is an incredibly powerful but wonderful goddess. I feel like a fangirl. :rofl: :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: