🔗 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Magickal Correspondences

Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for last week’s Weekly Witchy Challenge - Of Hearth & Home :house:

After indulging in a particularly cozy and homey area of the Craft, it’s time to settle in for some magickal theory. Open up your books and your minds, as we examine a fundamental principle of magick this week! :open_book:

The theme for this week’s challenge is…

Correspondences Witch Challenge

:bookmark: :link: Magickal Correspondences :handshake: :infinity:

How do you use magickal associations in your Craft?

Open up any spell book or list of magickal ingredients and you’re likely to see associations- this may be planets listed alongside herbs, a certain season associated with certain crystals, types of spellwork for moon phases or days of the week, etc. These are all correspondences! :open_book:

Correspondences (also called associations) are the link between one thing and another, based on the belief that everything in the universe is interconnected. In magick, correspondences are the special ties between certain objects, ingredients, and living beings that help us to channel energy and manifest certain specific intentions.

Magickal correspondences are a fundamental concept in many occult practices, serving as a system of symbolic associations that connect different elements of the universe.

They are based on the idea of “as above, so below,” which suggests that there are meaningful connections between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the individual).

Correspondences are used to establish relationships between various elements such as planets, elements, colors, symbols, and more, and are believed to influence and enhance magickal workings, rituals, and spells.

From Spells8: Magickal Correpondences

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This week’s challenge is all about magickal correspondences - how you choose to take on this theme is up to you!

So are you ready? Because it’s…



From Pixabay

STEP 1 : Using The Bonds Between Things :link:

This challenge is all about associations and correspondences - but as always, how you choose to take on this theme is up to you!

Still not sure where to begin? To help you get started, here are a few ways in which a witch might approach this challenge.

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Exploring Correspondences :mag:

If you’re new to correspondences and how they help us in magick, a great place to begin is at the start- consider studying up on magickal associations this week! Feel free to share what you’ve learned (be it theory, history, folklore, etc) as your entry.

Don’t forget to download and print your Magickal Correspondence Printable Pages- from herbs to planets and much more, it is very handy knowledge to have in your Book of Shadows or Grimoire!

Magickal Correspondences and Lists of Magickal Associations

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General & Traditional Correspondences :scroll:

So many correspondences out there to explore! For your entry this week, feel free to share some general correspondences that you have found in your studies- they may be for herbs, planets, crystals, cards, seasons, elements, etc.

Note that various traditions may associate things differently- and that’s okay! Feel free to explore and share about any correspondences that are of particular interest and/or use in your practice.

Moon Magick Associations: Spells Types for Each Moon Phase

Candle Associations: The Meaning of Each Color

Daily Correspondences: Magick for Each Day of the Week

The Magickal Uses of Herbs: Green Witchery

Reading Tarot: The Meanings & Associations of the Cards

The Meaning & Symbolism of Pagan Symbols

Popular Crystal Meanings, Associations & Uses

Related discussions and resources:

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Develop Personal Correspondences :writing_hand:

Personal correspondences are associations that you have taken note of- they are most often based on personal experiences. These correspondences are particularly special because they reflect you- they are worth developing and putting to use in your Craft!

Consider sharing how you have developed your own personal associations (for tarot cards, runes, colors, seasons, etc) or share some of your associations that you have found useful as your entry this week!

Related discussions and resources:

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… And More! :raised_hands:

The suggestions above are just a few ideas to help kickstart your creativity- if you feel called to explore magickal correspondences in another way, please feel free to do so! :blush:

As always, all witches are encouraged to embrace their own unique practice with how they explore the challenge theme :star2:

From Pixabay

STEP 2 : Share Your Experience :writing_hand:

Click here for a note about challenge inclusivity

Everyone is welcome to join the challenge by practicing magick in line with the current theme. For lurkers and those who don’t feel comfortable sharing, it is absolutely okay to follow along with the challenge but keep your entry personal. Feel free to join in spirit and do what feels most comfortable for you! :blush:

That being said, please know that if you would like to receive a prize and a public shout-out, it is required that you share your experience.

Getting Your Credit :white_check_mark:

In order for your entry to be counted, all you have to do is write/share about your experience and label it as your challenge entry. There is a lot of chatting here (which is awesome- chatting and discussion are very welcome!) so please clearly write that it is your entry so I know to count it! :pray:

Where Should I Share My Entry? :thinking:

Click here to learn where to share your challenge entry

You are welcome to post it right here- just click “reply” :repeat: to this post and write your experience in the text box that pops up!

Alternatively, you could create a new post in the forum (this is good for when you have a lot to share and/or would like to discuss aspects of your entry not related to the current theme)

Note : If you do choose to create a new thread, please add the “challenge-entry” tag and/or add a hyperlink back to this post so that it can be easily found- thank you! :bowing_woman:

Deadline :spiral_calendar:

:exclamation: This challenge will close in 6 DAYS :exclamation:

To join in, please share your experience by:

Tuesday, October 24 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

(Note that the time zone is ET- if you don’t see your time displayed above, you can use this time zone calculator to check for your time zone!)

Prizes :gift:

For their efforts, all participants will receive a special shout-out and a small prize! :gift:

Acknowledgments will be given in a Props and Presents Post that will appear in the forums on Tuesday.

After the challenge closes, you are still very welcome to post but please be aware that no additional prizes will be given. This discussion will remain open for about a week after the challenge finishes.

:gift_heart: :gift: :gift_heart:

From Pixabay

A warm reminder that the challenges are designed to be very open- everyone is encouraged to participate in a way that honors and reflects their unique practice :open_book:

If you have any doubts about if something is acceptable to post or say, please double-check with the Forum FAQ and/or reach out to your friendly Moderator Team.

And for those new to challenges- welcome! :heart: Know that the goal of these activities is to help you further diversify and strengthen your abilities and to bring together the Spells8 forum family to inspire and support one another in creative ways :hugs:

From Pixabay

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This and that may appear apart,
But look deeper and see the heart.
As above, so too below-
Channel the power of the universe’s flow

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Blessed Be! :link::sparkles:


Excellent invitation!
everything in magic has its counterpart!
This is a key element for a successful spell!
Eastern Archangel Raphael Angel Aragon candle gold or orange lavender incense
south Archangel Michael Archangel Azer candle red incense laurel
Western Archangel Gabriel Angel Aniel candle blue incense chamomile or fir
north Archangel Uriel Angel Baliel coffee candle or green incense sage
In the middle Archangel Ariel white candle
Zodiacal Angels
Aries Mahidiel and Samael
Taurus Asmodiel and Anael
Twins Ambriel and Raphael
Cancer Hanael and Gabriel
Leon Michael and Verhiel
Virgin Raphael and Hamaliel
Libra Uriel and Anael
Scorpio Samael and Vardiel
Sagittarius Sahiel and Adnahiel
Capricorn Hanael and Kasiel
Aquarius Gabriel and Uriel
Sahiel and Varhiel Pisces

google photos


Weekly Challenge Entry

This book is my most used out of all my witchy books. I’m surprised the cover isn’t falling off. It has tons of information. I love this book!


I just bought this myself! It’s next to my bed. I like to just page through it from time to time just to see what I can find


I call it my bible. Lol!


Oh fun, I like the sound of this challenge!!! I’m glad I saw it the day it was posted (not that I don’t know it’s every Wednesday :roll_eyes: but sometimes I miss it till Friday). Should have some time tomorrow or Friday to work on this challenge. :tada:

(Side note: Is there a way to have a notification set for the first post each week for the challenge? I have something similar set up that lets me know when the Weekly Ritual is posted but for the life of me can’t figure out how to do it for the Weekly Challenge. @BryWisteria @MeganB ) Feel free to DM me to prevent derailing this thread :heart:


Oooo I didn’t know this was a thing! I may have to get myself a copy!


It’s a great book and worth the investment. You will use it all the time. There is only so much info you can put in a BOS and this is always my go to book.


You got me convinced! Lookin for a copy now. Thank you :purple_heart:


I’ll send you a message! :heart:


Your welcome! You may be able to find it on thriftbooks or half price books for a cheaper price.


