šŸ† Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up! [Challenge #200]

Challenge Entry #2 - :cupcake: Kitchen Witchery - Kitchen Witch

I do cook mostly made-from-scratch dinners and have been baking more since Iā€™ve discovered sourdough. I donā€™t consider myself a kitchen witch and often donā€™t think to infuse magic into my cooking.

I decided to give it a try today. I chose to make a batch of sourdough discard seeded crackers (something like wheat thins). I make them with chia seeds and flax seeds.

  • Protection: Flax seeds are often used for protective purposes. They can be sprinkled around the home to ward off negative energies or carried in a pouch for personal protection.

  • Abundance and Prosperity: Flax seeds are also associated with abundance and can be used in spells or rituals to attract wealth and prosperity.

  • Healing: The seeds can be used in healing spells or rituals to promote physical and emotional well-being.

  • Strength and Vitality: Chia seeds are known for their energy-boosting properties, making them ideal for spells and rituals focused on increasing strength and vitality.

  • Endurance: They can be used in magic to enhance endurance, both physically and spiritually.

  • Growth and Transformation: Chia seeds can symbolize growth and transformation due to their ability to expand and absorb liquid.

Flax Seed Correspondences Sources

Protection and Healing:

  • Cunninghamā€™s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham lists flax seeds as having protective properties and uses in healing spells.
  • The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham includes information on using flax seeds in protection sachets.

Abundance and Prosperity:

  • The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes includes references to flax seeds being used in spells for prosperity and wealth.

Chia Seed Correspondences Sources (Most of the published information on Chia Seed pertains to itā€™s health benefits but we can extrapolate from what what itā€™s Magickal properties are.

Strength and Vitality:

  • Cunninghamā€™s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham does not specifically list chia seeds, but similar seeds such as poppy seeds are mentioned for their energy-boosting properties, which can be applied to chia seeds due to their nutritional profile.

Endurance and Growth:

  • The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More by Arin Murphy-Hiscock mentions the use of seeds in general for growth and transformation spells, which can be extended to chia seeds.

With this in mind, I made the crackers with the intent of creating crackers for Protection, Health, and Abundance. Kneading the dough, rolling it out, and cutting it added the extra hands-on touch and gave me time to meditate on the spell.

Link to recipe


We can do more than 3 this time!!


Awesome @john1 ! You really incorporate so much into your craft. I bet your spells are quite powerful.


Beautiful entries! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Beautiful bracelet! I love it!


Those looks delicious!


**Challenge entry **

I donā€™t type things on a computer very often as I am on a computer all day at work and I donā€™t want to be on it any more than I have to be.

I post mostly on my cell and my notes are hand written, hence the pics of my notes. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh, and I quoted Bruce Lee, I didnā€™t need to note that for me so it is not in my notebook.


Look at all these amazing entries already! :clap: :star_struck:

Thereā€™s a wonderful burst of creativity during every challenge, but itā€™s particularly fun to see the magickal menagerie of all different types during Catch-Up weeks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You are all so talented in your Crafts! :sparkles:

Just want to say I love this enthusiasm so much - have lots of fun with anything/everything you choose to explore this week! :star2: :books:


Oh, thatā€™s a good ideaā€¦ :laughing: I need a bigger desk, I think - or a kitchen table!


Challenge Entry One: :cupcake: Kitchen Witchery! - Kitchen Witch

I suppose Iā€™ll start from the oldest challenge that Iā€™m missing! I donā€™t fancy myself a kitchen witch at all. I cook out of necessity and I honestly donā€™t like it all that much. The food I make is okay ā€“ occasionally, it gets words of praise from my family that it tastes amazing. Iā€™ve never really approached food mindfully, when Iā€™m eating or when Iā€™m cooking, and it was never something that was ever taught to me.

Anyway, I decided to be a bit more mindful when I made dinner last night and chose ingredients that would go well with the pork steaks but also that my intuition was guiding me to. So, I ended up using very simple spices: rosemary, salt, garlic, and paprika.

:herb: Rosemary: purification, memory, protection

:salt: Salt: protection, cleansing

:garlic: Garlic: repeling negativity

:hot_pepper: Paprika: boost of energy

I also made fried potatoes and a salad but donā€™t have any pictures of that. I have a trick for making sure the potatoes are cooked nicely because they always end up either soggy or too crispy when I fry them first. Anyway, I put them in my air fryer first on the French Fry setting. Itā€™s something like 15 minutes at 450F. I shake them about halfway through and then cook them some more. When theyā€™re done in the air fryer, I put them in the pan that the pork was in since those were cooked with butter. It crisped them right up without overcooking them!

It seems that my intuition was guiding me toward a protective meal - either that, I just have more protective herbs and spices in my cabinet than anything else! :joy:


My entry continues:-

Kitchen Witch:- I make teas and made eggs in the morning I put black pepper , little salt , turmeric and then cook it I eat the eggs with hot sauce and give thanks to hecate for everything she dose for me over the meal.

Blessed by Abundance:- I made money spells

  1. Green candle
  2. Any prayer you like there are so many
  3. I use any incents to burn :heart_on_fire:
  4. I use a dollar bill fold it and put it under the candle
  5. Any wax herbs and incense ash left over I turn it into a spell jar Small to carry or big to set on my alter

Roman petitioner badge:- https://youtu.be/vUV-hgvvsF8?si=dcOD_gpBNtXaAOPA


Oh, a catch up challenge already!

Letā€™s seeā€¦ I missed threeā€¦

Enchanting Herbs
Celtic Magick
Nordic Magick

No promises I can get all three of them done, but I will try!


Challenge entry #3 is here



Challenge Entry Two: :full_moon: Moon Magick!

I decided to take this challenge in a bit of a different direction. Rather than working with the moon magically I decided to do some research into my astrological moon sign and how it might affect my life.

I am a Sagittarius Moon - :sagittarius: - and was born under the light of a waxing crescent.

Per the guidebook for the Spells8 Stellar Astrology course, my Moon sign relates to the following:

Sagittarius: Emotional security through personal growth, comfort from diverse friend
groups, optimistic demeanour, easily bouncing back from setbacks, bury their emotions
within and put on a face, feelings of resentment, emotional outbursts, flaky and unreliable,
cycles of enthusiasm and desire for growth, exploration and learning as emotional outlets.

My Moon is also in my sixth house. According to the same guidebook, that relates toā€¦

Sixth House: Fulfilment from service to others, sensitivity to work environment,
nurturing colleagues, well-being through routine, emotion linked to physical health,
stability in work, self-care

Moon signs reveal what is hidden within. It determines how people show, process and understand their emotions. Moon signs also reveal a personā€™s ability to tune into their intuition and listen to their instincts. It is the signpost to hidden powers.


The Moon can influence the relationships people have with their mother or more nurturing parent. It can also reveal sympathies, securities and insecurities, as well as the desire for comfort and protection. The Moon influences memories and cyclical or habitual existence, illustrated by its own monthly cycle. At its best, the Moon brings emotional awareness and a connection to intuition. It also brings a strong sense of care and compassion. However, at its worst, the Moon brings a struggle to make sense of and fully control emotions. It can bring emotional volatility, mood swings and oversensitivity, as well as the struggle to show empathy or nurturing instincts.

ā€“ The Planets ā€“ Spells8

One thing I struggle with in astrology is putting the pieces together. I know what the Moon in my chart relates to. I know what the sign of Sagittarius relates to. The problem is putting it all together. Iā€™m glad I have these courses and online information to help me put the pieces together like a puzzle. So, here are some pieces of my puzzle.

More than anything, Lunar Sagittarians have a need for personal freedom and space. They are extraordinarily happy and easygoing folk, as long as they donā€™t feel caged in or cooped up.

Lunar Sagittarians have a simultaneous need for activity. Meeting new people, going out in the world, and travel are all important to their sense of well-being. They love open spaces, and, in their homes, a roomy and bright environment.

Thereā€™s a bit of a teacher in Moon in Sagittarius, and definitely a helpful spirit. They easily forget appointments and the like, and some are even considered irresponsible. However, it is hard to stay angry at a Lunar Sagittarian! They are so cheerful and upbeat, and their optimism is catchy.

Many people with this position are outdoorsy types. At the very least, they have a great love for friendly competition.

When the going gets tough, these people run away. They donā€™t like to be caught up in routine for too long, and they simply need to escape.

Thereā€™s a blind faith in Lunar Sagittarians that is admirable. They simply believe that everything will work out. Not much for making detailed plans, people with Moon in Sagittarius prefer to wing it. Theyā€™re very adaptable and generally on the go.

ā€“ About Sagittarius the Archer: Astrology/Zodiac | Cafe Astrology .com

And then from TimePassagesā€¦

The moon in Sagittarius gives an uninhibited, freedom-loving personality which may incline to the restless. You are very idealistic, and see the best side of everyone. You are happy and fun to be around. You are also apt to be impatient. You tend to react to situations with action rather than with reflection. You can also be unrealistic in your approach to situations. You should learn to temper your idealism with reality in setting out to achieve your high aspirations.

In all of this, I need to remember that The Moon is supposed to be who I truly am on the inside, not who I make myself appear to be on the outside. I still struggle to see some of this within myself - I tend to be a bit cynical and donā€™t quite understand how the rest of my chart plays together with this. More studying is necessary, for sure, but Iā€™ll get there one day.


Oh I forgot another thing that would be awesome, a study buddy! It would be fun to do some of these challenges with a partner!


thank you very much dear! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:


Challenge Entry #4 - :star: Star Magick - Shining Bright

While I was looking at the 34 challenges I have left to do and trying to see which called to me/which I could do this time, I hadnā€™t thought about Star Magick much. Moon, sure but stars?

Putting my thinking cap on, I came up with a couple of ideas, then a whole bunch more! :laughing:

Iā€™m choosing this time to pick a constellation and learn more about it. One of the constellations visible in my night sky tonight will be Cassiopeia.

Itā€™s one of the easiest constellations for me to find and itā€™s one of the first my dad taught me to find.

(source - wiki entry)

The constellation Cassiopeia is named after the queen of Aethiopia, the wife of King Cephus, and the mother of Andromeda. She was known for her vanity and boasted often and loudly that she and her daughter were more beautiful than the Nereids, sea nymphs, and the daughter of Poseidon, which did not sit well with him.

Poseidonā€™s wrath fell upon the kingdom of Aethiopia. Some accounts say he flooded the whole country while others say he called up Cetus, the sea monster, to destroy it.

By BishkekRocks - Self made, location: Altes Museum, Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0, File:Corinthian Vase depicting Perseus, Andromeda and Ketos.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

trying to save their kingdom, Cepheus and Cassiopeia consulted a wise oracle, who told them that the only way to appease the sea gods was to sacrifice their daughter.

Accordingly, Andromeda was chained to a rock at the seaā€™s edge and left to be killed by the sea monster. Perseus arrived and instead killed Cetus, saved Andromeda and married her.[5]

Posidedon would not see Cassiopeia go unpunished and chained her to her throne and placed her for all time in the heavens.

she was forced to wheel around the north celestial pole on her throne, spending half of her time clinging to it so she does not fall off

Public Domain, File:Poeticon astronomicon cas.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

(Source - Uraniaā€™s Mirror)

Whew, I suppose I knew all of that story but hadnā€™t thought about it for quite some time. Maybe Iā€™ll make a star jar as well for a happier note to this challenge. Off to see if I can find star glitter!!!


Challenge Entry - Technologic & Modern Magick - Technomancer

Be Gone Glitches

Nothing is connected by wires anymore! This spell emphasizes the element of Air so that you can enchant your wireless devices and clean up your communications.
Face the device, and with a feather draw the banishing pentagram of Air over the screen while saying this chant:

Clean the air, and glitch be gone,
As this pentagram is drawn.
Enchant this device I declare,
Find all the bugs and do ensnare.
With the passing of this feather,
Ensure it works in all weather.
And if I drop it on the floor,
Let it bounce on forever more.

Repeat the drawing and chanting for a total of three times.


Challenge Entry - Divining Differently - Divination Explorer

Witchā€™s Runes

Using the wooden tiles I bought for half price at a closing out sale of one of our dollar stores I made a set of 13 Witchā€™s Runes.
After surfing the net I found 3 versions of interpretations on how to read the runes.
I typed them out as cheat sheets and I am going to work with the runes for a while and see if I can make up one cheat sheet of my interpretations that resonates with me.


Challenge Entry - Tools of the Witch Trade - Well-Equipped Witch

Waving those Wands

I have 2 powerful wands. One is made of hawthorn with an amethyst crystal point, and the other is oak with a clear quartz point. Both cover a lot of the intentions one could use in a spell, but not everything.
I went through Llewellynā€™s Book of Correspondences and found all the intentions that had at least one wood associated with it. I selected all the ones that oak or hawthorn did not cover, and then chose a wood that would work for each intention.
I made a list of the woods available in my area, and began collecting fallen branches.
After debarking the branches, I now have a collection of 15 wands:
Alder, Apple, Ash, Birch, Cedar, Cherry, Elder, Fir, Hawthorn, Linden, Maple, Oak, Pine, Rowan, and Willow.

Now I just have to consecrate them all!