🏆 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up! [Challenge #200]

Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for last week’s Weekly Witchy Challenge - Nordic Traditions and Magick :drinking_horn:

This week marks another milestone in witchy challenge history, and it is a particularly exciting occasion- we have reached 200 Witchy Challenges !

:partying_face: :infinite_roots: :trophy: :partying_face: :infinite_roots: :trophy: :partying_face: :infinite_roots: :trophy:

As this challenge is a decimal of ten, it is a Catch-Up Challenge- aka a chance to partake in any challenges that were missed or that you didn’t have the opportunity to join before- but to mark the anniversary of this special challenge landmark, there will be an extra bonus for all challengers this week (see below for details) :gift_heart:

Spells8 CHALLENGE images

:spiral_calendar: :raised_hand: Challenge Catch-Up : 200th Challenge :raised_back_of_hand: :timer_clock:

To celebrate the 200th Weekly Challenge something extra special is happening…

Was there a busy week where you missed a challenge? Did an interesting theme happen before you joined the forum? Maybe there was a topic you were hesitant to try but now feel ready for. Well- now is your chance!

This week is a Catch-Up Week where all previously closed challenges will be re-opened for a short time!

So are you ready? It’s a blast from the past!

On your mark, get set:


STEP 1: Choose Your Challenge(s) :point_down:

From knot magick to past lives, element exploration, gathering blessings, and more- there are 181 previous challenge themes to choose from (past Catch-Up challenges not included).

The previous challenges and the titles they granted are listed below. Please click the link to visit that challenge page to view details including guidelines, entry suggestions, and inspiration from past coven member entries.

Note that the old discussions for past challenges will remain locked- please share your comments and entries below (or in a new post)

:drinking_horn: Nordic Magick – Nordic Practitioner
:classical_building: Greek & Roman Magick – Greek Practitioner (or) Roman Practitioner
:eye_of_horus: Egyptian Magick – Egyptian Practitioner
:triskele: Celtic Magick – Celtic Practitioner
:mag: Interpreting Magickal Signs & Messages – Magickal Interpreter
:potted_plant: Enchanting Herbs – Herbal Witch
:spell_pouch: Spell Bags & Pouches – Spell Bag Builder
:rock: Rock Magick – Rockin’ Witch
:waxing_crescent_moon: Waxing Moon Magick – Witch of the Waxing Moon
:clock5: Catch-Up XVIII
:magic_shield: Protectors & Guardians – Protected with Love
:exclamation: A Witch’s Intuition – Intuitive Witch
:phoenix: Magickal Creatures – Favored by the Fantastical
:heavy_plus_sign: Bind Runes – Rune Binder
:waning_gibbous_moon: Waning Moon Magick – Witch of the Waning Moon
:droplet: Splish Splash Spellwork – Water Witch
:scientist: Science & Witchcraft – Scientific Witch
:dotted_line_face: Empaths & Empathic Abilities – Empath
:man_dancing: The Magick of Movement – Witch on the Move
:clock4: Catch-Up XVII
:four_leaf_clover: Luck Magick – Lucky Witch
:fairy: Fairies & Fae – Friend of Fairies
:genie_lamp: Manifestation – Manifestor
:bulb: Light Magick – Lightworker
:purple_spell_candle: Candle Divination – Candle Diviner
:witch_pentacle: Finding Your Witchy Talents – Magickally Skilled
:silver_heart: Witch Ethics: The Morals of Magick – Honorable Witch
:witch_cauldron: A Witch’s Cauldron – Cauldron Keeper
:eye_in_speech_bubble: Your Magickal Senses – Sensational Witch
:clock3: Catch-Up XVI
:witch_broom: Blessed Besoms – Broom Keeper
:ghost: Spirits & Ghosts – Spiritworker
:link: Magickal Correspondences – Keeper of Correspondences
:house: Of Hearth & Home – Hearthtender
:triple_moon_goddess: Deities & Deity Worship – Blessed by the Divine
:consecrate_spell: Consecration – Consecrator
:balance_scale: Magickal Equilibrium: Balance – Equalibralizer
:pagan_book: Magickal Traditions & Pagan Paths – Proud of My Path
:wand_tarot: Wonderful Wands – Wand Wielder
:clock2: Catch-Up XV
:ear: The Magick of Sound – Sound Worker
:dolls: A Witch’s Collection – Collector
:wheel: Wheel of the Year: Pagan Holidays – Year-Round Witch
:ring_buoy: Magickal Safety – Warden
:eye: Visualizations – Visualizer
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Sacred Books – Book Keeper
:thinking: Witch-conceptions: Stereotypes – The One and Only
:dressed_candle: Anointing Candles – Anointer
:witch_hat: Witch Fashion – Stylish Witch
:trophy: Catch-Up XIV [150th Challenge]
:thread: Knot Magick – Stitch Witch
:woman_cook: Culinary Magick – Crafty Chef
:red_gift_envelope: Amulets and Talismans – Charming Witch
:raven: A Witch’s Companions – Among Friends
:mirror: The Art of Scrying – Scryer
:green_heart: Natural Health & Healing – Healed by the Earth
:female_sign: The Divine Feminine – Divinely Feminine
:male_sign: The Divine Masculine – Divinely Masculine
:tree_of_life: Grounding & Centering – Composed Caster
:clock1: Catch-Up XIII
:tv: Witchy Media – Magickal Maestro
:sleeping_bed: Sleep & Dream Magick – Witch of the Night
:sunrise_over_mountains: Magick of the Sun – Sun Witch
:bubbles: Cleansing in the Craft – Powerful Purifier
:slot_machine: The Fortune Teller’s Game – Blessed by Fortune
:knot: Eclectic Witch: Interdisciplinary Magick – Eclectic Witch
:sake: Magickal Inks & Oils – Craftswitch
:headstone: Ancestor Work – A Living Legacy
:o: Circles in Magick – Magister Circulorum
:clock12: Catch-Up XII
:jar: Spell Jars & Witch Bottles – Spell Jar Specialist
:technologist: Technologic & Modern Magick – Technomancer
:name_badge: Magickal Names – One Who Knows Thyself
:watch: Time Magick – Tempus Mage
:tada: 13 Days of Holiday Celebrations – Festive Witch
:chakras: The Chakras – Chakra Worker
:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Weather Witchery – Weather Witch
:herb: Green & Herbal Magick – Green Witch
:hammer_and_wrench: Troubleshooting Spellwork – Spell Mechanic
:clock11: Catch-Up XI
:dart: Tactical Magick – Magickal Strategist
:fehu: All About Runes – Rune Reader
:cloud: Hedge Magick: Into Other Realms – Hedge Witch
:fallen_leaf: Seasonal Magick – Witch of the Season
:raised_hand: Palmistry – Palm Reader
:cauldron: Witch Brews & Potions – Potion Brewer
:fountain_pen: Handwritten Magick – With Hand and Heart
:white_check_mark: Conditional Magick – Master of Circumstances
:1234: Numerology – Numerologist
:clock5: Catch-Up X
:globe_with_meridians: Liminal Magick – Liminal Witch
:game_die: Divining Differently – Divination Explorer
:speaking_head: Multilingual Magick – Polyglot Practicioner
:mending_heart: Wholesome Healers – Healer
:moneybag: Money Magick – Prosperous Witch
:sunglasses: Casual Casting – Casual Caster
:heart_hands: HandCrafting – Handy Witch
:railway_track: A Journey of Change – Doctrina et crescente
:mountain_snow: Mountain Magick: Land Beneath Our Feet – Mountain Witch
:100: Catch-Up IX : The Hundredth Challenge
:sun: Solstice: Festivities of Light – Solstice Celebrant
:shell: Ocean Magick – Sea Witch
:people_hugging: As Above, So Below – One Who Is Connected
:nose: Smells Like Magick – Osmic Occultist
:person_in_lotus_position: Meditation Magick – Magickal Meditator
:hibiscus: Blooming with the Moon - Virent anima
:unicorn: The Bestiary - Cryptozoologist
:couch_and_lamp: Let a Witch Unwind! – Caster of Calm
:hotsprings: Energy Work – Energy Channeler
:clock4: Catch-Up VIII
:diya_lamp: Candle Magick: Light 'Em Up! – Holder of Light
:tornado: Chaos Magick – Master of Chaos
:magic_wand: Tools of the Witch Trade – Well-Equipped Witch
:sunflower: Flower Power – Anthophile Witch
:tea: Teas & Infusions – Tea Witch
:teacher: Teachers of Magick – Student of Magick
:pentagram: Symbols & Sigils – Wielder of Symbols
:broom: Everyday Magick – Carpe diem
:heart: Love Magick – Lovely Witch
:clock3: Catch-Up VII
:tiger: Lunisolar Calendar and Chinese New Year – Favored by Fortune
:performing_arts: Your Magickal Muse – Beloved by the Muses
:deciduous_tree: Sacred Trees and Wood – Custos Arborum
:open_hands: Making Magickal Offerings – Blessed Bestower
:door: Passage Into the New Year – Trailblazer
:blush: The Magick of Happiness – Beholder of Happiness
:sun_with_face: Solar Magick – Solar Mage
:busts_in_silhouette: Freedom in Forgiveness – Magnanimous
:crossed_swords: Dual Wielding Opposite Forces – Unus qui est libratum
:clock2: Catch-Up VI
:sparkler: Spell Swap Meet – Coven Contributor
:angel: Working With Higher Powers - In manibus numinum
:candy: Trick-or-Treat! - Sweet 'n Spooky
:purse: Making Objects Magickal – Enchanter
:sparkles: A Magickal Blessing – Blessed One
:mag_right: Peering into Past Lives – Witch of the Ages
:books: History of Magick – History’s Heir
:shield: Powerful Protection – Powerful Protector
:dancer: The Magick of Music – Bard Witch
:clock1: Catch-Up V
:map: Magick on the Go – Wandering Witch
:handshake: One Witch to Another – Keeper of Knowledge
:salt: Salty Spellwork – Imperium salis
:cyclone: Reading Auras – Aura Reader
:black_cat: Cat Magick – Amicus felium
:yum: Wickedly Delicious – Connoisseur Witch
:bride_with_veil: Deities of the Moon – Blessed by the Moon
:rose: Beauty Magick – Pulchra magicae
:flower_playing_cards: A Touch of Tarot – Tarot Reader
:trophy: The Challenger [50th Challenge] – Challenge Champion
:dragon_face: Dragon Magick – Blessed by Dragons
:prayer_beads: A Healthy Dose of Crystals – Crystal Healer
:notes: Enchanting Chants – Chant Witch
:rainbow: The Many Colors of Magick – Colorful Witch
:timer_clock: Catch-Up IV
:milky_way: Astrology: Reading the Skies - Astrologer
:white_heart: Into the Light - Witch of Love and Light
:black_heart: From the Shadows - Shadow Survivor
:confetti_ball: Congrats to the Coven - Coven Celebrant
:place_of_worship: All About Altars - Reverent Witch
:toolbox: Holistic Magick: A Witch’s Apothecary - Apothecarist
:writing_hand: The Wizardry of Words - Word Witch
:paw_prints: Claws, Paws, Tails and Scales - Animalis magum
:full_moon_with_face: Strength of the Full Moon - Lunar Witch
:running_woman: Catch-Up III
:art: Magick in the Arts - Art Witch
:star: Star Magick - Shining Bright
:footprints: Your Magickal Roots - Peritus viatorem
:small_blue_diamond: Elemental Mastery - Master of All Elements
:mountain: Of the Element Earth - Earth Elemental
:fire: Of the Element Fire - Fire Elemental
:seedling: From Seed to Sprout - Ceiliúradh an tséasúir
:wind_face: Of the Element Air - Air Elemental
:ocean: Of the Element Water - Water Elemental
:alarm_clock: Catch Up II
:scroll: Of Goals and Intent - Finis patrator
:partying_face: Holiday Cheer - Merrily Magickal
:new_moon: Magick in the Dark - Tenebris Lucem
:yarn: Of Spells and String - Weavemaster
:bathtub: Scrub-a-dub, Magick in the Tub - Bubbly Witch
:gem: Heed the Call of Crystals - Crystal Collector
:hocho: Creative Crafting - Creatively Crafty
:candle: Of Candles and Flame - Witch of the Flame
:skull: The Veil Between Worlds - Witch of the Veil
:spiral_calendar: Catch-Up I
:honeybee: The Spell-ing Bee - Spell Master
:crystal_ball: Foretelling the Future - Seer Apprentice
:alembic: Potion Making - Potion Master
:open_book: Books, Tomes, and Tales - Book Lover
:sparkling_heart: Giving Gratitude - Blessed and Grateful
:ear_of_rice: Inviting Abundance - Blessed by Abundance
:full_moon: Moon Magick - Moon Witch
:pray: Dealing in the Divine - Deific Witch
:cupcake: Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch
:sleeping: Dream Magick - Oneiric Witch
:dove: Earth-Friendly Witchcraft - Earth Witch
:money_with_wings: The Thrifty Witch - Thrifty Witch
:compass: Celestial Exploration - Cosmic Witch
:star2: Trying Something New - Experimenter

Note that you can view the full list of challenges at any time by visiting: Weekly Witchy Challenges :fire: A History

How many challenges can I do this week? :thinking:

If you are feeling particularly adventurous this week and want to do more than just the usual one challenge, you can do:


As many challenges as you are able to do!

As a special nod to the hundredth challenge, the usual limit is being blasted away! :boom:

Before going witchy wild, please remember that, although some challenges have similar themes, every challenge requires its own unique entry in order to receive the corresponding badge :medal_sports:

Additionally, please remember that the badges are just a small bonus - the true purpose of challenges is to help you further develop and grow your practice :books::sparkles: Please do not feel any pressure to overwork yourself this week- if you do start to see signs of Spellwork Burnout , please remember to rest and take care of yourself!

Another chance to join in on any additional missed challenges will come again soon. You can expect another Catch-Up Challenge and chance to earn old badges every ten challenges :+1:

Not sure which challenges you already participated in? :ballot_box_with_check:

Click here to learn how to check which badges you already have

If you can’t remember if you completed a challenge or not, no worries! You can go to the challenge page and check the entries to see if you submitted.

Additionally, you can go to your Badges page to see a collection of all the titles you previously earned.

Here is how to check your badges:

  1. Click on your avatar/picture icon at the top right-hand side of any page in the forum.
  2. Click on the person icon and select “Summary”.
  3. Next, click on “Badges”

Here you can see all the badges you have earned during your time exploring the forums!

STEP 2: Share Your Entry(ies) to the Challenge :writing_hand:

Click here for notes about challenge inclusivity

Everyone is welcome to join the challenge by practicing magick in line with the current theme. For lurkers and those who don’t feel comfortable sharing, it is absolutely okay to follow along with the challenge but keep your entry personal. Feel free to join in spirit and do what feels most comfortable for you! :blush:

That being said, please know that if you would like to receive a prize and a public shout-out, it is required that you share your experience.

Getting Your Credit :white_check_mark:

:exclamation: IMPORTANT : Please don’t forget to include the name of the chosen challenge and/or the badge you want somewhere in your post as well!

If you do not include a challenge or badge name with your entry, I will have to use my best guess and you may not get the title you were hoping for- so please be sure to mention it!

After you have chosen an old challenge (or several!), had your experience, and are ready to share- all you have to do is write/share about what you did and label it as your challenge entry. There is a lot of chatting here (which is awesome- chatting and discussion are very welcome!) so please please PLEASE clearly write that it is your entry so that I know to count it! :pray:

Where Should I Share My Entry? :thinking:

Click here for instructions on where to share your entry

You are welcome to post it right here- just click “reply” :repeat: to this post and write your experience in the text box that pops up!

Alternatively, you could create a new thread in the forum (doing so keeps your entry separate and is a good option if you have a lot to share)

Note : If you do choose to create a new thread, please add the “challenge-entry” tag and/or add a hyperlink back to this post so that it can be easily found- thank you! :bowing_woman:

Deadline :spiral_calendar:

:exclamation: This challenge will close in 6 DAYS :exclamation:

To join in, please share your experience by:

Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

(Note that the time zone is EDT- if you don’t see your time displayed above, you can use this time zone calculator to check for your time zone!)

Prizes :gift:

For their efforts, all participants will receive a special shout-out and a small prize! :gift:

Acknowledgments will be given in a Props and Presents Post that will appear in the forums on Tuesday.

After the challenge closes, you are still very welcome to post but please be aware that no additional prizes will be given. This discussion will remain open for about a week after the challenge finishes.

:gift_heart: :gift: :gift_heart:

:gift_heart: A Special Bonus Prize

In addition to the badge(s) associated with the challenge(s) you enter, everyone who participates in this Catch-Up Challenge will receive an additional badge unique to the 200th Challenge :medal_military:

As this 200th Challenge badge is unique to this event, it is exclusive to this challenge and will not be available in future Catch-Up Challenges.

A warm reminder that the challenges are designed to be very open- everyone is encouraged to participate in a way that honors and reflects their unique practice :open_book:

If you have any doubts about if something is acceptable to post or say, please double-check with the Forum FAQ and/or reach out to your friendly Moderator Team .

And for those new to challenges- welcome! :heart: Know that the goal of these activities is to help you further diversify and strengthen your abilities and to bring together the Spells8 forum family to inspire and support one another in creative ways :hugs:

200 challenges hold a lot of memories!
For all of the amazing entries shared so far,
And for all of the magick and inspiration to be shared in the future-

Thank you so much for 200 Witchy Challenges!

:mage: :infinite_roots: :trophy:

Blessed Be, Witchy Challengers!


So excited for this! Let’s see how many I can get caught up on!


@Mystique I am so excited too :smile:
Now it is time to find the three perfect challenges
200w (1)
Snow white witch


These are my entry’s:

Powerful Purifier: - I use sge and Palo santo for cleansing and purifying everything items alters every witch tool and stones and crystals .

Bard witch: - i also practice with music in my craft I play notes for my guitar for certain spells l

Oneiric Witch:- I use dream magic I use moldvite to activate my powerful dreams

Experimenter - as everyone knows I love to test magic and spirits for results as my previous post that’s what I do

Witch of the Waxing Moon- I just posted about my moon I was born March 6th 1987 it was a waxing :waxing_crescent_moon: moon

Anointer:- I always run oil on my candle with intentions and olive oil

Herbal Witch:-

I got so much lemon balm I use in my magic


The Fortune Teller’s Game
@discobot roll 1d10


:game_die: 9


If you got number 9…

It’s time to get cooking (or perhaps time to chow down)- I hope you’re hungry, because you’ve been chosen for Kitchen Magick this week! :bowl_with_spoon:

A delightfully delicious and creative area of the craft, kitchen magick is all about spellwork in the kitchen. You might open up your pantry and see what protection herbs and spices you have, cast while cooking, do a food or drink blessing 2, make a magickal recipe 4, or more. Have fun and be creative with your cooking/eating this week- bon appétit!


Looks like I will be kitchen witchery this week :slight_smile: i have my eye on like 5 more… we’ll see what I accomplish :relieved:


Oh, a catch up challenge!

I’m missing 19 badges… :laughing: my random number generator tells me I get to do:

:consecrate_spell: Consecration – Consecrator
:world_map: Magick on the Go – Wandering Witch
:exclamation: A Witch’s Intuition – Intuitive Witch

Should be fun! Now I just need to figure out what to do for each challenge :joy:


Here’s my starting point. I decided to start at the furthest ones away. Time to get cracking!

:fire: Of the Element Fire - Fire Elemental
:compass: Celestial Exploration - Cosmic Witch
:sleeping: Dream Magick- Oneiric Witch
:full_moon: Moon Magick - Moon Witch
:pray: Dealing in the Divine- Deific Witch
:cupcake: Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch"
:ear_of_rice: Inviting Abundance - Blessed by Abundance
:honeybee: The Spell-ing Bee- Spell Master
:candle: Of Candles and Flame - Witch of the Flame
:yarn: Of Spells and String - Weavemaster


Wow already. Where have the weeks gone?!


not me completely missing this part the first time around… :joy: I guess let’s see how many I can get done! Maybe I’ll get all caught up! I doubt it… that’s a lot lol


These are my entry’s :pentagram: :dizzy:
Enchanting Chants – Chant Witch

:tv: Witchy Media – Magickal Maestro :dizzy:invitation 2 :dizzy:
The Witches of Smyrna [Greek TV series]

invitation 3
Enchanting Herbs – Herbal Witch
Enchanting Herbs
Prior to actually using herbs in magic, they can be enchanted. Enchantment (in a magical context) aligns the vibrations of plants involved with your magical need. Thus it is a process which increases the effectiveness of the herbs.

Enchantment may be preformed on a single herb or a mixture, but should not be done until moments before the herb is to be used. When several herbs are needed for a spell they may be enchanted together as a mixture or singly as each herb is introduced into the mixture.

A preliminary enchantment may be preformed if the herb is collected from the wilds or a garden. While actually cutting the herb for a specific spell the need should be stressed, as should the plant’s role in fulfilling that need. i.e.:

I gather you, rosemary, herb of the Sun, to increase my mental powers and concentration.

This begins the process of enchantment, although it is preliminary only.

The equipment is simple: a plain wooden or ceramic bowl, two candles, and a supply of colored candles.

Place the bowl in the center of the alter, the candleholders with correctly colored candles on either side. The herbs to be enchanted should be placed around the bowl in their containers.

Light the candles and still your mind. Unplug the phone and lock the door. If you wish, darken the room of artificial illumination. Enchant herbs (and preform all magic) only when you are alone and will be free from interuption.

Pour the needed amount of dried herb into the bowl. Sit or stand calmly and gaze into the herb. Sense its vibrations awaiting within the leaves and flowers and stems; see them emerging from the plant or lying in wait. Psychics can see the vibrations leaving the plants in various forms, such as sharp jagged lines, lazy spirals or blazing comets. Lean toward the bowl and place your power hand within it, touching the herb. Leave it motionless for a few seconds. Visualize your need strongly.

Run your fingers through the herb. Still strongly visualizing your need, send it into the herb. Feel your fingertips charging the herb with energy. If you find trouble holding the image in your mind chant simple words that mach your need, such as: Yarrow, yarrow, make love grow.

Chant this endlessly under your breath. As you run your fingers through the herb feel them infusing the plant with your need.

When the herb is tingling with power (or when you sense the enchantment is complete) remove your hand. The plant has been enchanted.

If there are other plants to be used in the mixture, add them one at a time, re-enchanting the mixture with each addition.

If you wish to enchant herbs to be used separately, remove the enchanted herb from the bowl and wipe it clean with a dry towel. Replace the candles with colors appropriate for the new herb and repeat the procedure.

Source: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

invitation 4
Celtic Magick – Celtic Practitioner
Heroes of the Celtic Tradition
Fionn mac Cumhaill – A legendary warrior and leader of the Fianna, a group of warriors who served as the guardians of Ireland. He is often associated with the Tuatha Dé Danann and is said to have been guided by the god Lugh.
Oisín – Son of Fionn mac Cumhaill, who is said to have traveled to the Otherworld and returned to Ireland many years later. It is often associated with the god Aengus and the story of the Swan Daughter.
Cú Chulainn – A legendary hero of Irish mythology often associated with the Circle of Ulster, who precedes the Tuatha Dé Danann in Irish myth. However, he is sometimes associated with the Tuatha Dé Danann through his connections with the Goddess Morrígan.
Emer – Wife of the hero Cú Chulainn, who is known for her beauty, intelligence and martial prowess. Sometimes associated with the Goddess Brigid.
Conall Cernach – Another hero of the Circle of Ulster who is sometimes associated with the Tuatha Dé Danann through his relationship with the Goddess Morrígan.
Lughaidh – A warrior of the Tuatha Dé Danann said to have killed Balor, a Fomorian giant who was at war with the Tuatha Dé Danann.
Midir – A God of the Otherworld sometimes associated with the Tuatha Dé Danann. He is known for his love for the mortal woman Etain, and their story is often seen as a symbol of the connection between the mortal world and the Otherworld.
Bres – A half Fomorian, half Tuatha Dé Danann king who was said to be a cruel and unjust ruler. It is often seen as a symbol of the dangers of arrogance and pride.
Niamh Chinn Óir – A Goddess of the Otherworld often associated with the god Manannán mac Lir. She is known for her beauty and her ability to transform people into swans.
Angus Mac Og – A God of love and youth associated with the story of Aengus’ dream. In this story, he falls in love with a woman he sees in a dream and spends many years searching for her in the mortal world. The story is often seen as a symbol of the power of love and the connection between the mortal and divine realms.

invitation 5
Flower Power – Anthophile Witch

rose petals the great weapon of the witch [for love spells and magic filters]
Royal [or money spells essential oils for dressing candles but also for making lucky bags]
rosemary[for protection it replaces any herb in the magic that we lack]
lemongrass [ it flavors our salads and brings money to spells :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:]


invitation 6
Foretelling the Future - Seer Apprentice
Taro Katinas DESTE

a special deck of cards :two_hearts:it tells the near future with accuracy :revolving_hearts:


I’m looking forward to reading all your entries. :grin:


I’ve got 34 left so I won’t get caught up this go round but I’m hoping to make a big dent in the ones that happened before I joined and the early years when I wasn’t doing them.

I thought maybe you were being logical and only picking a few due to time constraints! :smiling_face: I saw no limit and went woo hoo!!! :laughing:


Challenge Entry #1 - :yarn: Of Spells and String - Weavemaster

This was a perfect one to start with. I am still in the process of thinning down my craft supplies and getting rid of most of my parachute cord but the picture of this infinity knot drew my attention and within 20 minutes I had a new bracelet! I had to try three times to get it right truth be told but that was fine as by the third try I could focus on weaving a protection spell into it!
:magic_shield: :knot:


haha nope - I’m a ditz and didn’t read the entire post :joy: I went off the usual three-limit restriction on these challenges!


I figured it would be a limit of 10 like it was for the 100th but heck I’ll take it and see what I can do! Honestly, these are wonderful, it inspires my creativity to see how much I can do. I’m sitting on the couch with multiple tabs open researching things and have a notepad next to me writing spells and rhymes and ideas! :smiley:


@discobot roll 1d10


:game_die: 5