🕒 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE ~ Catch-Up!

Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for last week’s Weekly Witchy Challenge - Blessed Besoms :witch_broom:

This week marks another milestone in witchy challenge history- it is the 170th witchy challenge here in the forum- wow! :star_struck: As with every ten challenges, the challenge clock has come to a brief halt and challenges of all shapes, sizes, and sorts are open once again :alarm_clock:

catch-up challenge

:spiral_calendar: :raised_hand: Challenge Catch-Up! :raised_back_of_hand: :timer_clock:

To celebrate the 170th Weekly Challenge something special is happening…

Was there a busy week where you missed a challenge? Did an interesting theme happen before you joined the forum? Maybe there was a topic you were hesitant to try but now feel ready for. Well- now is your chance!

This week is a Catch-Up Week where all previously closed challenges will be re-opened for a short time!

So are you ready? It’s a blast from the past!

On your mark, get set:


STEP 1: Choose a Previous Challenge :mag_right:

From earth-friendly magick, dreaming, past lives, magickal names and more- there are 154 previous challenge themes to choose from (not including the past Catch-Up challenges).

The previous challenges and the titles they granted are listed below. Please click the link to visit that challenge page to view details including guidelines, entry suggestions, and inspiration from past coven member entries.

Note that the old discussions for past challenges will remain locked- please share your comments and entries here or in a new post!

:clock3: Catch-Up XVI [this challenge!]
:witch_broom: Blessed Besoms – Broom Keeper
:ghost: Spirits & Ghosts – Spiritworker
:link: Magickal Correspondences – Keeper of Correspondences
:house: Of Hearth & Home – Hearthtender
:triple_moon_goddess: Deities & Deity Worship – Blessed by the Divine
:consecrate_spell: Consecration – Consecrator
:balance_scale: Magickal Equilibrium: Balance – Equalibralizer
:pagan_book: Magickal Traditions & Pagan Paths – Proud of My Path
:wand_tarot: Wonderful Wands – Wand Wielder
:clock2: Catch-Up XV
:ear: The Magick of Sound - Sound Worker
:dolls: A Witch’s Collection – Collector
:wheel: Wheel of the Year: Pagan Holidays – Year-Round Witch
:ring_buoy: Magickal Safety – Warden
:eye: Visualizations – Visualizer
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Sacred Books – Book Keeper
:thinking: Witch-conceptions: Stereotypes – The One and Only
:dressed_candle: Anointing Candles – Anointer
:witch_hat: Witch Fashion – Stylish Witch
:trophy: Catch-Up XIV
:thread: Knot Magick – Stitch Witch
:woman_cook: Culinary Magick – Crafty Chef
:red_gift_envelope: Amulets and Talismans – Charming Witch
:raven: A Witch’s Companions – Among Friends
:mirror: The Art of Scrying – Scryer
:green_heart: Natural Health & Healing – Healed by the Earth
:female_sign: The Divine Feminine – Divinely Feminine
:male_sign: The Divine Masculine – Divinely Masculine
:tree_of_life: Grounding & Centering – Composed Caster
:clock1: Catch-Up XIII
:tv: Witchy Media – Magickal Maestro
:sleeping_bed: Sleep & Dream Magick – Witch of the Night
:sunrise_over_mountains: Magick of the Sun – Sun Witch
:bubbles: Cleansing in the Craft – Powerful Purifier
:slot_machine: The Fortune Teller’s Game – Blessed by Fortune
:knot: Eclectic Witch: Interdisciplinary Magick – Eclectic Witch
:sake: Magickal Inks & Oils – Craftswitch
:headstone: Ancestor Work – A Living Legacy
:o: Circles in Magick – Magister Circulorum
:clock12: Catch-Up XII
:jar: Spell Jars & Witch Bottles – Spell Jar Specialist
:technologist: Technologic & Modern Magick – Technomancer
:name_badge: Magickal Names – One Who Knows Thyself
:watch: Time Magick – Tempus Mage
:tada: 13 Days of Holiday Celebrations – Festive Witch
:chakras: The Chakras – Chakra Worker
:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Weather Witchery – Weather Witch
:herb: Green & Herbal Magick – Green Witch
:hammer_and_wrench: Troubleshooting Spellwork – Spell Mechanic
:clock11: Catch-Up XI
:dart: Tactical Magick – Magickal Strategist
:fehu: All About Runes – Rune Reader
:cloud: Hedge Magick: Into Other Realms – Hedge Witch
:fallen_leaf: Seasonal Magick – Witch of the Season
:raised_hand: Palmistry – Palm Reader
:cauldron: Witch Brews & Potions – Potion Brewer
:fountain_pen: Handwritten Magick – With Hand and Heart
:white_check_mark: Conditional Magick – Master of Circumstances
:1234: Numerology – Numerologist
:clock5: Catch-Up X
:globe_with_meridians: Liminal Magick – Liminal Witch
:game_die: Divining Differently – Divination Explorer
:speaking_head: Multilingual Magick – Polyglot Practicioner
:mending_heart: Wholesome Healers – Healer
:moneybag: Money Magick – Prosperous Witch
:sunglasses: Casual Casting – Casual Caster
:heart_hands: HandCrafting – Handy Witch
:railway_track: A Journey of Change – Doctrina et crescente
:mountain_snow: Mountain Magick: Land Beneath Our Feet – Mountain Witch
:100: Catch-Up IX : The Hundredth Challenge
:sun: Solstice: Festivities of Light – Solstice Celebrant
:shell: Ocean Magick – Sea Witch
:people_hugging: As Above, So Below – One Who Is Connected
:nose: Smells Like Magick – Osmic Occultist
:person_in_lotus_position: Meditation Magick – Magickal Meditator
:hibiscus: Blooming with the Moon - Virent anima
:unicorn: The Bestiary - Cryptozoologist
:couch_and_lamp: Let a Witch Unwind! – Caster of Calm
:hotsprings: Energy Work – Energy Channeler
:clock4: Catch-Up VIII
:diya_lamp: Candle Magick: Light 'Em Up! – Holder of Light
:tornado: Chaos Magick – Master of Chaos
:magic_wand: Tools of the Witch Trade – Well-Equipped Witch
:sunflower: Flower Power – Athrophile Witch
:tea: Teas & Infusions – Tea Witch
:teacher: Teachers of Magick – Student of Magick
:pentagram: Symbols & Sigils – Wielder of Symbols
:broom: Everyday Magick – Carpe diem
:heart: Love Magick – Lovely Witch
:clock3: Catch-Up VII
:tiger: Lunisolar Calendar and Chinese New Year – Favored by Fortune
:performing_arts: Your Magickal Muse – Beloved by the Muses
:deciduous_tree: Sacred Trees and Wood – Custos Arborum
:open_hands: Making Magickal Offerings – Blessed Bestower
:door: Passage Into the New Year – Trailblazer
:blush: The Magick of Happiness – Beholder of Happiness
:sun_with_face: Solar Magick – Solar Mage
:busts_in_silhouette: Freedom in Forgiveness – Magnanimous
:crossed_swords: Dual Wielding Opposite Forces – Unus qui est libratum
:clock2: Catch-Up VI
:sparkler: Spell Swap Meet – Coven Contributor
:angel: Working With Higher Powers - In manibus numinum
:candy: Trick-or-Treat! - Sweet 'n Spooky
:purse: Making Objects Magickal – Enchanter
:sparkles: A Magickal Blessing – Blessed One
:mag_right: Peering into Past Lives – Witch of the Ages
:books: History of Magick – History’s Heir
:shield: Powerful Protection – Powerful Protector
:dancer: The Magick of Music – Bard Witch
:clock1: Catch-Up V
:map: Magick on the Go – Wandering Witch
:handshake: One Witch to Another – Keeper of Knowledge
:salt: Salty Spellwork – Imperium salis
:cyclone: Reading Auras – Aura Reader
:black_cat: Cat Magick – Amicus felium
:yum: Wickedly Delicious – Connoisseur Witch
:bride_with_veil: Deities of the Moon – Blessed by the Moon
:rose: Beauty Magick – Pulchra magicae
:flower_playing_cards: A Touch of Tarot – Tarot Reader
:trophy: The Challenger [50th Challenge] – Challenge Champion
:dragon_face: Dragon Magick – Blessed by Dragons
:prayer_beads: A Healthy Dose of Crystals – Crystal Healer
:notes: Enchanting Chants – Chant Witch
:rainbow: The Many Colors of Magick – Colorful Witch
:timer_clock: Catch-Up IV
:milky_way: Astrology: Reading the Skies - Astrologer
:white_heart: Into the Light - Witch of Love and Light
:black_heart: From the Shadows - Shadow Survivor
:confetti_ball: Congrats to the Coven - Coven Celebrant
:place_of_worship: All About Altars - Reverent Witch
:toolbox: Holistic Magick: A Witch’s Apothecary - Apothecarist
:writing_hand: The Wizardry of Words - Word Witch
:paw_prints: Claws, Paws, Tails and Scales - Animalis magum
:full_moon_with_face: Strength of the Full Moon - Lunar Witch
:running_woman: Catch-Up III
:art: Magick in the Arts - Art Witch
:star: Star Magick - Shining Bright
:footprints: Your Magickal Roots - Peritus viatorem
:small_blue_diamond: Elemental Mastery - Master of All Elements
:mountain: Of the Element Earth - Earth Elemental
:fire: Of the Element Fire - Fire Elemental
:seedling: From Seed to Sprout - Ceiliúradh an tséasúir
:wind_face: Of the Element Air - Air Elemental
:ocean: Of the Element Water - Water Elemental
:alarm_clock: Catch Up II
:scroll: Of Goals and Intent - Finis patrator
:partying_face: Holiday Cheer - Merrily Magickal
:new_moon: Magick in the Dark - Tenebris Lucem
:yarn: Of Spells and String - Weavemaster
:bathtub: Scrub-a-dub, Magick in the Tub - Bubbly Witch
:gem: Heed the Call of Crystals - Crystal Collector
:hocho: Creative Crafting - Creatively Crafty
:candle: Of Candles and Flame - Witch of the Flame
:skull: The Veil Between Worlds - Witch of the Veil
:spiral_calendar: Catch-Up I
:honeybee: The Spell-ing Bee - Spell Master
:crystal_ball: Foretelling the Future - Seer Apprentice
:alembic: Potion Making - Potion Master
:open_book: Books, Tomes, and Tales - Book Lover
:sparkling_heart: Giving Gratitude - Blessed and Grateful
:ear_of_rice: Inviting Abundance - Blessed by Abundance
:full_moon: Moon Magick - Moon Witch
:pray: Dealing in the Divine - Deific Witch
:cupcake: Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch
:sleeping: Dream Magick - Oneiric Witch
:dove: Earth-Friendly Witchcraft - Earth Witch
:money_with_wings: The Thrifty Witch - Thrifty Witch
:compass: Celestial Exploration - Cosmic Witch
:star2: Trying Something New - Experimenter

