🔹 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Elemental Mastery

As I did this Thursday’s tea meditation I started to think how to combine all Five elements in one spell. :thinking:

I think they all come together in the mind of the spellcaster (with symbolism!) and I remembered this spell that I saw somewhere. It’s a tea spell! :tea:

If we think about it, when we drink our tea…

  • :droplet: Water is the medium where all the ingredients will be work together.

  • :herb: Earth are the herbs, gifts of the earth, that we use to calm and heal ourselves.

  • :fire: Fire heats the water and helps release the healing properties of the ingredients.

  • :hotsprings: Air makes us feel the aroma and warmth of the tea, a fundamental part of this experience.

  • :sparkles: Spirit is present when we invoke the healing gifts of our potion.

In turn, each of the elements makea us feel:

  • Loved
  • Grounded
  • Energized
  • Safe and
  • At peace

And the most effective spell for this ritual is:

“This tea is healing me”

Drink up and it’s done!


That’s great! I never thought about it this way!


How to incorporate all elements? * puts on thinking cap *


Ooof this is a long ritual off the top of my head.
It is not mainly the ritual and process that is most challenging, but it is intent.

Short of practice or training, why would I do this?
:thinking: :earth_americas: :wind_face: :fire: :wine_glass:


This tea spell is absolutely beautiful, @Francisco- and I think you are absolutely right! :star_struck:

It makes me think that perhaps many aspects in our daily lives are already a combination of the elements- it just takes the intent to find them and explore how their deeper meanings tie to the elements :sparkles:

Cheers to this tea ritual- I love it! Thanks for sharing :sparkling_heart:


Good luck, Stephanie! :blush: I’m looking forward to seeing what your creative mind comes up with! :sparkles:

I agree, Abby- when making my own spell or ritual, the hardest part is often deciding the intent of the spell!

When searching for a direction for the spell or ritual to go, you may consider some of the following:

  • Is there something in your life you’d like to change or enhance?
  • Maybe there is a force you’d like to welcome in (or banish)?
  • Do you have a diety you could make an offering ritual to?
  • The elements are forces of nature- perhaps consider a ritual for the benefit/healing of the world?

Making your own spells and rituals is a great practice, but it can be tricky to get started! More guidance for designing your own spell can be found in:

Good luck and blessed be! :sparkling_heart:


I’ve been trying at my shadow work lately’ & it’s lonely and draining in all kind of ways ’ :scroll::last_quarter_moon_with_face:
But having all the different elements there and working through each one 🪞🌝
Will help & hopefully not so draining and lonely


Yes, but I am not ready.

That may be a good one for me. I would like to retire early :sweat_smile: :smile:

I normally stay with Old-World Deities. I am comfortable with more Primal Energies. I’ll think about that.

A great suggestion! Especially with the way things are in Texas.

@BryWisteria I truly appreciate the though-provoking questions. I will meditate on them.


Just finished Jordan’s spell to create harmony and emotionally recharge with all four elements and when I was evoking the fire magick and envisioning the black bits burning I’ve never felt so powerful. This was much needed


I bow to the Bee as a spirit guide, with its intelligence that is activated by the 5 elements and use her for my meditation and inspiration for my divination art. So I incorporated the 5 elements into a spell for a balanced, holistic day where I call upon water (abundance), Fire (passion), Earth (groundedness) and Air (mind, thoughts):

Beyond elements that I can see
Intelligent Aether calls the Bee

Heart-felt abundance, let no harm be done
Spark heated passion from the Sun
With grounded feet my garden grows
From scattered thoughts my psyche knows

All forces garnered in entirety
Universe be thanked, So mote it be!

That was so fun!


SacredBee, Did you make that yourself? It is beautiful! :star_struck: Regardless of where it came from, it would be easy to modify for any deity. Thank you for sharing it.

AliceInWonderdab, The power we can feel moving through us when we engage with all of the elements is moving, isn’t it? I can’t wait to see what you share about the more primal energies found in the old-world deities. Even if not in this challenge, please share more of your experiences with us. :grinning:

steph, shadow work can be a lonely and draining business. I hope you don’t feel that way all the time, though. May peace, happiness, and community find their way to you. :hugs:

Apikaile, I keep trying to retire early! :sweat_smile: That lottery ticket never works. :wink:

Francisco, I wouldn’t dream of drinking my coffee without “charging it” with elemental magic. Thank you :pray:t3: for sharing the ritual with us.

TheTravelWitch, maybe I missed it but, besides the start of this thread, did you share something? I would love :black_heart: to see what you come up with in your personal journey.

I really hope this is okay. I am slowly starting to do tarot readings for people other than my IRL circle. Eventually I will charge people for this service because I dedicate a lot of time on each one. The person I did this pull for (The cards aren’t flipped in this picture because the reading is for them alone.) I will never charge because I am still starting out. They get grandfathered in, along with one of my best friends.

The random crystal drops represent the earth. The moon water represents the water. The candle represents fire. And air is being consumed by the fire as it always is in my life. I cast a circle of white light with a spell for wisdom and spiritual clarity as I meditated on the person and their intent. This circle is drawn with the four elements, too.

Edit: That’s my latest modification to the Gaia tree. :deciduous_tree: I will explain it someday.

Blessings to all of you!


Okay! This was much easier for me than I expected after looking around this site.

I was planning to incorporate roses in a bathing ritual last night, but I ended up getting nauseous after eating food from Long John Silver’s (started eating seafood on Friday for my goddess), so I decided to use instead.

I may have used some of the elements more than once, :joy:

I made myself a cup of peppermint tea (earth, water), said to simple prayer to Apollo for healing (fire because Apollo is a sun god?), made a hot bath (fire, water) with peppermint essential oils (earth), lit some tea light candles (fire) and played a YouTube video with wind chimes and ocean waves (air, water). Since peppermint is associated with the element of air, maybe I incorporated air more than earth, fire, and water?

I was pleasantly surprised how well the peppermint abated my nausea! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Note to self: don’t order from Long John Silver’s again (or at least for a long, long time).:laughing:


I fully believe in the art of practice and that’s why I don’t charge yet either. I’m confident in my abilities but I want to be certain I’m doing what’s right :black_heart:


What a lovely spell @SacredBee! You did great!

It looks as if you’re really putting effort into your tarot readings @praecog29, that spread looks totally cool if complicated.

That’s okay @Kasandra, it’s hard to get fire without air so you’re usually calling that twice when you think about it. I could get deeper but it’s getting late so I won’t. LOL. But it sounds as if you’ve had a great idea to use the elements and it helped your tummy too! I hope you’re feeling better.


I can share more about it at some point - probably during one of Megan’s divination challenges. :slight_smile:

Basically, it’s the querent/question/intent in the middle. The roots are the shadow self or shadow work depending on the reading. The top left is the higher self. The top right is the future/answers. Two oracle cards are drawn for clarity and can be applied wherever I feel clarity is needed. One oracle card is a message from the universe.

I want my friends and the people I pull for to feel like it is an experience and this helps them with that. With the crystals added to it, a lot of interpretation can be made and the answers can be far more specific to the questions. I also don’t require people to share their intents or questions before the pull but I always require they share afterwards. (I trust the cards.)


@SacredBee That was charming! Very well-written too! Thanks for sharing :pray:

@praecog29 Great setup! Looking forward to a topic about the Gaia tree!

@Kasandra I hope you’re feeling better from that food!


I decided to do a Elemental Tarot Spread for the 5 Elements!

  • Card 1 - Spirit - Center
  • Card 2 - Earth - North
  • Card 3 - Air - East
  • Card 4 - Fire - South
  • Card 5 - Water - West

  • Spirit: Wheel of Fortune - X
  • Earth: 9 of Cups
  • Air: Chariot (reversed) - VII
  • Fire: Page of Cups
  • Water: Knight of Swords

There are some changes coming up and its for the better. Its time to take in account what is best for you. At times things can be overwhelming and you may feel stuck. Emotions could play a big role in making decisions. Don’t let your thoughts and feelings take over everything. Keep the focus on your self, health, and priorities.


Thanks for explaining that. I mostly use three card pulls right now, I’ve not got up to more than five at a time. Thank you!


Great reading! And what a lovely set of tarot cards!


@Amethyst @Francisco Thanks! I’m feeling much better today, praise Apollo. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: