Weekly Witchy Challenge - Props and Presents (Catch-Up: 200th Challenge Edition) 🏆

Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for the 200th Weekly Witchy Challenge :trophy:

catch up special edition

To everyone who celebrated the 200th challenge by jumping into past challenge(s) to put their magickal talents to the test in a variety of ways - here is a hard-earned special shout-out for you! :mega:

  1. Magick in the Arts - Art Witch
  2. Spell Bags & Pouches – Spell Bag Builder
  3. Magickal Creatures – Favored by the Fantastical
  4. The Bestiary - Cryptozoologist
  5. Fairies & Fae - Friend of Fairies
  6. Circles in Magick – Magister Circulorum
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Of Spells and String - Weavemaster
  2. Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch
  3. Dream Magick - Oneiric Witch
  4. Star Magick - Shining Bright
  5. Of Candles and Flame - Witch of the Flame
  6. Dealing in the Divine - Deific Witch
  7. Of the Element Fire - Fire Elemental
  8. Salty Spellwork - Imperium salis
  9. Beauty Magick - Pulchra magicae
  10. All About Altars - Reverent Witch
  11. A Magickal Blessing - Blessed One
  12. The Magick of Music - Bard Witch
  13. Celestial Exploration - Cosmic Witch
  14. Making Objects Magickal - Enchanter
  15. Working With Higher Powers - In manibus numinum
  16. Inviting Abundance - Blessed by Abundance
  17. The Many Colors of Magick - Colorful Witch
  18. Into the Light - Witch of Love and Light
  19. The Spell-ing Bee - Spell Master
  20. Everyday Magick - Carpe diem
  21. Your Magickal Muse - Beloved by the Muses
  22. Magick in the Arts - Art Witch
  23. Dual Wielding Opposite Forces – Unus qui est libratum
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Teachers of Magick - Student of Magick
  2. One Witch to Another - Keeper of Knowledge
  3. A Journey of Change – Doctrina et crescent
  4. As Above, So Below – One Who Is Connected
  5. Dragon Magick - Blessed by Dragons
  6. Cat Magick – Amicus felium
  7. Your Magickal Muse - Beloved by the Muses
  8. Beauty Magick - Pulchra magicea
  9. Of Candles and Flame - Witch of the Flame
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch
  2. Moon Magick - Moon Witch
  3. Spell Bags & Pouches - Spell Bag Builder
  4. Multilingual Magick - Polyglot Practitioner
  5. Magickal Guardians - Protected with Love
  6. Dragon Magick - Blessed by Dragons
  7. A Witch’s Intuition - Intuitive Witch
  8. Magick on the Go - Wandering Witch
    Enchanting Herbs - Herbal Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Greek & Roman Magick - Greek Practitioner
  2. Foretelling the Future - Seer Apprentice
  3. Magick On the Go - Wandering Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Dealing in the Divine - Deific Witch
  2. Rock Magick - Rockin’ Witch
  3. Interpreting Signs and Messages - Magickal Interpreter
  4. Deities & Deity Worship - Blessed by the Divine
  5. From the Shadows - Shadow Survivor
  6. Elemental Mastery - Master of All Elements
  7. Star Magick - Shining Bright
  8. Claws Paws Tails & Scales - Animalis magum
  9. Of the Element Air - Air Elemental
  10. Spell Bags & Pouches - Spell Bag Builder
  11. Knot Magick - Stitch Witch
  12. Ocean Magick - Sea Witch
  13. Enchanting Herbs - Herbal Witch
  14. Mountain Magick - Mountain Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Potion Making - Potion Master
  2. Grounding and Centering - Composed Caster
  3. Magick in the Arts - Art Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Cleansing in the Craft - Powerful Purifier
  2. The Magick of Music - Bard Witch
  3. Dream Magik - Oneirc Witch
  4. Trying Something New - Experimenter
  5. Waxing Moon Magick - Witch of the Waxing Moon
  6. Anointing Candles - Anointer
  7. Enchanting Herbs - Herbal Witch
  8. Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch
  9. Inviting Abundance - Blessed by Abundance
  10. Greek & Roman Magick - Roman Practitioner
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Enchanting Chants - Chant Witch
  2. Witchy Media - Magickal Maestro
  3. Enchanting Herbs - Herbal Witch
  4. Celtic Magick - Celtic Practitioner
  5. Flower Power - Anthopile Witch
  6. Foretelling the Future - Seer Apprentice
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Of the Element Water - Water Elemental
  2. A Witch’s Intuition - Intuitive Witch
  3. Of the Element Fire - Fire Elemental
  4. Of the Element Air - Air Elemental
  5. Giving Gratitude - Blessed and Grateful
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Technologic & Modern Magick - Technomancer
  2. Divining Differently - Divination Explorer
  3. Tools of the Witch Trade - Well-Equipped Witch
  4. Handcrafting - Handy Witch
  5. Symbols & Sigils – Wielder of Symbols
  6. Luck Magick – Lucky Witch
  7. Heed the Call of Crystals – Crystal Collector
  8. Magickal Inks and Oils – Craftswitch
  9. Blessed Besoms – Broom Keeper
  10. Magic in the Arts – Art Witch
  11. Witch-conceptions: Stereotypes - The One and Only
  12. Knot Magick – Stitch Witch
  13. Green & Herbal Magick – Green Witch
  14. A Witch’s Collection – Collector
  15. Powerful Protection – Powerful Protector
  16. Smells Like Magick - Osmic Occultist
  17. Of Spells and String - Weavemaster
  18. Solstice: Festivities of Light - Solstice Celebrant
  19. Sacred Trees and Wood - Custos Arborum
  20. Claws, Paws, Tails and Scales - Animalis magum
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Wheel of the Year: Pagan Holidays – Year-Round Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Rock Magick - Rockin’ Witch
  2. Science and Witchcraft - Scientific Witch
  3. All About Altars - Reverent Witch
  4. Making Magickal Offerings - Blessed Bestower
  5. Blessed Besoms - Broom Keeper
  6. Fairies and Fae - Friend of Fairies
  7. A Journey of Change – Doctrina et crescent
  8. Witch Ethics: The Morals of Magick - Honorable Witch
  9. Enchanting Chants - Chant Witch
  10. Protectors & Guardians - Protected with Love
  11. The Magick of Happiness - Beholder of Happiness
  12. Deities and Deity Worship - Blessed by the Divine
  13. Enchanting Herbs - Herbal Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Natural Health and Healing - Healed by the Earth
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Beauty Magick - Pulchra magicae
  2. Magick of Happiness - Beholder of Happiness
  3. Working with Higher Powers - In manibus numinum
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Magickal Names – One Who Knows Thyself
  2. Natural Health And Healing - Healed By The Earth
  3. Sacred Books - Book Keeper
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. All About Intuition - Intuitive Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Enchanting Herbs - Herbal Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. The Thrifty Witch - Thrifty Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Dealing in the Divine - Deific Witch
  2. Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch
  3. Nordic Magick - Nordic Practitioner
  4. A Witch’s Cauldron - Cauldron Keeper
  5. Finding Your Witchy Talents - Magickally Talented
  6. Magickal Names - One Who Knows Thyself
  7. Celtic Magick - Celtic Practitioner
  8. Magickal Safety - Warden
  9. Sacred Books - Book Keeper
  10. Magickal Creatures – Favored by the Fantastical
  11. Protectors & Guardians - Protected with Love
  12. Science and Witchcraft - Scientific Witch
  13. Teas & Infusions - Tea Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Ancestor Work - A Living Legacy
  2. The Magick of Sound - Sound Worker
  3. Meditation Magick - Magickal Meditator
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. All About Altars - Reverent Witch
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire
  1. Interpreting Magickal Signs - Magickal Interpreter
  2. Rock Magick - Rockin’ Witch
  3. A Witch’s Intuition - Intuitive Witch
  4. Magickal Correspondences - Keeper of Correspondences
  5. Handwritten Magick - With Hand and Heart
  6. A Touch of Tarot - Tarot Reader
  7. Fairies and Fae - Friend of Fairies
    The 200th Challenge - Challenge Extraordinaire

