✍ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - The Wizardry of Words

A very merry meet to all!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for last week’s Weekly Witchy Challenge - Claws, Paws, Tails and Scales :paw_prints:

With the lingering energy of creatures furry and feathered, slimy or scaled- it is time to draw on our powers within and express magickal in a tangible form.

This week’s challenge was requested by the two wonderful witches @Amethyst and @Susurrus and is…

:writing_hand: :scroll: The Wizardry of Words - Magick in Writing :open_book: :fountain_pen:

Prying the thoughts and images from your inner mind and manifesting them into tangible words and texts is a true act of magick.

From writing dream journals to crafting spells- writing can help to support, develop, and express your magickal prowess and talents, lifting your craft to new heights!

This week is all about exploring how you can use writing to enhance your magickal practice :open_book:

Are you ready? It’s… CHALLENGE TIME! :bellhop_bell:

STEP 1 : Being a Word Witch :fountain_pen:

There are many ways that writing can become a foundational pillar in your magickal practice.

Here are just a few suggestions you might consider for this challenge:

:sleeping: Keeping a Dream Journal

Keeping a dream journal can not only help you to record your dreams, it can pave the path towards Lucid Dreaming and learning how to find meaning in your unconscious hours.

:open_book: Working on your Book of Shadows or Grimoire

A Book of Shadows is the witches’ go-to tool for all things magickal and crafty. When used properly, it can be a lifeline and invaluable resource! To learn more and begin crafting your own, visit the Spells8 Book of Shadows Page.


:blue_book: Make a Book of Mirrors

Different than a Book of Shadows, a Book of Mirrors is a personal and reflective space. To learn more about the unique benefits of a Book of Mirrors and how keeping one can benefit your magickal practice, visit the Spells8 Book of Mirrors Complete Course.


:scroll: Using magick as writing inspiration

For folks with a talent for text, consider drawing on your magickal practice to fuel writing projects. You might write a story or perhaps your own magickal memoir / journey into your spirituality.

If you have a way with rhyme and rhythm (or want to give it a go by learning how to write poetry or the basics of rhyme ) you may try writing a magically inspired poem or song.

:speaking_head: Find your magickal name

In some practices, saying someone’s true name is a form of enchantment over them- do not doubt in the power of words! The magic power of names shows us that words have so much power- they are much more than a series of black and white letters.

:writing_hand: Writing your own spells and/or rituals

Crafting a spell or designing a ritual ensures that your spellwork is perfectly tuned to your needs. It can be a daunting task for someone who hasn’t written a spell before, so for guidelines and a boost of spell-writing confidence, visit:

:raised_hands: …And more!

Your imagination knows no bounds- feel free to explore other creative ways to use writing in your magickal practice!

STEP 2 : Share Your Experience :writing_hand:

No matter how you choose to tackle this challenge, you must share your experience!

Please share:

  • Your experience exploring the role of writing in your magickal practice

For your entry to be counted, please write about your experience in the comments below and/or create a new post in the forums.

If you create a new post, please tag the challenge by adding a hyperlink back to this post - thank you! :bowing_woman:

:exclamation: This challenge will close in 6 DAYS :exclamation:

To join in, please share your experience by:

Tuesday, April 13th at 7:00 AM CET (Central European Time Zone)
—> 2021-04-13T05:00:00Z

For their efforts, all participants will receive a special shout-out and the a small prize! :gift:

Acknowledgments will be given in a Props and Presents Post that will appear in the forums on Tuesday.

After the challenge closes, you are still very welcome to post but please be aware that no additional prizes will be given.

:gift_heart: :gift: :gift_heart:

A warm reminder that all challenges are designed to be very open- everyone is encouraged to participate in a way that reflects their unique practice :open_book:

If you have any doubts about if something is acceptable to post or say, please double-check with the Forum FAQ and/or reach out to a moderator.

For those new to challenges, know that the goal of these activities is to help you further diversify and strengthen your abilities and to bring together the Spells8 forum family to inspire and support one another in creative ways :hugs:

Craft wise words and soothing spells to pass this test, believe in yourself and magick will do the rest!

Blessed be and Happy writing! :writing_hand: :sparkles:


Oh, thank you @BryWisteria! I am looking forward to this one, I just can’t decide if I should work on my Book of Shadows or Book of Mirrors. Maybe I will write a spell! Oh, the possibilities!


YAY! Thank you @BryWisteria! I can’t wait to figure out what I want to do! There are so many possibilities!


I am BEYOND excited for this challenge! I love writing, so I apologize in advance if I post numerous wordy updates! :grimacing:

This week, I plan on continuing my Book of Shadows/grimoire, and beginning to start journaling about my dreams!


This is right in tune with my to do list this week…Is it okay to do a mix of things? :grin: I need to tend my BOS, BOM, find my magickal name, and possibly write a spell.
Awesome idea @Susurrus @Amethyst and @BryWisteria


Thinking of finding my magickal name for this one!


