Since our challenge this week is all about writing spells, I wanted to share some tips from my process. I have always preferred to write my own spells. Spells that I find online have served as inspiration before, and I still remember some chants from when I was a young teen reading whatever book I could get my hands on, but writing spells for myself makes my magick more personal for me.
I couldn’t tell you where these chants are from now because…well, I remember walking home from school and chanting the spell for warmth when I was cold.
Bound and binding, binding bound,
What was lost must now be found.
I am warm,
Warm as fire,
All the warmth,
Is my desire.
My Process
I like to think about my goal, first. If I don’t have a clear goal, then I can’t write an effective spell. If I don’t know what I want, how can I possibly create a plan to get it?
Once I’ve got my goal, I usually write it in the form of an affirmation or a statement. For example, " I lead a healthy and fulfilled life. My body and mind are healthy and I am happy." This is always written in the present tense. I believe that time is not linear and saying things like will have or want to have limit your magick because magick doesn’t always play by our rules of time.
If you’re Wiccan and you follow the Wiccan Rede, you will also want to take into account how your spell will work. Is your spell meant to harm someone else? Is it meant to gain leverage against another person?
These three words the rede fulfill:
An it harm none, do what ye will.
After the goal and statement, I then need to figure out how I’m going to cast the spell. Am I going to use fire? Water? Earth? Air?
For me, these elements all play a different role in how the magick works.
Fire for quick spells, Earth for long-lasting spells, Air for fleeting magick to work when it needs to, and water for magick to flow where it’s needed. Sometimes I’ll use a combination. Sometimes it doesn’t matter. Sometimes Fire is used as a messenger to send my wishes to the Gods and sometimes it’s used to burn away what doesn’t serve me.
Then I’ll gather my ingredients. Each ingredient that I use has a specific purpose in my spellwork. I’ll often combine ingredients that all have similar correspondences for me to sort of cover all my bases. This is what I did for my Blue Moon Magick spell. I will be using several different herbs that all correspond to different elements of health and wellness. When they’re combined, I believe they work more efficiently.
If I’m planning a spell out, I’ll often write the invocation beforehand. This part of the spell is different for everyone. If you’re Wiccan, most people will say that your spell needs to rhyme. You may also consider adding in some words like, “An it harm none, so mote it be,” as most Wiccan spells do. This can make sure that your energy and your workings don’t do unnecessary harm to other people while it works.
To bind the spell well every time,
Let the spell be spoke in rhyme.
For myself, that isn’t always the case. Sometimes it helps me to remember what I want to say, but other times I speak directly from the heart . This can help me connect with my emotions and tap into the energy within myself. At this point, I just do the spell! Sometimes the hardest part of casting a spell is actually doing it.
Things to Consider
Many people work with different correspondences using the celestial bodies of the universe. You may want to consider timing your spell during a specific phase of the moon or sun, or when an astrological sign is in a specific house or moon phase. These correspondences can be tradition-based, meaning your specific tradition of Wicca or witchcraft has its own meanings. Or they can be personal to you and how you feel.
Moon Magick - Different phases of the moon correspond with different intentions and energy for spells. We know the phases of the moon. We’re witches. We love the moon (most times). You can read more about using moon phases in magick here and here.
Sun Magick - Just like with the moon, the different phases of the sun can add different meaning and energy to your spells if you choose to work with them. A lot of people don’t think about how the sun moves in phases, too, but it does. The difference between the sun phases and the moon phases is that the sun phases happen daily. These include sunrise, mid-morning, afternoon, evening, dusk, and sunset. You can read more about working with the sun in magick here.
Days of the Week - Each day of the week can correspond with different deities and magickal work. I don’t work too much with the days of the week, but for some reason I associate Tuesday with love and Friday with new beginnings. I’m not sure if that corresponds to traditional meanings, but you can learn more about the correspondences of the days of the week here.
Colors - We know how colors make us feel, and color can be a powerful tool when casting your spells. Many traditions hold the same correspondences for colors. For myself, I tend to go with what feels right. Colors are personal for me, and I base the colors I use on the emotion it evokes within me. You can learn more about color correspondences here and here.
Astrology - I don’t know much about working with astrology, but when the signs move through the universe, they correspond with different energies and ideas. It may be worth looking into if you are interested in astrology. You can learn more about working with astrology here.
I hope this helps those of you that have never written a spell before. For those of you that have, I hope it either gives you inspiration or a new perspective on spellwriting!
Go forth and enjoy the challenge!