I had an amazon gift card waiting to treat me for my hard work and self-care this week!


Challenge Entry

I started typing up correspondences yesterday, and now this is the challenge.

I’m actually going to keep it simple this time. I promise. :joy:

Here is a snippet of the basic list I’m typing up in Notion:

But I’ll have another version with a lot more detail.

Then, when I’ve compiled all the information, I’m going to find a way to make it manageable in print. It will probably involve alphabet letters as tabs and then lists under purposes.

I’ll probably leave space for jotting down notes on the detailed pages, like observances and more personal correspondences. Maybe. It does seem useful, and lots of people like having that, but at the same time, I really don’t like it when print books leave space for notes as I pretty much refuse to write in such books. (Yes, writing in textbooks through high school and university was pretty upsetting for me. I’m like Gollum: “My precious…” :sweat_smile:)

What I might actually do is compile it in a way that I can easily reprint pages when I type up notes. So it might be something like a small A5 binder that’s just really thick, so I can more easily facilitate that.

Although, a different thing I’ve been doing is making a loose-page kind of book thing. I’m not sure how to explain it, so I’ll just share this photo and hope that kind of covers it enough:

Anyway, that’s where I’m at, and this will take a while, so this is as far as I can ramble about it right now. :black_heart:


Awesome! I think the universe wants you to have this book. There is no such thing as coincidences. Let me know how you like it when it comes in!


Starborn you are amazing with the challenges and your writing! I always love your entry’s.


Thank you Bry for linking my Ultimate Correspondences & Intents spreadsheet.


I needed all correspondence information in one place so that’s why I came up with it. There is so much information out there (some great, some good and some not so good).

Thought I would share some pics of what information is in the spreadsheet in case anyone is interested is grabbing it (see original post for instructions on how to download).

This is a sample of the full database of correspondences

These are food type correspondences

Just some miscellaneous magic info

Secret Witchy names just for fun

And a Spell/Ritual template

I would love to hand make a BOS/Grimoire but I would never get them done (my OCD would get in the way over and over again LOL) so digital was my best option.

I did try to create a digital BOS, really I did but even without the correspondences for everything it would still be over 500 pages including the dividers.


And that isn’t even my digital Grimoire (think its around 800 pages give or take LOL)!

@Ostara ooh I have to look for a copy of that book too and use it to double check my work!


All your entries are fabulous. I’m terrible with correspondences, I break all the rules except the plants, I do try to follow those. This will be good for my discipline :rofl:


If you were to only follow one, the plants are probably the best bet, anyway. :joy:


Excellent Starborn… I know this is going to be a big help for me. I just have to stop taking on so many topics/projects because it’s starting to get overwhelming between the astrology and the tarot cards and basically all magic itself but I love it I love doing the research, the challenge I love it especially the feedback!

You are doing a fantastic job it looks so organized.

Mote It Be


Challenge Entry - Magickal Correspondences

In another post I commented I am reading Benebell Wen’s books on iChing, Holistic Tarot and The Tao of Craft. She has provided a large number of Correspondences on the web pertaining to Eastern Esoteric Tradition and details their history and usage in her writing.

So for this week, my challenge is to be a student, and continue studying her books. The correspondences I am sharing for reference in accord with her Terms of Use page.

PS: If anyone has correspondences relating Eastern Esoteric study to Rune study, I would love to see that.

Some of the titles contained at the link…

  • Wu Xing Life Aspect Correspondences
  • Solar Term Correspondences
  • Incense Numerology
  • Lunar months I and II
  • Earthly Branches and Zodiac Signs
  • Heavenly Stems, Binary, Wu Xing
  • The Sexagenary Year
  • Wu Xing Correspondences
  • Ba Gua Correspondences
  • Wu Xing Attributions
  • Moon Phase Correspondences
  • Lo Shu Correspondences
  • Glyphs, Guardians and Five Tenets of Yin/Yang
  • Four Directional Correspondences
  • Western to Eastern Correspondences