How fitting :slight_smile: All of my materials for starting my Book of Mirrors arrived this morning before work :slight_smile:


Yay! :partying_face: :heart_eyes:


You’re very welcome, @Susurrus :blush: Yes, so many possibilities- can’t wait to see what you choose to do! :raised_hands:

You’re very welcome too, @Amethyst :grin: I’m looking forward to seeing your writing talents come to life once again- good luck! :sparkles:

That’s a great plan, @Jewitch- I hope you enjoy working on your BOS/Grimoire and your Dream Journal! :sparkling_heart: :relaxed:

Absolutely, @Rowan! You are one busy witch- feel free to let your talents shine wherever they are called towards this week. Looking forward to seeing what you’ll do! :books: :two_hearts:

Nice idea, @Kasandra! I’m so excited to see what names you will explore :star_struck: :+1:

It was meant to be, @Liisa! Enjoy working on your Book of Mirrors- have fun with it :open_book: :heart:


Hello all,

I am a writer and a poet so words feature heavily in my practice and I write my own spells, affirmations, prayers and witch chants.

Here is one I wrote for a recent luck spell, feel free to use it in your own practice if it resonates!

Lady Luck please join me tonight
Shine fortune on me, warm and bright
The winds of change this way do blow
The waters of wisdom through me do flow
The wheel of fortune turns my way
With brightest blessings abundant today
Good luck in life comes easy to me
For the highest good, so mote it be!

My magickal name as you can see is Taliya and my real name is Nat. I chose Taliya as it was my first D&D character that I created - a Moon Elf Druid that I became quite enamoured with so I decided to keep the name as my craft name!

Another wordy thing I do is keep a gratitude journal. I write in it every evening as part of my nightly ritual before sleep. I meditate, say a prayer to the Goddess and do my gratitude from the day. I also write in my BoS a few times a week detailing card readings, spells and rituals I have done.

I also write Pagan/witchy/inspirational poetry and this year I am writing and recording a set of poems for the Sabbats as we move through the year. Imbolc and Ostara are done, Beltane next. Happy to share them if anyone wants to read, I know poetry isn’t everyones cup of tea though.

Abundant blessings,

Taliya :pray:t3::two_hearts:


Merry Meet @Taliya! That’s a beautiful Luck prayer! Feel free to share more, most people like witchy poetry with a purpose around here! LOL.


Merry Meet @Taliya! I love the Luck Prayer! Thank you for sharing it with us. As @Amethyst said, feel free to share any other writings you may do, we love when witches express themselves.

I like your witchy name too! I am working on a craft name, I am really drawn to Siofra, it’s Irish for Fairy or Elf. When I role played, I was always an Elven Cleric & I loved my character too. I was quite attached to her as well.


Ohh Merry meet

@Taliya I am one who also loves a bit of poetry. Nice to meet you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: really love this,
As @Amethyst said

I am on this train :partying_face:


Merry Meet @Taliya :grin: Beautiful Name!
Thank you for sharing your Luck Prayer, you are a talented Word Weaver!
Blessed Be,


I really liked your poetry, & I could use some luck coming towards Beltane. Getting closer to divinity is getting easier with evey day there is change. I am counting on going in the right direction. A little prayer everyday to stay on track! Yesterday I did a really good meditation.
I too write in a a journal, I think that’s really neat that you write on gratitude. Sounds really intentional! We can all appreciate that in our lives. I feel like your going to be a good addition here Taliya! Thanks for sharing. Thank you!


Inspiration is always a welcome blessing <3 I’m very new here as well but it really is a lovely community <3 So welcoming and helpful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You have more experience than I do but I know I’ve personally learned more in the last week here than the few months I’ve been following this path <3 I look forward to reading more of your writing and learning while I do <3 Blessed Be <3


A warm hello to all, wasn’t well those past days, had alot of continuous headaches back to back :confounded: missed the last challenge but that’s ok, I am better now and will take it out on this challenge :joy::joy:

I have a BOS where I have a mix of everything from chants, to spells of my own, remedies, rituals I have done myself, poems, a part for dream journaling and so much more.I have always wanted a slogan or a private chant to use when writing or working with my BOS, so I am happy that I am just in time for this challenge, since now will be a good time to do so.

As you may now know like some I make my own spells and a few rituals and Sigils of my own and have decided to do a chant in a form of a poem to go in my BOS. I work with the Gods Apollo & Ra and this can be also a good tribute.This I will say today onword every time I enter my book to work. I goes like this…


As I take my book of shadows my heart begins to sing, when I journal, write a poem, a spell or witchy things.

I call within my higher self to write about the craft, with harm to none and my pen I write words to cast.

I live and love, I always light the way💫with my words of power I write them night and day!

Created by: NA

I am happy to have gotten this done and I am also happy to share this work of mines with you.


@NickWick I love it! Great job! I am going to be going through my BOS this weekend, it’s also an eclectic mix of all the things that have to do with my craft. I like to do my own spells too so they are all in there with the rest of my information.


Thank you @Susurrus sounds great to me :upside_down_face:


I’ve been journaling for forever’ probably couldn’t even count them’ lol. I do wish that I wouldn’t have thrown my younger journals away’ but for me I didn’t want to relive or read my “younger thoughts” but I think it could help me now cuz Now I have to organize my thoughts and my books, lol. Cuz I’d love to have an index for them all!