🕑 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE ~ Catch-Up!

Merry meet!

Thank you once again to all those who joined in for last week’s Weekly Witchy Challenge - Magick of Sound :ear:

This week marks another milestone in witchy challenge history- it is the 160th witchy challenge here in the forum- wow! :star_struck: As with every ten challenges, the challenge clock has come to a brief halt and challenges of all shapes, sizes, and sorts are open once again :alarm_clock:

catch-up challenge

:spiral_calendar: :raised_hand: Challenge Catch-Up! :raised_back_of_hand: :timer_clock:

To celebrate the 160th Weekly Challenge something special is happening…

Was there a busy week where you missed a challenge? Did an interesting theme happen before you joined the forum? Maybe there was a topic you were hesitant to try but now feel ready for. Well- now is your chance!

This week is a Catch-Up Week where all previously closed challenges will be re-opened for a short time!

So are you ready? It’s a blast from the past!

On your mark, get set:


STEP 1: Choose a Previous Challenge :mag_right:

From earth-friendly magick, dreaming, past lives, magickal names and more- there are 145 previous challenge themes to choose from (not including the past Catch-Up challenges).

The previous challenges and the titles they granted are listed below. Please click the link to visit that challenge page to view details including guidelines, entry suggestions, and inspiration from past coven member entries.

Note that the old discussions for past challenges will remain locked- please share your comments and entries here or in a new post!

:clock2: Catch-Up XV [this challenge!]
:ear: The Magick of Sound - Sound Worker
:dolls: A Witch’s Collection – Collector
:wheel: Wheel of the Year: Pagan Holidays – Year-Round Witch
:ring_buoy: Magickal Safety – Warden
:eye: Visualizations – Visualizer
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Sacred Books – Book Keeper
:thinking: Witch-conceptions: Stereotypes – The One and Only
:dressed_candle: Anointing Candles – Anointer
:witch_hat: Witch Fashion – Stylish Witch
:trophy: Catch-Up XIV
:thread: Knot Magick – Stitch Witch
:woman_cook: Culinary Magick – Crafty Chef
:red_gift_envelope: Amulets and Talismans – Charming Witch
:raven: A Witch’s Companions – Among Friends
:mirror: The Art of Scrying – Scryer
:green_heart: Natural Health & Healing – Healed by the Earth
:female_sign: The Divine Feminine – Divinely Feminine
:male_sign: The Divine Masculine – Divinely Masculine
:tree_of_life: Grounding & Centering – Composed Caster
:clock1: Catch-Up XIII
:tv: Witchy Media – Magickal Maestro
:sleeping_bed: Sleep & Dream Magick – Witch of the Night
:sunrise_over_mountains: Magick of the Sun – Sun Witch
:bubbles: Cleansing in the Craft – Powerful Purifier
:slot_machine: The Fortune Teller’s Game – Blessed by Fortune
:knot: Eclectic Witch: Interdisciplinary Magick – Eclectic Witch
:sake: Magickal Inks & Oils – Craftswitch
:headstone: Ancestor Work – A Living Legacy
:o: Circles in Magick – Magister Circulorum
:clock12: Catch-Up XII
:jar: Spell Jars & Witch Bottles – Spell Jar Specialist
:technologist: Technologic & Modern Magick – Technomancer
:name_badge: Magickal Names – One Who Knows Thyself
:watch: Time Magick – Tempus Mage
:tada: 13 Days of Holiday Celebrations – Festive Witch
:chakras: The Chakras – Chakra Worker
:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Weather Witchery – Weather Witch
:herb: Green & Herbal Magick – Green Witch
:hammer_and_wrench: Troubleshooting Spellwork – Spell Mechanic
:clock11: Catch-Up XI
:dart: Tactical Magick – Magickal Strategist
:fehu: All About Runes – Rune Reader
:cloud: Hedge Magick: Into Other Realms – Hedge Witch
:fallen_leaf: Seasonal Magick – Witch of the Season
:raised_hand: Palmistry – Palm Reader
:cauldron: Witch Brews & Potions – Potion Brewer
:fountain_pen: Handwritten Magick – With Hand and Heart
:white_check_mark: Conditional Magick – Master of Circumstances
:1234: Numerology – Numerologist
:clock5: Catch-Up X
:globe_with_meridians: Liminal Magick – Liminal Witch
:game_die: Divining Differently – Divination Explorer
:speaking_head: Multilingual Magick – Polyglot Practicioner
:mending_heart: Wholesome Healers – Healer
:moneybag: Money Magick – Prosperous Witch
:sunglasses: Casual Casting – Casual Caster
:heart_hands: HandCrafting – Handy Witch
:railway_track: A Journey of Change – Doctrina et crescente
:mountain_snow: Mountain Magick: Land Beneath Our Feet – Mountain Witch
:100: Catch-Up IX : The Hundredth Challenge
:sun: Solstice: Festivities of Light – Solstice Celebrant
:shell: Ocean Magick – Sea Witch
:people_hugging: As Above, So Below – One Who Is Connected
:nose: Smells Like Magick – Osmic Occultist
:person_in_lotus_position: Meditation Magick – Magickal Meditator
:hibiscus: Blooming with the Moon - Virent anima
:unicorn: The Bestiary - Cryptozoologist
:couch_and_lamp: Let a Witch Unwind! – Caster of Calm
:hotsprings: Energy Work – Energy Channeler
:clock4: Catch-Up VIII
:diya_lamp: Candle Magick: Light 'Em Up! – Holder of Light
:tornado: Chaos Magick – Master of Chaos
:magic_wand: Tools of the Witch Trade – Well-Equipped Witch
:sunflower: Flower Power – Athrophile Witch
:tea: Teas & Infusions – Tea Witch
:teacher: Teachers of Magick – Student of Magick
:pentagram: Symbols & Sigils – Wielder of Symbols
:broom: Everyday Magick – Carpe diem
:heart: Love Magick – Lovely Witch
:clock3: Catch-Up VII
:tiger: Lunisolar Calendar and Chinese New Year – Favored by Fortune
:performing_arts: Your Magickal Muse – Beloved by the Muses
:deciduous_tree: Sacred Trees and Wood – Custos Arborum
:open_hands: Making Magickal Offerings – Blessed Bestower
:door: Passage Into the New Year – Trailblazer
:blush: The Magick of Happiness – Beholder of Happiness
:sun_with_face: Solar Magick – Solar Mage
:busts_in_silhouette: Freedom in Forgiveness – Magnanimous
:crossed_swords: Dual Wielding Opposite Forces – Unus qui est libratum
:clock2: Catch-Up VI
:sparkler: Spell Swap Meet – Coven Contributor
:angel: Working With Higher Powers - In manibus numinum
:candy: Trick-or-Treat! - Sweet 'n Spooky
:purse: Making Objects Magickal – Enchanter
:sparkles: A Magickal Blessing – Blessed One
:mag_right: Peering into Past Lives – Witch of the Ages
:books: History of Magick – History’s Heir
:shield: Powerful Protection – Powerful Protector
:dancer: The Magick of Music – Bard Witch
:clock1: Catch-Up V
:map: Magick on the Go – Wandering Witch
:handshake: One Witch to Another – Keeper of Knowledge
:salt: Salty Spellwork – Imperium salis
:cyclone: Reading Auras – Aura Reader
:black_cat: Cat Magick – Amicus felium
:yum: Wickedly Delicious – Connoisseur Witch
:bride_with_veil: Deities of the Moon – Blessed by the Moon
:rose: Beauty Magick – Pulchra magicae
:flower_playing_cards: A Touch of Tarot – Tarot Reader
:trophy: The Challenger [50th Challenge] – Challenge Champion
:dragon_face: Dragon Magick – Blessed by Dragons
:prayer_beads: A Healthy Dose of Crystals – Crystal Healer
:notes: Enchanting Chants – Chant Witch
:rainbow: The Many Colors of Magick – Colorful Witch
:timer_clock: Catch-Up IV
:milky_way: Astrology: Reading the Skies - Astrologer
:white_heart: Into the Light - Witch of Love and Light
:black_heart: From the Shadows - Shadow Survivor
:confetti_ball: Congrats to the Coven - Coven Celebrant
:place_of_worship: All About Altars - Reverent Witch
:toolbox: Holistic Magick: A Witch’s Apothecary - Apothecarist
:writing_hand: The Wizardry of Words - Word Witch
:paw_prints: Claws, Paws, Tails and Scales - Animalis magum
:full_moon_with_face: Strength of the Full Moon - Lunar Witch
:running_woman: Catch-Up III
:art: Magick in the Arts - Art Witch
:star: Star Magick - Shining Bright
:footprints: Your Magickal Roots - Peritus viatorem
:small_blue_diamond: Elemental Mastery - Master of All Elements
:mountain: Of the Element Earth - Earth Elemental
:fire: Of the Element Fire - Fire Elemental
:seedling: From Seed to Sprout - Ceiliúradh an tséasúir
:wind_face: Of the Element Air - Air Elemental
:ocean: Of the Element Water - Water Elemental
:alarm_clock: Catch Up II
:scroll: Of Goals and Intent - Finis patrator
:partying_face: Holiday Cheer - Merrily Magickal
:new_moon: Magick in the Dark - Tenebris Lucem
:yarn: Of Spells and String - Weavemaster
:bathtub: Scrub-a-dub, Magick in the Tub - Bubbly Witch
:gem: Heed the Call of Crystals - Crystal Collector
:hocho: Creative Crafting - Creatively Crafty
:candle: Of Candles and Flame - Witch of the Flame
:skull: The Veil Between Worlds - Witch of the Veil
:spiral_calendar: Catch-Up I
:honeybee: The Spell-ing Bee - Spell Master
:crystal_ball: Foretelling the Future - Seer Apprentice
:alembic: Potion Making - Potion Master
:open_book: Books, Tomes, and Tales - Book Lover
:sparkling_heart: Giving Gratitude - Blessed and Grateful
:ear_of_rice: Inviting Abundance - Blessed by Abundance
:full_moon: Moon Magick - Moon Witch
:pray: Dealing in the Divine - Deific Witch
:cupcake: Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch
:sleeping: Dream Magick - Oneiric Witch
:dove: Earth-Friendly Witchcraft - Earth Witch
:money_with_wings: The Thrifty Witch - Thrifty Witch
:compass: Celestial Exploration - Cosmic Witch
:star2: Trying Something New - Experimenter