Note that you can view the full list of challenges at any time by visiting: Weekly Witchy Challenges :fire: A History

How many challenges can I do this week? :thinking:

If you are feeling particularly adventurous this week and want to do more than just the usual one challenge, you can do:


This limit exists to encourage mindfulness on each challenge- please remember that, although some challenges have similar themes, every challenge requires its own unique entry in order to receive the corresponding badge :medal_sports:

But I want to earn all of the badges!

That is awesome- I am so happy that you enjoy the badges so much! :blush:

At the end of the day, badges are just a small token- the challenges are really here to help you improve and enhance your magickal practice. So please try to take your time with your exploration of the theme(s) you choose- they are here to help you help yourself! :sparkles:

(On an administrative note, the limit also exists to save your challenge moderator from a potential ocean of badge-giving for all the various challenges at once! :ocean:)

But for challenge enthusiasts and badge collectors- no fear! You can rest assured that another chance to join in on any additional missed challenges will come again soon. You can expect another Catch-Up Challenge and chance to earn old badges every ten challenges :+1:

Not sure which challenges you already participated in? :ballot_box_with_check:

Click here to learn how to check which badges you already have

If you can’t remember if you completed a challenge or not, no worries! You can go to the challenge page and check the entries to see if you submitted.

Additionally, you can go to your Badges page to see a collection of all the titles you previously earned.

Here is how to check your badges:

  1. Click on your avatar/picture icon at the top right-hand side of any page in the forum.
  2. Click on the person icon and select “Summary”.
  3. Next, click on “Badges”

Here you can see all the badges you have earned during your time exploring the forums!

