Weekly Witchy Challenge ~ Props and Presents (Catch-Up!) šŸ•’

Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for the 170th Weekly Witchy Challenge :clock1:

catch-up challenge

To everyone who opened up a past challenge to put their magickal talents to the test in a variety of ways - here is a hard-earned special shout-out for you! :mega:

  • @georgia
    Your Magickal Muse - Beloved by the Muses
    The Magick of Happiness - Beholder of Happiness
    Spell Jars and Witch Bottles - Spell Jar Specialist

  • @Cosmic_Curiosity
    Cat Magick - Amicus felium
    Deities of the Moon - Blessed by the Moon
    Teas & Infusions - Tea Witch

  • @starborn
    A Touch of Tarot - Tarot Reader
    Multilingual Magick - Polyglot Practitioner
    Technologic & Modern Magick - Technomancer

  • @Kasandra
    Magick in the Arts - Art Witch

  • @Devenne
    Consecration - Consecrator

  • @suzanne7
    Handcrafting - Handy Witch

  • @Artemisia
    Astrology: Reading the Skies - Astrologer
    Love Magick - Lovely Witch
    Giving Gratitude - Blessed and Grateful

  • @AIRAM
    Of Goals and Intent - Finis patrator
    Books, Tomes, and Tales - Book Lover
    Celestial Exploration - Cosmic Witch

  • @MeganB
    Blessed Besoms - Broom Keeper
    A Witchā€™s Collection - Collector

  • @carrie13
    Witch Brews & Potions - Potion Brewer
    Blessed Besoms - Broom Keeper
    Let a Witch Unwind - Caster of Calm

  • @EvaCVM
    Of the Element Air - Air Elemental
    The Art of Scrying - Scryer
    Blooming with the Moon - Virent anima

  • @tracyS
    Dealing in the Divine - Deific Witch

  • @Amethyst
    Magickal Traditions & Pagan Paths - Proud of My Path

  • @Medea
    Spirits & Ghosts - Spiritworker
    Blessed Besoms - Broom Keeper

  • @Phoenix_Fire
    Of Spells and String - Weavemaster
    Heed the Call of Crystals - Crystal Collector
    Moon Magick - Moon Witch

  • @Nixi
    Potion Making - Potion Master
    Chaos Magick - Master of Chaos
    Wholesome Healers - Healer

  • @lisa67
    Blessed Besoms - Broom Keeper
    Amulets & Talismans - Charming Witch

  • @Jaxblueflash
    Celestial Exploration - Cosmic Witch

  • @Susurrus
    Knot Magick - Stitch Witch

  • @Jeannie1
    Spirits & Ghosts - Spiritworker
    Blessed Besoms - Broom Keeper
    The Divine Feminine - Divinely Feminine

There were a lot of wonderful entries out there! If I accidentally missed your entry or you forgot to label your post as your challenge entry- please let me know so I can add you in!

In addition to their new experiences, everyone who participated has received a shiny new title (or two, or three)! :trophy:

Rewards for this challenge depend on which challenge(s) you completed! A notification in your inbox will let you know which title(s) you have received. Great job! :+1:

Click here to learn how to wear your new title(s)

Wearing your new badge(s):

You worked hard for your new title- wear it with pride! :star2:

How to display your new title next to your username:

  1. Look at the top right-hand corner of the site and click on your avatar/picture
  2. When the drop-down menu opens, click on the person (:mens:)
  3. Then, click on the next gear symbol (:gear:) /ā€œPreferencesā€
  4. Scroll down the page until you see ā€œTitleā€. In the small drop-down box, select the title of your choosing
  5. Click ā€œSaveā€ at the bottom of the page

There are many possible titles you can earn through interacting on the forums. Your chosen title will appear next to your username , and a full list of your earned titles is on your profile in the section ā€œBadgesā€ .

Enjoy- the badges you earn are trophies of your magickal accomplishments! :mage:

Great job to everyone who caught up on challenges this week! I hope you had fun and were able to collect a badge you had been missing.

If you didnā€™t get all the ones you wanted- no fear! There will be another chance to jump into old challenges and collect new titles in the future :grin::trophy:

Thank you again for participating! :tada::blush:

For challenge-seekers or anyone who missed this weekā€™s challenge- no fear! Challenges run every week from Wednesday to the following Tuesday: there will be another challenge coming very soon .

Please keep an eye on the main page of the forum for an announcement :speaking_head:

Blessed be! :clock3::sparkles:


Thankyou for the badge. Congratulations everyone :partying_face:


Thank you for the new badges! 42 more to go :rofl:

Thank you @BryWisteria for taking the time to read all of our challenges! I love doing the catch-up but know it can be quite the task with so many entries!

Congratulations to everyone who earned new badges this week!


Thank you for the badges! :black_heart:

I recall someone suggesting I label myself some kind of technology witch a while ago. So, thank you to that person or persons for inadvertently encouraging me to do that challenge! It was probably the most challenging one Iā€™ve done so far. :smile:

Oh gosh, I donā€™t want to count how many I havenā€™t done now. :joy:


I only know as I had to make a spreadsheet with all the ones that came before my time and the ones I missed before I was more consistent in my practice. Partly why I use the random number generator to pick mine during the Catch-Up, itā€™s too overwhelming to choose from so many :laughing: but Iā€™ll get there. Little by little and Iā€™ll have fun doing it!


Thank you for the new badge! Iā€™ve been attempting to get this 1 for quite some time now :laughing:

Congratulations :tada: to everyone who received their new badges also! :confetti_ball: Everyoneā€™s entries were AWESOME :partying_face: & the variety is always one of my favorites with the catch-ups. :hugs:

I think I have maybe 5 left to doā€¦ :thinking: I canā€™t remember off the top of my head & thatā€™s why I have them written downā€¦ somewhereā€¦ :rofl:

I enjoyed the Knot Magick one & finally getting to making the meditation beads for myself. :blush:


Thank you for giving me my second art witch badge!


Thank you for the shiny new badges and congratulations to all


Thank you so much for the badge! I think this makes my collection complete!


Thank you so much for my new badges, @BryWisteria :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I actually got to the challenge this week! Iā€™m so proud of myself :laughing: itā€™s been a couple of weeks since I was able to make it.

And congratulations to everyone to everyone else who got new badges today! :clap:


I am very proud of you for making it to a couple! Great job @MeganB! :partying_face:

Itā€™s been a few (at least) since Iā€™ve been able to as well. I got to 1, but under the circumstances Iā€™ll take it :hugs:


Congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap: everyone! I completely lost track of time! I donā€™t know where the time went! Iā€™m disappointed I didnā€™t get a challenge in this week :sleepy:


Thankyou for the badge and everything you do @BryWisteria :heart_eyes:

Thankyou. And congratulations to everyone! @Sivonnah That is okay :blush: no big deal. Thereā€™s plenty ivemissed already. Thereā€™s a lot to participate in. No worries, be happy :grin:


Youā€™re very welcome, everyone! Congrats again to all those who earned a badge (or a few!) to add to their virtual trophy shelf. If you choose to put one on display next to your username, may you wear it with pride! :star2: :blush:

@Artemisia Youā€™re making amazing progress, Artemisia- youā€™ll have them all before you know it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And itā€™s a pleasure- so many fun and creative entries to explore! I enjoy reading them and often find myself going back in later to refer to a spell or craft. I always learn a lot from the entries! :sparkles:

@starborn With all your computer-savy talents, I think Technomancer is a title that suits you very well! :computer: :sparkles: :blush:

@Kasandra Congrats again on earning all the badges- itā€™s a very impressive accomplishment! :clap: :partying_face:

@Amethyst Woohooo!!! :clap: :tada: That is amazing, Amethyst- a full collection is a real achievement! Congrats!

@Sivonnah Iā€™m seconding Devenne- no worries at all! :heart: :blush: There is always another Catch-Up around the corner for a chance to earn the old badges, and a brand new challenge to explore each week. And badges or not, the challenges are full of resources to use- they are there for you whenever youā€™d like! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you! Now to keep caught up. Looking forward to the next one!


Not sure how Iā€™m falling so far behind, right now.
@BryWisteria thank you for the wonderful badges. They are fun to work on. Iā€™m always eager for the next one.

Congrats everyone! Have a great week ahead! And thank you all!


Thank you @BryWisteria for your positive attitude, it really helps me. Also, thank you for my second Challenge, I literally had 30 seconds left to post the Challenge :sweat:

:loudspeaker: Congrats to everyone who participated in the weeks Challenge :clap: :tada:


I completely agree with you!! I posted 2 :upside_down_face: lol. My arm hurts alittle from patting myself on the back but now I am getting a schedule in place to make sure I set time a side FOR ME.

Mote It Be


@Amethyst Congrats to you :clap: :witch_hat:


@Amethyst Yay! I hope it turns out to be a fun theme for you :blush:

@georgia My pleasure, Georgia! Iā€™m so happy to hear you have fun with them :heart:

@Medea Youā€™re welcome, Medea- you did it! :partying_face: Congrats again on the new badges :grinning: