Challenge Entry #18 - The Spell-ing Bee - Spell Master
I created a spell to charge and enchant my Empath Protection Bag.
I’m not great at creating rhymes and prose but I gave this a shot.
I put together a couple of Empath Protection bags of crystals, one for my purse and one to keep at my desk.
They have amethyst, sodalite, malachite, tiger eye, clear quartz, smokey quartz, hematite, kyanite, tourmaline, obsidian and rose quartz.
Crystals shiny, crystal bright
protect me with your generous might.Stones of purple, black, clear and green,
protect my energy from forces unseen.Provide emotional healing when things are rough
ground and center me when times get tough.Strengthen my boundaries in my life.
cleanse my energies from all strife.
Challenge Entry #19 - Everyday Magick – Carpe diem
I do try to infuse bits of magick throughout my day.
In the morning with my coffee or tea, I stir three times and infuse my drink with energy to get through the day.
When I shower, I wash away the connections that don’t serve me and draw back my own energy.
At night, I fluff my pillow and release the negatives of the day, and think of three things I’m grateful for in my life.
Challenge Entry #20 - Your Magickal Muse – Beloved by the Muses
I remember this challenge when it first came around. I hemmed and hawed and never could make a decision or a connection and left it incomplete.
This time I decided to learn more about a muse that might interest me. I used ChatGPT to give me a list of muses so I’d have a starint point and one name caught my attention - Saraswati.
Saraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, IAST: Sarasvatī), also spelled as Sarasvati, is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, flowing water, abundance and wealth, art, speech, wisdom, and learning.
(Source - Saraswati - Wikipedia)
Honestly the more I researched the more down the I went. I wish I had more time and energy to devote more properly to write up all that I found and the interesting connections but suffice it to say that I chose her.
I meditated and prayed to her for inspiration and blessing for my next two art projects.
She is someone I will continue to research and connect with.
Feeling more confident in my abilities and direction I continued on to my two art related challenges.
Challenge Entry #21 - Magick in the Arts - Art Witch
I’ve been thinking about making sort of a talisman or idol or something from crow feathers I found a few months ago. There is a large beautiful cemetery that I often visit on my runs. One day I was there I found a large amount of crow feathers, strewn here and there. It was clear that something had happened. I gathered the feathers as I found them releasing their owner from pain.
I had seen a witches’ subscription box with a beautiful crow talisman but as is often the case, the price deterred me. With the catch-up, I was inspired to make my own crow protection poppet.
I gathered some fallen branches from my backyard, and black fabric to create a body, and began to glue feathers in place.
Challenge Entry #22 - Dual Wielding Opposite Forces – Unus qui est libratum
This challenge by far took me the most time and made me the most nervous. It started as a random idea a couple of weeks ago when I saw the artwork for
(Nyx created by @starborn )
This came a short while after I did my Greek and Roman Traditions and Magick entry on Hemera: Goddess of Day.
My little write-up on the two
Nyx and Hemera
- Nyx (Night): Nyx is the primordial goddess of the night. She embodies darkness, mystery, and the unseen aspects of existence. Nyx represents the absence of light and the hidden, often associated with introspection, dreams, and the unknown.
- Hemera (Day): Hemera is the primordial goddess of the day. She personifies daylight, clarity, and the visible world. Hemera represents light, visibility, and the known aspects of existence, often associated with activity, consciousness, and the tangible.
Contrasting and Complementary Nature: Nyx and Hemera are directly opposing forces—night and day. This duality is perfect for exploring the balance and interplay between darkness and light, the unseen and the seen, the mysterious and the obvious. Their relationship is cyclical and natural, embodying the concept of dual wielding as a harmonious yet contrasting partnership.
What I really wanted to do after learning that Nyx and Hemera pass each other each sunrise/sunset and then seeing @starborn 's image was to create a companion piece for her.
I am very out of practice sketching and there was a bit of a learning curve/relearning bicycle riding editing the sketch with computer software, but after more paper, sketches, and edits than I care to count I created… gosh I’m so nervous
I did use photos from Unsplash for the background and dress coloring.