STEP 2: Share Your Entry(ies) to the Challenge :writing_hand:

Click here for notes about challenge inclusivity

Everyone is welcome to join the challenge by practicing magick in line with the current theme. For lurkers and those who don’t feel comfortable sharing, it is absolutely okay to follow along with the challenge but keep your entry personal. Feel free to join in spirit and do what feels most comfortable for you! :blush:

That being said, please know that if you would like to receive a prize and a public shout-out, it is required that you share your experience.

Getting Your Credit :white_check_mark:

:exclamation: IMPORTANT : Please don’t forget to include the name of the chosen challenge and/or the badge you want somewhere in your post as well!

If you do not include a challenge or badge name with your entry, I will have to use my best guess and you may not get the title you were hoping for- so please be sure to mention it!

After you have chosen an old challenge (or two, or three!), completed your task, and are ready to share- all you have to do is write/share about your experience and label it as your challenge entry. There is a lot of chatting here (which is awesome- chatting and discussion are very welcome!) so please please PLEASE clearly write that it is your entry so that I know to count it! :pray:

Where Should I Share My Entry? :thinking:

Click here for instructions on where to share your entry

You are welcome to post it right here- just click “reply” :repeat: to this post and write your experience in the text box that pops up!

Alternatively, you could create a new thread in the forum (doing so keeps your entry separate and is a good option if you have a lot to share)

Note : If you do choose to create a new thread, please add the “challenge-entry” tag and/or add a hyperlink back to this post so that it can be easily found- thank you! :bowing_woman:

Deadline :spiral_calendar:

:exclamation: This challenge will close in 6 DAYS :exclamation:

To join in, please share your experience by:

Tuesday, November 14 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

(Note that the time zone is ET- if you don’t see your time displayed above, you can use this time zone calculator to check for your time zone!)

Prizes :gift:

For their efforts, all participants will receive a special shout-out and a small prize! :gift:

Acknowledgments will be given in a Props and Presents Post that will appear in the forums on Tuesday.

After the challenge closes, you are still very welcome to post but please be aware that no additional prizes will be given. This discussion will remain open for about a week after the challenge finishes.

:gift_heart: :gift: :gift_heart:

A warm reminder that the challenges are designed to be very open- everyone is encouraged to participate in a way that honors and reflects their unique practice :open_book:

If you have any doubts about if something is acceptable to post or say, please double-check with the Forum FAQ and/or reach out to your friendly Moderator Team .

And for those new to challenges- welcome! :heart: Know that the goal of these activities is to help you further diversify and strengthen your abilities and to bring together the Spells8 forum family to inspire and support one another in creative ways :hugs:

The clock has stopped so the door of missed opportunities can open once again- spread your wings and don’t be afraid to delve into a previously unexplored of magick!

:mage: :infinite_roots: :trophy:

Blessed Be!


Wow, already. Sooo much to do and now 3 more challenges. I guess it’s a blessing to be able to get 3 more under my belt Thanks as always @BryWisteria your efforts are always appretiated. :silver_heart: :heart_on_fire: :sweat_smile: :gift_heart: :sparkling_heart: :silver_heart: :people_hugging: :flamingo: :flamingo: :flamingo:


and right after a burnout ritual tea… :rofl: :rofl:


Yay!! I’m so excited, this was like the 3rd time I’ve checked to see if this was up :fireworks: :rofl:


:hugs: :heart: :sparkles:

Ha! That is a bit ironic, isn’t it? :joy:

I suppose burnout tea time can sweep away the pressure (are we still allowed to use broom puns? No? :joy:), leaving us fully charged and ready to go for some witchy challenges! :muscle: :laughing: :sparkles:

That made me smile- your enthusiasm is contagious in the best way! :heart: :blush: Have fun, Nixi- I can’t wait to see which challenges you choose to do! :star2:


2 picked :partying_face: :laughing:


:thinking: what will Loki choose. :grin: Maybe the divine masculine? Fits well with my demon besties. :partying_face:


17 picked, here. Not allowed. Drat! I was so ready! Poor @BryWisteria! I’m the reason she put up the limit!:grin::grin::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::person_getting_massage::person_getting_massage: Seriously, though, it is nice to have somewhere to share my life’s work with people who might actually use what I’ve been working on or collecting. I’ll be posting my books of shadows along the way.

We have to work on these?!? Nah! Too much fun! But I also have things I’ve been crafting… Let’s see, witch ones?

Challenge Entry:

The intent was to hang elemental bottles on each wall around my altar. That would make my entire room an altar. I like working that way, feeling like the elements surround me, so I usually hang all kinds of stuff together- from garlands to stars and icicles. One year, I had keys- I’d like to reconstruct that with winged keys, soon. It creates a fantasy feeling, overall.

Which reminds me, I used to have a full set of plastic icicles coated in glitter. They looked like unicorn horns. When I moved, I lost them all. Some of them are no longer available in stores, here. Would any of you have something similar in blue or green? All I need is two of each, and I’ll pay for them and shipping. I have an abundance of red, gold, silver, and opalescent, if anyone wants to trade.

Sorry for being so scattered blush Back to bottles.

Each element is included in each bottle in some way. I’d read long ago that each element contains and uses all of the others, and I wondered what it would feel like to work with that form of energy. Logically, it seems confusing,but I’ll try it.

Fire for each element is represented by LED fairy lights. I had purchased glow in the dark “rocks,” so I included one of each color in the main 4 elements.

Air is a set of “wind bags” reminiscent of Odysseus’ trip home after visiting Aeolus. This summer was fantastic for such an endeavour because we had the rare experience of winds from each direction all in a week or two! For each bag, I chose a colored organza so the wind could flow through. I purposely prayed that it was not my intention to keep the wind from its work; I was merely asking the wind to blow through and leave behind a blessing I could use to explore and work with. I also included a bell in each bottle.

Earth will be represented by the sand. I just received delivery of the colors I need. Seeking my mini funnel.

Water is represented by mini bottles of oils. I’d bought perfume oils along with the essential oils during my initial exploration of the internet, this spring. I usually use perfume oils for blessings, saving the essentials for health issues, but my health has been compromised this summer, so blessings and dedications have taken a back seat to returning to the best me I can be as a respectful offering.

Spirit is represented by a miniature book in each of the main 4 elements. I don’t have a black or white-covered mini book small enough to fit for Spirit or Shadow. The books are blank inside, representing the vast potential of knowledge and the way I used to dream of the Ancestor Stars contacting my people- by making their words appear on pages of our Sacred Book. I also added a pony bead of each color to represent creativity.

Shadow is represented by images of life. I purchased jewelry charms of various types- no alchemical symbols. Those have not been added yet, either, but I do have the ideas picked out. Angel or fairy for the life of Spirit, and dragon for the life of Shadow. Not sure which to use for Earth, yet. Turtle would honor the local Natives. Need to choose between peacock and swallow for Air. I think the swan is too big to fit. Salamander and dolphin for the others.

I was considering using a unicorn’s horn in each bottle to honor my favorite teacher in my youth. If I did that, I’d find ways of adding so much else that the bottles would be filled with extraneous stuff and thus harder to focus the energy! It is better to focus for now.

For the moment, the bottles are on my table, awaiting the final touches. That makes it easier to get a photo!

And Lights on

Each bottle has a strap for hanging. All I need to do is hammer in a nail or cup hook for each of these and save space for other decorating. Yeah, right! Wall space is at a premium around here! :grin:


A week off for me since I already have all the badges. Still don’t know how I managed to do that!


Yaaaaaaaaay! I didn’t realize it was catch-up time again so soon. Gotta pull out my spreadsheet and consult the handy dandy random number generator to pick my 3 challenges.
(Edit to add the three I picked)


I’m going to choose the challenge -Consecration. I will tell you of my recent adventures with consecrating your magical items for use in ritual and altar sittings. I was very intimidated with consecrating the mass number of items on my altar. I thought that it would be a daunting task. Then last week I decided to- out of the blue consecrate my items. Just do them all together. Which for me I’m surprised I decided to considering how worried I was about it. I followed the instructions in the lessons section for consecrating altar I believe?. I cleansed my area. Ring my :bell:. Cast my circles, call my quarters, and just went at it. It really didn’t take any time at all. I did almost all of the items. Thanked my quarters as I closed my circle. I have even added consecrating or recleaning items to other circle times. Before I begin . I want to come back and read everyone’s later. Stuck at work all day. :heart::heart::heart:


:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:woop woop! Yay! Catch up challenge. I swear i get days mixed up and keep thinking tuesday os wednesday and wait ( checking now and then) for the next challenge to be posted… then :joy:realise its only Tuesday :laughing:
But yay! Challenge posted and ill need to refigure out which ones still need to do. Lol my clean up of place n clearing clutter etc aloys been moved invluding my list of challenges still to do lol :woman_shrugging:not sure where that is lol oh well i can just refigure out which still need to do n choose which to wotk on thid week im so excited​:grin:


Wonderful! I love it! :heart: :people_hugging::blush:


I think I’m going to start with sleep and dream magick! I sooo need :sleeping: :zzz:
If I have time, I’d like to do more!


Yayyy! I’m new here and didn’t know this was a thing! I’m so excited because I was really bummed about missing the besom challenge. And now I’m even more excited looking at all these other cool challenges I can try my hand out!


Oooh that sounds like a good one that would be really helpful to me too! Glad you pointed that one out!


Challenge Entry for Handcrafting - Handy Witch

So I’m working on altar plates for me & Sunny and I’m currently working on this design in my Silhouette Studio so I can cut it out in vinyl on my Cameo and apply it to a round glass trivet.

Ignore the colors, I have it that way so I can make sure I have all the strays cleaned up before cutting.

If this ends up being to intricate I think we may go with something simpler but I think it will work.


Challenge Entry (I think) for Scrub-a-dub, Magic in the tub

Can I use a previous post for a challenge?

If so I’d like to use this one:

Witchy Shower Steamers

Wasn’t sure exactly how the catch up thingy works


Hahaha this made me smile- I absolutely love your enthusiasm for the challenges, Georgia! :heart: :hugs: :sparkles:

And look at those beautiful elemental bottles- so shiny! :star_struck:

A round of applause for you, Kasandra- collecting all of the badges is a very impressive feat! :partying_face: Enjoy your week off (or feel free to delve back into a favorite topic- all challenge badges can be earned multiple times :wink:)

That is really sweet- I’m glad you like the challenges so much, Phoenix! :hugs: :heart:

You’re very welcome here, Bumblebee! :heart: And yes! Catch-Ups happen every ten challenges (approximately every two and a half months). Feel free to jump into any themes that call to you- happy challenging! :blush:

Apologies, but challenges ask that magick/work/crafting/research/collecting resources or history to share is done during the week of the challenge- this is because the challenges are designed to encourage everyone to get more involved with their practices! :magic_wand: :grinning:

Your witchy shower steamers are absolutely wonderful and would indeed be a great way to explore the Scrub-a-dub challenge- perhaps you might share a new recipe (perhaps some other herb/flower combos one could use), craft another batch, or talk about the magickal theory behind the ingredients? These kinds of updates/additions would all count as an entry! :sparkles:

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask away! :heart: :blush:


No worries Bry, and thanks for clarifying, I’ve not participated in a catch up before so this is good to know.

I will be making some this weekend so maybe I’ll share pics of the process and use that as the entry.


I think the great thing about the challenges is it opens you up to more possibilities to practice in so many different ways. Not just getting stuck on a focused idea of what magickal practice can include but helps explore all of the aspects that can be involved, often some that might not even think about. Even if its not something choose to practice longterm or even thought of before and may after the challenge might decide to include in pravtice its exciting to explore all tje different things that can be a part of of a practice and even just giving it a go is great. Also the feeling of commubity as ppl share and explore each tooic together is awrsone esp as i practice alone and esp now my one friend of over 20 years moved away before got chance to catxh up or say goodbye this is now my only commubity that have a chance to share and explore tjis with and its great having thatconnection with others even through discussions and sharing ideas and practives with each other. And tje new challenges also appeal to my adhd side😆, love the new n exciting n trying new things n learning new stuff. Its like the challenges open up new possibilities of how to practice, gives you a chance to try out and share n see what others share and decide whether it was just fun experience to try or something would like to include in practice if not already doing so or also if is, its great way to ignite that interest further to go deeper into that topic more😁