The sun is associated with masculine energy, power, prosperity, happiness, and growth. Here are a few ideas on Sun Magick:
Sun Light Water 
This water is simple to prepare and completely safe to drink! You’ll need a clear glass bowl, a picture of the sun, some spring water, and an outdoor spot where the sun is shining.
Take everything outside, place the picture of the sun on a flat surface, and set the bowl on top of it. Next, pour the spring water into the bowl.
Once the bowl is filled, lift it up towards the sun until you can see the sunlight reflecting and shimmering on the water. While holding the bowl, recite your incantations, chant, or charge the water with your intentions. After that, set the bowl back down over the sun image and let it absorb the sunlight for three hours. Once it’s ready, you can use the water in solar energy spells, baths, anointing rituals, blessings, and more.
See the full recipe here: Spells with Sun Water
Sun-gazing is the act of looking directly into the sun during dawn and dusk. It has certain dangers so it’s best to learn how to practice it safely before trying it.
Sun Sigil for Success 
This is a spell to Pass an Exam that channels focus and concentration into a solar sigil.
Find the recipe here: ▶️ Spell to Pass an Exam: Magick Sigil for Focus+Concentration – Spells8
Meditate with a Tarot Card
Explore the meaning of The Sun card. Alternatively work with the runes, such as the Sowilo rune which symbolizes Norse goddess Sól/Sunna.
Prayers to Solar Deities 
There are many solar deities that you can add to your daily practice, and many religions have worshiped the sun in one way or another. Learn how to find a patron deity here.
Here are some prayers to popular solar deities:
Brigid -Celtic
Apollo - Greek
Isis - Egyptian
Sól - Norse
Áine - Celtic
Ra - Egyptian
Hathor - Egyptian
Helios - Greek
Good luck and blessings!