There were a lot of wonderful entries out there! If your entry was accidentally missed or you didn’t get the title you were hoping for, please let me know so I can correct it!


In addition to their new experiences, everyone who participated has received a shiny new badge (or badges!) :trophy:

Rewards for this challenge depend on which challenge(s) you completed! A notification in your inbox will let you know which title(s) you have received. Great job! :+1:

Additionally, as a special gift for a special milestone challenge, everyone who shared at least one entry for this challenge will receive a badge unique to this 200th challenge:

200th Challenge Badge

Click here to learn how to wear your new badge

You worked hard for your prize- wear it with pride! :star2:

How to put your new title on display:

  1. Look at the top right-hand corner of the site and click on your avatar/picture
  2. When the drop-down menu opens, click on the person (:mens:)
  3. Then, click on the next gear symbol (:gear:) /“Preferences”
  4. Scroll down the page until you see “Title”. In the small drop-down box, select the title of your choosing
  5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page

There are many possible titles you can earn through interacting on the forums. Your chosen title will appear next to your username , and a full list of your earned titles is on your profile in the section “Badges”.

The badges you earn are trophies of your magickal accomplishments- may you wear your chosen badge with pride! :mage:


A celebration of 200 challenges- a magickal menagerie of all types!

I can’t say it enough- thank you so much to everyone who joined in and shared your magickal. Whether you did one challenge, two challenges, three challenge, or went above and beyond with more, I am so proud of you- cheers to you and all the exciting spellwork you’ve accomplished! :tada:

I hope you had fun and were able to collect a badge or title you had been missing. If you didn’t get all the ones you wanted- no fear! There will be another chance to jump into old challenges and collect new titles in the future :grin::trophy:

Thank you again for participating! :tada::blush:

For challenge-seekers or anyone who missed this week’s challenge- no fear! Challenges run every week from Wednesday to the following Tuesday: there will be another challenge coming very soon .

Please keep an eye on the main page of the forum for an announcement :speaking_head:

Blessed be! :trophy::sparkles:


Bravo to all entrants this week - what an amazing collection of entries! :partying_face:

Please note that I am in the process of awarding badges now - it may take a half an hour to an hour or so for them to arrive to you! If in two hours from now you still don’t have a badge you earned, please let me know and I’ll get it to you :grinning:

Congrats again, witchy challengers! :tada: :trophy:


Bless your heart for keeping track of them all!!! I was so excited about this challenge when I saw it had no limit but thought… oh my gosh, what did you do to yourself? :rofl:

And thank you for being able to count better than I could. I completely lost track more than once. :laughing:

Phew, well I’m glad we had that opportunity. It was amazingly fun to be creative and inspired and have a magick-packed few days to think, breathe, eat, sleep, and make Magick!!!

You are a rockstar and amazing! Thank you for all you do and especially for these wonderful challenges :white_heart: :pink_heart: :heart: :pink_heart: :white_heart:


Thank you, @BryWisteria, for the new badge! And wow, what an awesome job everybody did! Including you, Bry! You had to keep up with us! LOL!


Thank you, @BryWisteria for all the work you do for us on this forum and the website. You are awesome! :heart: :grinning: :people_hugging: :star:


Congrats to all the badges y’all have earned! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


I have to agree! It was alot of fun to do as many challenges as we want and have an extra magical week! Thank you​:blush::heart:


Badges are out! There was an abundance of them this week, so please take a look and make sure you got the right ones/the ones you wanted - if any badges aren’t right, just leave a comment or shoot me a message and I’ll remedy it for you :blush:

Great job, everyone!

@Artemisia Aww thank you, Artemisia- I appreciate that! :heart: Giving out the badges is nothing compared to all the work all of you did this week - there were so many amazing entries! :star_struck: I am so impressed by everything you (and everyone else!) did this week. Another big bravo to you - may you keep the badges on your virtual trophy shelf with pride! :star2: :trophy:

@Amethyst I’ll admit it was a workout to keep up with the entries, but it sure was a fun one! Great job, Amethyst! :partying_face:

@bj1 You’re very kind, BJ - thank you! :hugs: Great job this week!

@Mystique :partying_face: :purple_heart:

@Kiara_Astra I’m so happy if you had fun! You’re very welcome - thanks again for joining in! :heart:


Holy cow - I knew there were a lot of entries but I didn’t realize exactly how many were posted! :astonished: It’s been amazing to read through all of them and see how everyone has interpreted the challenge. Amazing job, everyone! :clap:


So many entries

Is right

Congratulations to the lot of you lovely witches and wizards


Congratulations everyone :partying_face:


Thank you for the badge! I was only able to get one challenge done, but that’s okay!


Congratulations to everyone~! I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the challenge. And thank you for the badges!!! :heartpulse: :pink_heart: :heartpulse:


Before this weekend, I was burnt out. I had no clue what to do. Summer does that to me on a regular basis. Once I got started, though, I lost track of my own work!

Lesson included in among the challenges: I do more than I think I do, know more than I imagine, and am more capable than I give myself credit for.

I admit, the last ones were done in the middle of the night, so I didn’t get my beauty sleep. Time for me to crash. Before I do, though, I want to thank each and every one of you for inspiring me, listening when I needed a shoulder, and teaching me so much! You all are the greatest friends I could hope for. Bless you all real good!


Blush I feel like a kid at camp, collecting badges and prizes. I’ve taken to copying the badges and keeping them in a file for all the prizes I’ve earned- Including the Certificate of Bravery for visiting the Rattlesnake Museum, classes I took while working at BP gas station, classes in France, field day ribbons over the years, prizes earned at camp, and special cards people have sent me over the years- right next to pics of me acting on stage as a youth, playing with a tiger cub as though he were a kitten, all the places I’ve been, and the crazy things I’ve done.


I didn’t stay up overnight or late but I did have two days fortuitously free from distraction and obligation and dove straight into entries and magick. Now I’m exhausted but happy. Turning in early tonight!

:hugs: :heart: :hugs: :heart:


@BryWisteria I second everything that @Artemisia said so well! :black_heart:


It does feel good, doesn’t it.
Rest well. You’ve earned it!:purple_heart:


Sweet dreams :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


Congratulations to everybody!
excellent entries!
thank you for all the work you do my dear @ BryWisteria :dizzy: :pentagram: :revolving_hearts: