I have to say, I love doing what I do with The Eclectic Green Witchery. I love providing people with a safe, trustworthy, witchy source. However, I am very shocked at how many private messages I get asking me this very question, "I need a spell, can you cast a spell for me? "
The simple answer is, NO . No, I will not do a spell FOR you.
But WHY?
“I have zero vested emotional attachment to your issues.” – I know sounds harsh, but read on…
Have I ever spoken to these people that message me out of the blue? No. Do I know anything about them? No.
If I’ve never spoken to you, and the first thing you message me with is, “ Hey, cast a spell for me? ” The answer will always be no. For one thing, this is rude and for another thing, it’s super rude!
I mean you could at least open the conversation with a “Hello!”
This is not mean or heartless for me to say either. I’ll tell you why…and of course, don’t get me wrong, I can and will sympathize and/or empathize with people and their situation, but I don’t have that personal connection with them or a personal connection with their situation. Especially if we’ve never spoken before!
You are energy. Your situation is energy. You need your energy to deal with your situation.
The only person on this planet that has absolute 100% vested interest in your issues is YOU. Period. Only YOU will have the unadulterated energy to place into a spell for you and your situation. Only you have the precise power to perform a spell on yourself, for yourself.
Have I made my point yet? Ha-ha!
What I CAN do, is help guide you, give you ideas, give you a direction to go in and even help you find places to gather your supplies and all the things you would need. What I CAN do is direct you to my YouTube demonstrations, what I CAN do is show you some trustworthy websites and books to read, but ultimately the research, the study, the commitment, and the magick must come from within you. The magick must be done by YOU if you want success.
Now, what I WOULD do and HAVE done in the past, if someone asks me for a blessing, or “hey please send me good vibes” and I feel I have the energy to spare, I will add them to my meditation, I will add them to a small ritual of my own to help manifest good things. But what I won’t do, is go out of my way and research, buy ingredients, write a spell, piece it all together, do the spell, and clean up from the spell just because some random person on the internet asked me to. That is not how this ‘spell stuff’ works.
This is a very serious practice for those that are truly committed to this path.
Sometimes when I see people asking, “hey, can someone do a spell for me?” As a witch that has read book after book, conversed with elders, researched the internet for hours. Spent numerous amounts of money and time to take courses on certain topics…poured my blood, sweat and tears into my practice, to be met with someone asking, “do a spell for me.” It makes me mad, and it makes me want to slap a witch.
Now when I see this question, I perceive it as, bluntly as this, “Do this spell for me, as I don’t want to exert any effort on my own. – I’m lazy.”
Now, with that said, don’t start to panic if you truly don’t know what to do. It doesn’t mean you have to start writing your own spells right out of the gate. You can certainly start your practice by reading from another’s book, but let me tell you, when you really let go, and allow yourself to feel that energy flow through you, when those words come from your heart, come from your soul, that is where the true magick happens. The true connection to the energy of the universe.
The entire point of spellwork is the experience of the energy. It’s the changing of your vibe, your thoughts, your words, your actions. YOUR energy.
Let’s talk about scammers. OY! These people drive me nuts! THERE ARE SO MANY! They are the complete opposite of what magick truly is!
If someone is charging you $500 to help ‘unhex’ you, or help ‘bring love’ into your life, they are full of horse crap. Yep, I said it. It’s nothing but shenanigans! THAT, my friends, is the biggest scam out there. People that prey on others emotions. It’s a scam, plain and simple . Don’t fall for it. YOU have the magick inside YOU. Trust the journey. Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition.
“But, Laurie, I am not sure where to begin!” If you really have no clue where to start, this is just one of many reasons why I started our Facebook group, for educational purposes. To offer people with trustworthy sources. As I said before, there are a lot of scammers out there and not so trustworthy sources, so I wanted to create a safe place for all paths, for all levels. I wanted a place for Maidens, Mothers and Crones. A place that includes everyone no matter what religion, gender, political stance or skin color. All I care about is if you are kind.
Please, be mindful and don’t come into the group and ask someone to do a spell for you! Put in the work. Put in the effort. Feel free to ask for direction if you are feeling lost, ask for guidance if you are feeling overwhelmed. There are several qualified and amazing people within the group to give you some very sound advice and direction.
BUT once you’ve been assisted, you must now be willing to put in the work and continue the research on your own at that point. Read books, read articles, and read the plethora of files that are located in our Facebook group, visit the YouTube channel. When you feel ready and confident cast your own spell, using your own energy. I promise you, there is no better feeling!
You can post about your spell experience in the group if you wish, and we will cheer you on!
For those of you already doing your own spell work and rituals – ROCK on with your bad self! If someone asks about spells or spellwork – kindly, point them in the right direction, offer them knowledge and support, but don’t do the work for them.
Remember, no, is a complete sentence and there is no reason to feel badly about saying it.
Until next time, Live, Love and Magick!
PS - and of course check out Francisco’s YouTube as well!