Note that you can view the full list of challenges at any time by visiting: Weekly Witchy Challenges :fire: A History

How many challenges can I do this week? :thinking:

If you are feeling particularly adventurous this week and want to do more than just the usual one challenge, you can do:


This limit exists to encourage mindfulness on each challenge- please remember that, although some challenges have similar themes, every challenge requires its own unique entry in order to receive the corresponding badge :medal_sports:

But I want to earn all of the badges!

That is awesome- I am so happy that you enjoy the badges so much! :blush:

At the end of the day, badges are just a small token- the challenges are really here to help you improve and enhance your magickal practice. So please try to take your time with your exploration of the theme(s) you choose- they are here to help you help yourself! :sparkles:

(On an administrative note, the limit also exists to save your challenge moderator from a potential ocean of badge-giving for all the various challenges at once! :ocean:)

But for challenge enthusiasts and badge collectors- no fear! You can rest assured that another chance to join in on any additional missed challenges will come again soon. Expect another Catch-Up Challenge and chance to earn old badges every ten challenges :+1:

Not sure which challenges you already participated in? :ballot_box_with_check:

Click here to learn how to check which badges you already have

If you can’t remember if you completed a challenge or not, no worries! You can go to the challenge page and check the entries to see if you submitted.

Additionally, you can go to your Badges page to see a collection of all the titles you previously earned.

Here is how to check your badges:

  1. Click on your avatar/picture icon at the top right-hand side of any page in the forum.
  2. Click on the person icon and select “Summary”.
  3. Next, click on “Badges”

Here you can see all the badges you have earned during your time exploring the forums!

STEP 2: Share Your Entry(ies) to the Challenge :writing_hand:

Click here for notes about challenge inclusivity

Everyone is welcome to join the challenge by practicing magick in line with the current theme. For lurkers and those who don’t feel comfortable sharing, it is absolutely okay to follow along with the challenge but keep your entry personal. Feel free to join in spirit and do what feels most comfortable for you! :blush:

That being said, please know that if you would like to receive a prize and a public shout-out, it is required that you share your experience.

Getting Your Credit :white_check_mark:

:exclamation: IMPORTANT : Please don’t forget to include the name of the chosen challenge and/or the badge you want somewhere in your post as well!

If you do not include a challenge or badge name with your entry, I will have to use my best guess and you may not get the title you were hoping for- so please be sure to mention it!

After you have chosen an old challenge (or two, or three!), completed your task, and are ready to share- all you have to do is write/share about your experience and label it as your challenge entry. There is a lot of chatting here (which is awesome- chatting and discussion are very welcome!) so please please PLEASE clearly write that it is your entry so that I know to count it! :pray:

Where Should I Share My Entry? :thinking:

Click here for instructions on where to share your entry

You are welcome to post it right here- just click “reply” :repeat: to this post and write your experience in the text box that pops up!

Alternatively, you could create a new thread in the forum (doing so keeps your entry separate and is a good option if you have a lot to share)

Note : If you do choose to create a new thread, please add the “challenge-entry” tag and/or add a hyperlink back to this post so that it can be easily found- thank you! :bowing_woman:

Deadline :spiral_calendar:

:exclamation: This challenge will close in 6 DAYS :exclamation:

To join in, please share your experience by:

Tuesday, September 5 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

(Note that the time zone is ET- if you don’t see your time displayed above, you can use this time zone calculator to check for your time zone!)

Prizes :gift:

For their efforts, all participants will receive a special shout-out and a small prize! :gift:

Acknowledgments will be given in a Props and Presents Post that will appear in the forums on Tuesday.

After the challenge closes, you are still very welcome to post but please be aware that no additional prizes will be given. This discussion will remain open for about a week after the challenge finishes.

:gift_heart: :gift: :gift_heart:

A warm reminder that the challenges are designed to be very open- everyone is encouraged to participate in a way that honors and reflects their unique practice :open_book:

If you have any doubts about if something is acceptable to post or say, please double-check with the Forum FAQ and/or reach out to your friendly Moderator Team .

And for those new to challenges- welcome! :heart: Know that the goal of these activities is to help you further diversify and strengthen your abilities and to bring together the Spells8 forum family to inspire and support one another in creative ways :hugs:

The clock has stopped so the door of missed opportunities can open once again- spread your wings and don’t be afraid to delve into a previously unexplored of magick!

:mage: :infinite_roots: :trophy:

Blessed Be!


Well, it looks like I’ll be taking a week off since I have all the badges. :laughing: Unless I overlooked something and there’s a special badge for the 160th challenge? :thinking:


Tactical Magick

This is perfect, the spell I’m doing tonight definitely falls under In Pursuit of Victory, that would actually be a pretty good name for it.

I’m still putting the finishing touches on it but it’s a huge Manifesting/motivation Spell for achieving your dreams that can be recharged with meditation and prayer. I’m still working out the prayer part.

The outline is the basic
I want
I will
I have
but on a scale that takes me a bit out of my comfort zone.

Reading this challenge gave me a few ideas for tweaking it a bit.
I’m so excited, I’m going to start prepping as soon as I finish my coffee


my catch- up is from waaaaayyy back!! lol “Thrifty Witch” I love that there are so many crafty items at the dollar stores and thrift stores, it certainly puts and ease on the purse and gets the creative juices flowing! I have gotten scarves and pieces of material to use for altar mats, or made bags for holding spell-ing items and tarot cards. My daughter can’t get enough of the little jars to use for spells and holding stuff on her altar.
We definitely repurpose empty jars for whatever we need, and I have finally found a good reason to use all the empty pill containers i’ve been saving (for way too long!) We use coloring pages or pictures from magazines for wall and window decor for the different seasons and holidays. So many beads and buttons and “old jewelry” that have been made into amulets and given to friends as “cool witchy charms”!

Maybe it’s because I was raised by a thrifty and crafty woman that I can see multiple uses for items that could be “junk”… or maybe I’m just broke!! LOL Either way, I’ve taught my kids to be thrifty and crafty and that helps with bonding and creating memories.



As I’ve embraced the Master of Chaos himself as my deity, I have to do this challenge, Loki is practically jumping up and down, his energy is going to boil over if we don’t do this one, and he’ll probably set my altar alight! :fire: :flushed::rofl::joy:
So here goes.

Chaos Magick. 101. Well to start with, before Loki and I became an official team, I realise that my whole life has been one big chaotic symphony.
I think I’m organised, I plan every detail, but each day goes “wrong”, everyday! So it’s obviously been an inbuilt part of my system (which would make sense being in a fulltrui with Loki, even before I knew I was :grin:)

So chaos, is supposed to be the most practical, simple, back to basics way to shift reality with your intention and your true will.
There’s lots of books on it, that make it really complicated and scientific and mind dazzling. But for me that’s not chaos.
Chaos is not about causing chaos deliberately with Magick. Nope, who wants that!
It’s about re-ordering your world and life the way you want, embracing chaos energy when it hits, and it will, regularly, so that your Magick achieves your original intention and your life runs to your true self.

When using chaos in your Magick, it works the same as normal Magick but without the frills. Remember the protection challenge we did? All the casting circles, invoking elements, and all the stuff we’re supposed to do when casting etc etc. :person_shrugging: Well when I cast, I never remember the circles, I forget to invoke elements, I light incense, but if I got an itchy throat, thats not done either, but I always light my candles, and I always ask for Loki to get involved.
I don’t pre write or plan my spells, very often the ingredients are spontaneously thrown together on how my intuition feels on the day.
My grimoire is a mess, no order, no structure, yet everything that should be in it, is. :grin:
Yet, the spells work, the Magick is free to flow however it needs to get the job done.
It’s not as formulaic as good old fashioned Magick, but then it wouldn’t be chaos would it. :rofl:
It’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s messy, it’s intuitive, soooo intuitive and the results are the same had I followed a more formal path.

So chaos Magick is the occult at its raw, simple, flexible, and emotional best.
One thing it is not is sloppy Magick for lazy witches (a common thought), there is an order to it, albeit a loose one.
If you have an imagination you can do it.
If you love to be playful you can do it.
If you have a sense of humour you can do it.
If you love experimenting you can do it.

How about chaos sigils then, how does that fit with all the above?
Well, you can, if you want, follow the traditional way of creating your chaos sigils from your goal. But for me, it doesn’t work. I like to feel that chaos. So an alternative, is to feel the chaos energy in your body, and create a sigil that feels your goal. Forget converting letters into a sigil. Why not say your question/goal out loud whilst moving your pen on the paper, not quite automatic writing, but not far off. Let the chaos create the sigil or doodle.
Without feeling, I feel chaos doesn’t work.

So, how does chaos change the day to day. Well my Magick is much more vibrant and alive. Spellwork is fun and engaging.
The stress of controlling my life has gone, instead of planning, I outline, because I know I’m going to be hit with something at some point (Loki will make sure of that) and between Loki and I, we have a rip roaring time.
Mistakes happen, yes, things go wrong, yes but it’s one exhilarating journey.
So Blessed be. :fire::partying_face::sparkling_heart: And Hail Chaos and the God behind it :rofl:


Challenge Entry

#1 Of the Element Air

East is Air and Knowing,

Air, the first most important. Of the mind and spirit. Gives flight to thought and imagination. The gentle cooling breeze in summer, the driving force of the sailboat or the typhoon in the vast ocean.

this is actually a re-entry as I did this last catch-up, but @BryWisteria awarded me the Earth badge instead. Please accept this as my air entry this time :sweat_smile:



Yay!!! One of my favorites… Catch Up Challenge.

Time to pull out my spreadsheet and the random number generator and pick 3 challenges I have yet to complete!

One day I’ll get through them all! :wink:


Challenge entry-weather Witchery :cloud:

It’s raining :cloud_with_rain: pretty hard here in va it’s 5:00am so I gathered some rain water lit three candles :candle: and spoke this chant “ Gods of power, Gods of might, I bid you now stop this plight, stop the rain, forever more, stop this rain we need no more, let it fall, never more,” I lit my palo Santo and drew a pentacle in the air that’s how I end my spells then blew out the candles so mote it be.


@Kasandra Congrats on having all of the badges! :partying_face: As for the milestone badges, those are special gifts for the big ones (such as challenge #100 and #150) but the in-betweens are just the usual Catch-Ups. But that being said, there’s always the chance for more badges! All of the challenge badges can potentially be earned multiple times, if there are any themes that particularly call to you :wink:

@Nixi Your Pursuit of Victory Spell sounds amazing, Nixi- you’ve got a solid outline and I’m wishing you all the best! Good luck with your tactical magick- may it help you achieve the victory and success you are hoping for :pray: :blush:

@GemRobin76 You are super creative with your shopping, Gem- it sounds like you and your daughter are very clever with putting the treasures you find to good use! Thrifty witchcraft sure is a lot of fun, and it can save a lot of money, especially in the long run. And hey, it’s not “junk”- it’s possibilities, right!? :wink: Thank you so much for sharing abut your thrifty witchcraft! :sparkling_heart:

@tracyS The chaos challenge is perfect for your deity, Tracy- I am thrilled this was one of the challenges you chose! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Everytime you open up and share your wisdom about chaos, I feel a bit more at peace with the chaos in my own life. You’ve really adopted such a positive and empowering stance with it- I always love to hear and learn from you! Thank you so much for sharing! :pray:

@Shadeweaver Oh, Shadeweaver, I’m so sorry- that is my bad! :bowing_woman: I have remedied the badge mix-up now and sent over the Air Elemental badge that you most definitely have earned- it’s a beautiful entry :feather: :air_element: :heart: As it was a mix-up (on my behalf) from the previous Catch-Up, this won’t count towards this Catch-Up’s limit- you are free to do three entries this time (if you feel called to do so- no pressure!) :grinning: Apologies again!

On a related note, if I ever accidentally miss or mix-up badges (and statistically, with the number of badges going out each week, I imagine it happens sometimes!) everyone is always welcome to send me a message either via a tag in the challenge or Props and Presents post, or via DM. I’ll remedy it asap- you all deserve the badges you worked towards! :handshake: :heart:

@Artemisia Looking at your impressive collection of badges, I can see that you are well on your way there, Artemisia! :clap: :grinning: I can’t wait to see which three you are you given for this Catch-Up! Whatever they are, good luck and I hope you have fun with them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@crystal59 Weather witchery is such a fun one- and you’ve embraced it with style, Crystal! Your candle ritual is beautiful and I love your skull chalice, that is a really stunning piece! :skull: :cup_tarot: I hope the rain eases up there and you get some lovely sunshine very soon :sun_behind_rain_cloud::blush: Nice work- thank you for sharing!


Oh Bry, :gift_heart: please don’t be sorry. :pray: I accepted the Earth badge as I did all 4 Jars anyway and figured I’d just do Air this catch up. :imp:



@Shadeweaver :hugs: Oh yes, looking back, you did mention that you crafted all 4 Jars- that really is such a great way to welcome the elements into your space! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I had switched the badge that had been given incorrectly, but it sounds like you ought to have the Earth one too, my friend! Would you like to share a little bit about your beautiful Earth jar to make the collection complete? :jar: :earth_element: :pray: :green_heart:


Thank you @BryWisteria :hugs::heartpulse::sparkles:


Challenge Entry

#1a of the Element Earth

North is Earth and Being

The foundation of our being, that which gives us all, our sustenance, our home n this physical plane.

My Elemental Jars of the 4 directions so that I may invoke those forces during my practice. The jars were made copying @SilverBear sheets. I made large and small jars, the large stays on my altar for spell work and divination, calling quarters and invoking those forces. The small jars I have on a shelf I walk by multiple times a day and ask for their help for the day.


Challenge Entry

#2 Master of All Elements

I don’t currently follow any diety other than our Great Mother, :pray: my altar is basically an Elemental Altar. I call quarters and invoke the elements using my jars and the objects on my altar.

Other than always having searched for the meaning of my life, my journey really started to unfold when I started to follow the Chinese philosophy and spirituality. The 5 elements Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal. The philosophies of Tao, Buddhism, Confucianism, and others led me down a long and confusing path. 21 steps to escaping Saṃsāra? 24 mountains of Feng shui? I did not understand and wasn’t raised in that environment. I Loved learning all of it, but it never became something I could follow with any conviction.

I always Loved the way the"First Nation" believed. But not being of that culture I always felt like an outsider there also. But it was a lot closer to the way I felt about things.

I learned “spirituality” and “Light Work” and got interested in crystals and herbs, but they were only steps and tools to use for something else. Then the path led me here :sweat_smile: and everything seems to be coming together.

Though they may not be Gods/Goddesses the elements are the building blocks for all we have and have the energies we all work with and a great way to bolster the Great Mother in my devotion to her. May Spirit guide me on this path I have chosen :pray:



~Challenge Entries~

I’m so excited you do catch ups! I had no idea. This is the first time I’ve been here for one! I’m going to do three :sparkles: sorry it’s a little long!

Casual Caster

I’ve been working on incorporating a little bit of Magick in my daily routines! I always do the daily mediations and cast a simple circle. I just got a wand but was using just a finger to do it before! It felt casual to me :rofl: Also, just wearing the daily crystal and keeping a small tote with crystals that I feel like I need that day!

Here’s my new wand :two_hearts:

Tarot Reader

I love tarot. I’ve been learning for a little over a year now. I found an app/site that I absolutely adore.

The companion app can match with the decks they offer and gives full interpretations of the individual cards and the reading as a whole. It has little lessons for RWS/Marseille/oracle/Lenormand and a journal to save the readings. It’s helped me retain so much! I do daily draws and weekly spreads for myself. :crystal_ball:

Here’s a screenshot of a reading I did with their Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. I was questioning whether my fiancé and I should do an elopement or an actual wedding with guests. (We decided to have guests :joy::two_hearts:)

Moon Witch

The moon :crescent_moon: I love the moon. I’ve always been a night owl and felt drawn to the moon. As I grow my practice, I’ve found that following the moon makes me feel most connected to my spirituality. I write out each lunar cycle in my planner and choose my spell work around that. I try to do a weekly spell for each lunar cycle. I make moon water every full/new moon and use it for my teas. I’m so excited for the group ritual tonight! I’m going to do the daily spell for yesterday, as well! :sparkles:

Here’s a (not so great) picture I took of the super full blue moon last night!

Blessed be :crescent_moon::sparkles:



Claws, Paws, Tails and Scales - Animalis magum

This challenge caught my attention this week and when I read the description, something popped to mind…I work with the Egyptian pantheon, many of whom are anthropomorphic, having a human body and animal head.

It got me wondering why they were associated with their animals and so I decided to do some research. The animals associated with the deities are those which would commonly have been seen and observed by the Egyptians in their environment. The Ancient Egyptians were close observers of nature and the behaviour they saw in animals were then connected to the traits and roles of their deities. I have included my findings along with some iPad sketches I did of some of the deities with their animal heads. Excuse my iPad handwriting😂

Blessed be



That’s a gorgeous wand @berranda :heartpulse: and you did a incredible job on all three challenges! :grin: also that’s a beautiful picture of the blue moon :large_blue_circle:


Awe @crystal59 thank you so much! :sparkles::two_hearts:


Here’s my challenge entry.

Friendly warning that I hint at having had depression and suicidal thoughts in the past.

Peering into Past Lives

Do you believe in reincarnation?

I don’t know if I do. But I do know that a part of me hopes there isn’t such a thing. I’m not sure I want to do this over and over again — I feel tired down to my soul. I frequently used to want it all to just end. That there’d be peace in nothingness because I simply wouldn’t exist. But perhaps this will improve…

One suggested that my tiredness stems from giving too much. She said,

How you are affected is not only the fact you absorb everything to you, but you give out so much energy all the time, always alert and taking everything in, it is like you are drawn and connected to all these frequencies and vibrational energy and in some respect in the past especially with people you have had this pull to just help and nurturer, but it is like to much for you and you get drained or hurt in the process. There is a tendency to take on problems as your own and hard for you to set healthy boundaries because you don’t know when to not give as such.

So perhaps this is a viewpoint that will change the more I overcome these problems.

Someone else suggested I do some rituals to take back energy from the world. I’ve only done that once, but now that I’m thinking about it, I should do it some more.

Do you believe that is possible for someone to come back to life in some way, shape, or form?

I know people who routinely save lives, often bringing people back after their hearts have stopped. Sometimes hearts that have stopped for almost 10 minutes. But perhaps this question refers to something more, such as coming back to life hours, days, or years later. To which I believe it isn’t.

That being said, I have heard one tale. Every seven years, their coven brought blood to the grave. They poured it into a small tube that went down to the body. After a certain number of decades of doing this, something awoke. But it wasn’t the person who died anymore. It was a horrifying thing. And apparently, none of them have given more detail than this. True story? It could be entirely made up. But I won’t be the one to say so.

I thought I’d try some of the examples given in the challenge.

Slate’s Reincarnation Machine says, “You’ve had 20 human lives.”

A number itself is kind of difficult to reference. It doesn’t tell me if that’s many or few. But it reminds me of some readings I’ve had. One said:

you shine high priest/priestess qualities and it is because you have lived so many lives and you have delved into some many spiritual activities, communities and been psychically gifted yourself.

I read that and instantly felt tired again. Thinking about past lives and experiences gives me this feeling even more so than life has. I just feel tired down to the very core of my being.

The Loner Wolf Past Life Regression Test says the following:

Your answers to this test indicate that your most important past life lesson is learning how to listen to your intuition. You might be feeling unfocused, emotionally unstable, daydreamy or mentally foggy at the moment as a result of your present or past life experiences. However, once you learn how to trust your intuition, you will feel clear, focused, receptive and insightful, and you will be able to access your immense storage of wisdom.

Honestly, I don’t feel unstable at all and my partner keeps remarking on how I’m flourishing these days. Perhaps a bit unfocused and foggy, but that’s kind of my normal with ADHD.

The Gaia meditation on How to Remember Past Lives was a bit difficult. Perhaps I can blame the ADHD for always struggling to do guided meditations. But I did manage to get through it, even though my cats tried to bring me out of it early.

At some point during this, I kind of separated from the body of the past self and I watched as though standing there in the world and time, but invisible. But I could’ve sworn, at some point, it felt as though the past self looked right at me.

A lot happened during this. Sometimes I got a bit confused and lost, and was sure I went back and forward in time a bit. I think I had trouble focusing during some moments.

Then at the end, when I watched her lying in bed during her final moments, she looked at me and addressed me directly. She told me I wasn’t as strong as I could be, and that I had a long way to go. She said she could tell that I was inexperienced with this, through how my image appeared so weak and I missed so many moments, so many important moments.

I admitted this. I had no idea how old she was at that moment, nor where her family went. She told me they had all long since passed.

She said that she would not allow the power in her line to wane such and that I would see once I stepped outside. Then, she turned to dust.

And I moved towards the front door, looking over all her things on the way, now covered in cobwebs and dust. When I opened the door, I wasn’t inside her village anymore. It was almost like a city. She had moved, I believe, and I was staring at a world much later than I could have imagined.

What was the message behind all of this? I have some ideas, but I will definitely ponder them over the next few days.

After this, I also returned to a reading I had many months ago. I hadn’t read it since. I won’t share the entire thing, as it’s very long and gets quite personal, but here is a snippet:

You have a long line she is saying of working with such energies and so naturally when you came into this vessel int his time period you are drawn to this energy, it hasn’t left.

Many of your lives you have always been pulled to magic or spirituality in one way of another, and you will have this calling. Hekate says you are truly gifted int his area and your spirit, and higher self remembers all that you can do and how you have brought change with you through dedication, incarnation, rituals and through the dead.

the older you get the stronger you will get and easier to remember your past lives and to connect to many in spirit.

I will need time and practise, I suppose. I do have a long way to go… But I definitely need some time to recharge.

I’m tired. But the future doesn’t seem bleak anymore.


Ok, I’ve picked my three - sheesh I have 45 left to get. I thought I was further along than that :woman_shrugging:

I used a random number generator and ended up with:

I’m going to have to get creative on the last one :thinking: and honestly I can’t believe I haven’t already done Thrifty Witch :laughing: