Yule Traditions

Those are so gorgeous. That’s such a great idea. :heart:


Probably explains why the pagan lifestyle isn’t that different for me. It was stolen from other pagans, just molded into their own.


I love the Christmas Carol as well, they are quite similar. How the Grinch Stole Christmas has always been mine. There’s quite a few similarities between both sides.


That’s what’s different about me, as I have gotten older it’s been less materialistic and I just enjoy spending time with my family. I work an unconventional schedule, so the time I get with them is precious. I just bought a tree to use year round.


Those are beautiful ornaments, however they are quite expensive.


They are pricey! I’m hoping they’ll go down before Yule and I’ll get me one.


Sounds so magical having yule around Christmas time… Here its hot in Australia and we do celebrate like everyone else but i feel its never the same without the snow that so many countries are fortunate to have… How about Litha? Any suggestions to mix it up with Christmas?


The Sabbats are celebrations of the season, so I personally would recommend that you bask in the joys of bright Litha and enjoy the lovely weather you have there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I don’t think you necessarily need to combine the two holidays- Litha/Yule is on December 21st and Christmas is on December 25th- you could celebrate both as their own special occasions! :blush:


Greetings @bryce!

It looks like @Velle beat me to the Yule Log- that’s a favorite Yule tradition of mine! Although I usually prefer the Yule Log made out of chocolate (aka Bûche de Noël) :yum::chocolate_bar:

I like to decorate with pine around the house :evergreen_tree: and sometimes we’ve made peanutbutter pinecones and popcorn strings to decorate a tree outside for the wildlife during a more barren time of the year :snowflake: :deer:

For spellwork, Yule is a great time for Sun/Solar Magick, as it is the Winter Solstice :sun_with_face:

And on a somewhat related note, last year I learned about the Yule Cat- that’s a fun Yuletide story to share at celebrations! :smirk_cat::tshirt:

Yule is coming up quickly- wishing everyone blessed preparations for the Sabbat! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The only thing I can think of is usually there’s a bonfire on Litha and a fireplace going on Christmas. But yeah, it’s difficult to mix up Litha with Christmas. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.


HI @bryce, just like you I’m new to celebrating Yule, I’ve always celebrated it as Christmas. I will try to make a Yule Log this year. I’m still new here and still going through my lessons, learning the different seasons. Last year I didn’t put up a Christmas Tree, maybe I’ll do a small one since my boys still like one up. It is nice and exciting to hear how everyone else does for Yule, I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone else does. Thanks, @bryce for your question I was wondering the same thing.
Blessed Be


I need to make a Yule Log this year, I’ve noticed since being on this path Yule excites me again. I feel the magic I used to as a kid returning, I wish I would’ve came back sooner.

My favorite past time is seeing a Momma Deer and her kin in the snow falling around them. Love seeing wildlife this time of year. I’m definitely going to try some of the things you mentioned, thank you friend! :heart:


In many ways, I feel that it’s not far off from celebrating traditional Christmas. We have many of the same traditions, just Pagan’s seem to have a deeper tradition. I like that it’s not all about the presents. I always like to honor my family one’s that are still with us, those departed. I’m glad you liked my question, looks like I wasn’t the only one wondering. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Wow, that is such a beautiful way to put it. The holidays and this time of year really did have such a powerful magick around them during childhood, didn’t they? I feel like since growing up it’s more about the panic of shopping, buying and wraping gifts, dealing with mandatory plans, etc :sweat_smile:

You’re absolutely right that there’s something about Yule that rekindles that special, natural spark and joy of the holiday season :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :snowflake:

I’m really glad if some of the suggestions were helpful for you Bryce! Wishing you all the best with your celebrations- have a blessed Yule, friend! :heart:


I agree, so many people get lost in the smaller parts of the holiday season. Always seem to be happier around this time of the year.

I always appreciate everyone’s input, hope you and everyone has a great Yule this year. Blessed be! :heart:


Your response unlocked a memory for me! When I was in elementary and middle school we made buche de noel every year at school. I don’t think we ever really explored the origins much, but it was part of the required French/Creole/Cajun culture classes so maybe they did go over the origins to a degree and I just wasn’t paying attention! But I definitely remember making and decorating and eating. It was always a wonderful time! And now it is definitely something that I will do as I celebrate my first “official” Yule and incorporate it in future year’s celebrations!


Thanks. Yes i saw the dates and though well since they are close why not prepare my altar ahead of time and combine the decorations and mix it up… My family (husband and kids), don’t celebrate Christmas since we are Muslim, however, i personally love to to celebrate Christmas since i grew up in a Christian household with Christmas every year… Aside i know a lot of atheists who do not have a Religion but still enjoy celebrating Christmas regardless… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s fine and would the bonfire would be a lovely idea :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sorry I couldn’t think of more. You should write a book translating the holidays for the Southern Hemisphere once you figure them out!


I see! No matter how you decide to celebrate the holidays (whether individually or combined), I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time. Blessed holidays, @TheMuslimWitch! :blush::two_hearts:

Thank you, @bryce! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That’s amazing that you made Bûche de Noël cakes in school, @robin77- what a great activity to do as a class (and a delicious one too)! :yum::cake: I’m glad a happy memory came back for you- happy cooking and good luck with your Yule log, have a blessed holiday! :heart: