🏆 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up! [Challenge #200]

Challenge Entry #7 Celtic Magic:

I decided to do the celtic cross tarot spread, my family and I are stuck in a rough situation and I really needed some clarification. I hope its alright, but I’m keeping my interpretation private.


Challenge Entry #8 Magickal Safety:

Honestly, up until now I’ve never really cast a circle. I’ve only actually cast a small handful of spells. But :100: changing my ways! Circles are a must! This may explain why my spells don’t seem to work the way I would like them to​:sweat_smile:.


Challenge Entry # 9 Your sacred Book:

Right now my BoS is in OneDrive, I was starting a physical book but it has since gotten lost when my family moved. Apparently that wasn’t the right book!


Challenge Entry: Sacred Books – Book Keeper

I keep a grimoire and a tarot journal for my practice.
I’ve made a thread on my grimoire here where you can view the latest pages I’ve worked on~! And here are photos of my tarot journal:


Challenge Entry #10: Protectors & Guardians – Protected with Love

For this challenge, I created my gnome guardian for my RV. I’m not going to share too many specifics here but will share enough that you could adopt it to your own.


  • I chose several herbs and crystals that are associated with protection. Some herbs you could use include anise, basil, bay, cinnamon, clove, dill, garlic, honeysuckle, mugwort, nettle, or wormwood. Crystals could include everyone’s favorite protection powerhouses (black tourmaline, obsidian), amethyst, carnelian, garnet, jade, moonstone, sunstone, or turquoise.
  • I also included a few baneful magic items for my return-to-sender spell (which is triggered when someone sends negative/harmful energy my way).
  • I don’t have any mirror shards so I used aluminum foil for the return to sender spell. Works great because you can wrinkle it up, making it more difficult for the negative energy to penetrate your space and ensuring they are sent back more chaotically and effectively to the sender.


  1. I found a quiet space and cleansed using sandalwood incense. I lit a black candle and took a few moments to center, focusing on my intentions.
  2. Next, I drew my binding rune on my gnome. While drawing it, I stated “I bind this gnome with the power of protection. May it guard my home and all within.”
  3. I wrote my intention on a piece of paper. I then folded it and placed it inside my gnome (he had a hole on the bottom).
  4. I then added my ingredients, each with a short chant to make my intentions clear.
  5. I then cast my return to sender spell, adding the foil inside with everything else.
  6. I then sealed the gnome using wax. While the candle burned down, I held the gnome and focused on my intentions.
  7. I placed the gnome by my door with my final sealing blessing.

Here he is on my porch (rune hidden for my protection):


Challenge #11: The Magick of Happiness – Beholder of Happiness

For this entry, I created a Happiness Spell Jar.

Happiness Jar Spell


  1. A small jar with a lid
  2. Yellow candle (for happiness and joy)
  3. Small piece of paper and a pen
  4. Honey (for sweetness)
  5. Chamomile (for calm and peace)
  6. Lemon balm (for uplifting the spirit)
  7. Orange peel (for happiness and positivity)
  8. Rose petals (for love and joy)
  9. A small piece of citrine or any yellow/golden stone (for happiness and energy)


  1. Preparation: Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse your space and materials using your preferred method (smudging, sound, etc.). Light the yellow candle and take a few moments to center yourself, focusing on your intention for happiness.
  2. Writing Your Intention: On the piece of paper, write down your intention. It can be something like, “I invite happiness, joy, and positivity into my life.” Fold the paper three times(fold in half towards you, rotate clockwise, fold, rotate, fold) and place it in the bottom of the jar.
  3. Adding Ingredients:
    • Honey: Add a small amount of honey into the jar, saying, “As this honey is sweet, may my life be filled with sweet moments of joy.”
    • Chamomile: Add a pinch of chamomile, saying, “May peace and calmness be ever present in my life.”
    • Lemon Balm: Add a pinch of lemon balm, saying, “May my spirit be uplifted and lightened.”
    • Orange Peel: Add a few pieces of dried orange peel, saying, “May happiness and positivity radiate from me.”
    • Rose Petals: Add some rose petals, saying, “May love and joy surround me always.”
    • Citrine: Place the citrine stone into the jar, saying, “May this stone amplify the happiness and energy in my life.”
  4. Sealing the Jar: Close the jar tightly. Hold the jar in your hands and focus on your intention, visualizing happiness filling your life. Seal the jar with wax from the yellow candle. Seal the spell by saying, “This jar is sealed with joy and light. Happiness surrounds me day and night.”
  5. Finishing: Allow the candle to burn down safely. Place the jar somewhere special in your home where you’ll see it often, reminding you of your intention for happiness.

Feel free to customize the spell with other ingredients or personal touches that resonate with you. May this spell bring you abundant happiness and joy!


Challenge Entry - Claws, Paws, Tails and Scales - Animalis magum

The Tasmanian Devil

I don’t know about you, but up here in Ontario, Canada, the phrase Tasmanian Devil never comes up in conversation.
Now, however, it appears I have a new power animal
It all started when I saw the @MeganB entry about servitors. I watched the video and got thinking about what would be a good character to house a servitor in? Should it be meek and controllable or bada**?
I went to the Canon Creative Park website to look at the animals and noticed for the first time (it had been there since 2015) the Tasmanian Devil. It was confined to one page of ink, mostly black, so I printed it out.
I cut it out, glued it together and completed it just in time to watch a rerun of the Gilmore Girls. Guess what animal was referenced in the show. Exactly, the Tasmanian Devil. There is that proverbial frying pan up the side of the head routine again!

The Devil is a marsupial with the strongest bite of any living mammal, a solitary fearsome carrion eater that is hard to predict, and a foul smelling creature with a frightening screech. Just what I need right now, or ??
The lesson here is the warrior spirit and understanding the wisdom of aggression. I have to stand up for myself and speak the undeniable truth, no matter how brutal or harsh I think it is. If I am not honest with myself or with others, the anger will build up inside and cause illness. I have to set boundaries and find my voice.
On the flip side it is a warning to maintain my cool, question the price I have to pay to face the foe, and learn when it is better to walk away.
Just another day of dealing with the primal forces of the shadow self!


Challenge Entry #12: Deities & Deity Worship – Blessed by the Divine

For this challenge I wanted to discuss the items that go into making a dedication rite for a deity. With three new deities, Lugh, Tyr, and Freya, I need to work on these. As they usually take me more than a week to pull together, involving thoughtful planning and personal reflection, I am sharing some considerations and questions to that I use to design meaningful dedication rites:


  1. Deity Attributes and Symbolism:

    • Research the myths, attributes, symbols, and correspondences of Lugh, Tyr, and Freya.
    • Incorporate colors, elements, herbs, and offerings associated with each deity.
  2. Personal Connection:

    • Reflect on why I feel drawn to each deity and how they resonate with me.
    • Consider my intentions and goals for working with each deity.
  3. Ritual Components:

    • Plan the structure of my ritual, including opening, main dedication, and closing (example below).
    • Decide on the tools and materials I will need, such as candles, incense, crystals, or specific herbs from my apothecary.
  4. Sacred Space:

    • Choose a location where I feel comfortable and can focus without interruptions.
    • Consider creating an altar space dedicated to each deity, incorporating their symbols and offerings.
  5. Timing:

    • Select a time that feels auspicious, such as during a specific phase of the moon or on a day associated with the deity.
  6. Offerings and Gifts:

    • Prepare appropriate offerings for each deity, such as food, drink, flowers, or handmade items.
    • Think about ongoing offerings or actions I can commit to as part of my dedication.

Questions to Answer:

  1. Why am I drawn to this deity? What aspects of their mythology or attributes resonate with me?

  2. What do I hope to gain from this relationship? How do I want to grow or change through this connection?

  3. What can I offer to this deity? What skills, actions, or devotions can I commit to in their honor?

  4. How can I honor this deity in my daily life? What small, everyday actions can I take to show my dedication?

  5. What symbols and correspondences are associated with this deity? How can I incorporate these into my ritual and altar?

  6. How do I want the ritual to feel? What emotions and energies do I want to cultivate during the dedication?

Ritual Example Outline:

  1. Opening:

    • Cleanse the space using incense or another preferred method.
    • Cast a circle or create a sacred boundary, if desired.
  2. Invocation:

    • Call upon the deity, using their names, attributes, and symbols.
    • Light a candle in a color associated with the deity (e.g., gold for Lugh, red for Tyr, green for Freya).
  3. Dedication:

    • State your intentions and reasons for dedicating yourself to the deity.
    • Offer gifts such as herbs from your apothecary, crystals from your collection, or handmade items.
    • Perform a symbolic act, such as anointing yourself with oil, lighting incense, or making a written pledge.
  4. Meditation or Prayer:

    • Spend time in silent meditation or prayer, opening yourself to communication with the deity.
    • Listen for any messages or impressions.
  5. Closing:

    • Thank the deity for their presence and blessings.
    • Close the circle or sacred space.
    • Record your experiences and any messages received in your journal.

By considering these elements and reflecting on these questions, I will be able to create deeply personal and meaningful dedication rituals for Lugh, Tyr, and Freya.


Challenge Entry #10 Magickal Creatures:

Years ago when I was 12 I think? I was taken to a pow wow by a First Nations friend of the family(I am not First Nations). It truly was an amazing experience! While there one of the elders came up to me and told me that owls would guide my path. Later in the day a hematite owl carving was gifted to me by a random person. I’ve held onto it for years (it’s currently packed). Ive found that I havnt so much been drawn to owls, but what they symbolize. Owls mean wisdom. I’ve come across symbols of wisdom alot! Especially a blue lotus :lotus: :blue_heart:.


Challenge #13: Enchanting Herbs – Herbal Witch

I decided early on I wanted to try and hit 13 for this open catch-up. It’s my lucky number, offering protection and favor from the divine. And what better way for me to complete my 13th challenge than to do an entry on a new-to-me herb, I do lean heavy into green magic after all. :slight_smile:

Exploring the Magic of Meadowsweet

Today, I’d like to shine a spotlight on a lesser-known gem in the herbal world: Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria). This delightful herb, often overshadowed by its more famous counterparts like lavender and chamomile, holds a wealth of magic and healing properties worth exploring.

Botanical Profile

Meadowsweet, also known as Queen of the Meadow, is a perennial herb that thrives in damp meadows and along riverbanks. It boasts clusters of creamy white flowers that emit a sweet, almond-like fragrance, making it a charming addition to any herbal garden.

Historical and Magical Uses

Historically, Meadowsweet was one of the three most sacred herbs of the Druids, alongside water mint and vervain. Its associations with love and protection made it a staple in medieval love potions and protective charms.

In magical practices, Meadowsweet is often used for:

  • Love Spells: Adding Meadowsweet to love sachets or using it in love rituals can help attract a partner or strengthen existing relationships.
  • Protection: Sprinkling Meadowsweet around your home or carrying it as a talisman can offer protection against negative energies.
  • Peace and Happiness: Burning Meadowsweet as incense or placing it in your home can promote peace and happiness, creating a harmonious environment.

Medicinal Properties

Beyond its magical uses, Meadowsweet is renowned for its medicinal benefits. It contains salicylates, which are the natural precursors to aspirin, giving it powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Traditionally, it has been used to:

  • Relieve Pain: Meadowsweet tea or tincture can help alleviate headaches, joint pain, and other minor aches.
  • Soothe Digestive Issues: Its gentle astringent properties make it effective in treating diarrhea, indigestion, and acid reflux.
  • Reduce Fever: As a natural fever-reducer, Meadowsweet can be a helpful ally during colds and flu.

How to Use Meadowsweet

  • Tea: Infuse dried Meadowsweet flowers in hot water for a soothing tea.
  • Tincture: Create a tincture for a more concentrated dose of its medicinal properties.
  • Incense: Burn dried Meadowsweet as incense to invite peace and positive energy into your space.

Final Thoughts

Meadowsweet may not be as popular as some other herbs, but its rich history and versatile uses make it a valuable addition to any herbalist’s collection. Whether you’re seeking love, protection, or a natural remedy for pain, Meadowsweet has much to offer.


Thank you for this! Bookmarked for later :heart:


I’m combining a few since they are shorter and to save space

Challenge Entry #14 - :full_moon: Moon Magick - Moon Witch

I took some time last night to do a moon meditation with Selene. I used

Hear, Goddess queen, diffusing silver light,
Bull-horned and wandering through the gloom of Night.
With stars surrounded, and with circuit wide
Night’s torch extending, through the heavens you ride.

Female and Male with borrowed rays you shine,
and now full-orbed, now tending to decline.
Mother of ages, fruit-producing Moon,
whose amber orb makes Night’s reflected noon.

Lover of horses, splendid, queen of Night,
all-seeing power bedecked with starry light.
Lover of vigilance, the foe of strife,
in peace rejoicing, and a prudent life.

Fair lamp of Night, its ornament and friend,
who gives to Nature’s works and their destined end.
Queen of the stars, all-wise Artemis hail!

Decked with a graceful rob and shining veil.
Come, blessed goddess, prudent, starry, bright,
Come moony-lamp with chaste and splendid light
Moon, grant me courage and strength to face all hardship and distress.

You are my protective shield against all adversity.
And with all your strength you help me achieve my dreams.
My heart fills up with confidence in you.
Help me give the best of myself,

Help me to explore the depth of my being
Find all those talents you have sown in me
To achieve success and happiness in each and every task that I perform.
You are patient with my efforts to learn.

I will also be patient with myself and with others.
You are radiant light in sacred darkness
In your womb I was born and I grow,
Take me around the circle to be reborn,

So mote it be.

Challenge Entry #15 - :ear_of_rice: Inviting Abundance- Blessed by Abundance

I made an abundance spell jar.

  • Herbs:
    Cinnamon (prosperity and success)
    Basil (wealth and protection)
    Bay leaf (manifestation and wishes)
    Mint (money and prosperity)
  • Crystals:
    Citrine (success and prosperity)
    Green aventurine (good luck and wealth)

After gathering my supplies and jar, I took a few deep breaths and cleared my mind. I thought about what abundance means to me and set a clear intention for my spell jar.

I cleansed the items with palo santo smoke. As I added the herbs, I visualized my intention and said

        “I add cinnamon for prosperity and success.”
        “I add basil for wealth and protection.”
        “I add a bay leaf for manifestation and wishes.”
        “I add mint for money and prosperity.”

Then I added the crystals while maintaining my intention.

So mote it be.

Challenge Entry #16 - :rainbow: The Many Colors of Magick – Colorful Witch

I decided to do a third eye chakra crystal grid using a pattern I found online


I found a great infographic on which crystals to use

(Image source)

I had all the crystals listed but couldn’t find where I put my iolite beads.

I set the crystal grid up on a shelf on my bookshelf to keep the cats from disturbing it.

Challenge Entry #17 - :white_heart: Into the Light - Witch of Love and Light

For this one, I made an herbal-infused oil.

I chose to make agrimony-infused oil.

Magical Uses of Agrimony

  • Reversing Spells: Agrimony can be used as a magic reversal to cast bad vibrations and spells back to its sender.

  • Protection: Agrimony can be used to dispel negative vibrations and clear detrimental influences that can bring harm to your body and mind.

  • Luck: When you are down of luck, Agrimony can be used to attract luck on your workplace and fill your home with positive energies.

  • Healing: Agrimony can be utilized in speeding up your spiritual and mental healing process and cleanse your aura.

  • Restful Sleep: When your nights are filled with nightmares and worries, Agrimony can be used to ensure a restful, dreamless sleep at night.

  • Wound Healing: A mix of Agrimony in a tea or essential oils, is thought to heal wounds as well as skin blemishes.

  • Detoxification: Herbalists believe that Agrimony is abundant in beneficial health compounds that detoxify the body especially when used as a cleansing tea.

  • Liver health: An Agrimony herb is believed by herbalists to regulate the liver as well as the gallbladder function. This herb is also thought to treat gallstones and cirrhosis of the liver.

  • Anti-Inflammatory: When used as an essential oil, it is believed that Agrimony lessens swelling in soft tissues.

  • Respiratory Health: It is believed that when used in a tea, Agrimony soothes a sore throat, mouth ulcers, and inflamed gums and other respiratory ailments. Agrimony is also thought to relax the throat and strengthen the voice.
    (Source - The Magical Properties of Agrimony in Witchcraft [2023])

I plan to use this oil to aid sleep or protection spells in the future.


We have the same grimoire my mom bought that for me too


That’s awesome~! I love how big it is and how nice the cover feels. It’s kinda like a soft velvety feel


It’s a beautiful grimoire. It is so soft. Love how the cover is soft too and malleable


Challenge Entry #18 - :honeybee: The Spell-ing Bee - Spell Master

I created a spell to charge and enchant my Empath Protection Bag.

I’m not great at creating rhymes and prose but I gave this a shot.

I put together a couple of Empath Protection bags of crystals, one for my purse and one to keep at my desk.

They have amethyst, sodalite, malachite, tiger eye, clear quartz, smokey quartz, hematite, kyanite, tourmaline, obsidian and rose quartz.

Crystals shiny, crystal bright
protect me with your generous might.

Stones of purple, black, clear and green,
protect my energy from forces unseen.

Provide emotional healing when things are rough
ground and center me when times get tough.

Strengthen my boundaries in my life.
cleanse my energies from all strife.

Challenge Entry #19 - :broom: Everyday Magick – Carpe diem

I do try to infuse bits of magick throughout my day.

In the morning with my coffee or tea, I stir three times and infuse my drink with energy to get through the day.

When I shower, I wash away the connections that don’t serve me and draw back my own energy.

At night, I fluff my pillow and release the negatives of the day, and think of three things I’m grateful for in my life.

Challenge Entry #20 - :performing_arts: Your Magickal Muse – Beloved by the Muses

I remember this challenge when it first came around. I hemmed and hawed and never could make a decision or a connection and left it incomplete.

This time I decided to learn more about a muse that might interest me. I used ChatGPT to give me a list of muses so I’d have a starint point and one name caught my attention - Saraswati.

Saraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, IAST: Sarasvatī), also spelled as Sarasvati, is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, flowing water, abundance and wealth, art, speech, wisdom, and learning.
(Source - Saraswati - Wikipedia)


Honestly the more I researched the more down the :rabbit2: :hole: I went. I wish I had more time and energy to devote more properly to write up all that I found and the interesting connections but suffice it to say that I chose her.

I meditated and prayed to her for inspiration and blessing for my next two art projects.

She is someone I will continue to research and connect with.

Feeling more confident in my abilities and direction I continued on to my two art related challenges.

Challenge Entry #21 - :art: Magick in the Arts - Art Witch

I’ve been thinking about making sort of a talisman or idol or something from crow feathers I found a few months ago. There is a large beautiful cemetery that I often visit on my runs. One day I was there I found a large amount of crow feathers, strewn here and there. It was clear that something had happened. I gathered the feathers as I found them releasing their owner from pain.

I had seen a witches’ subscription box with a beautiful crow talisman but as is often the case, the price deterred me. With the catch-up, I was inspired to make my own crow protection poppet.

I gathered some fallen branches from my backyard, and black fabric to create a body, and began to glue feathers in place.

Challenge Entry #22 - :crossed_swords: Dual Wielding Opposite Forces – Unus qui est libratum

This challenge by far took me the most time and made me the most nervous. It started as a random idea a couple of weeks ago when I saw the artwork for

(Nyx created by @starborn )

This came a short while after I did my Greek and Roman Traditions and Magick entry on Hemera: Goddess of Day.

My little write-up on the two :black_heart: :white_heart:

Nyx and Hemera

  • Nyx (Night): Nyx is the primordial goddess of the night. She embodies darkness, mystery, and the unseen aspects of existence. Nyx represents the absence of light and the hidden, often associated with introspection, dreams, and the unknown.
  • Hemera (Day): Hemera is the primordial goddess of the day. She personifies daylight, clarity, and the visible world. Hemera represents light, visibility, and the known aspects of existence, often associated with activity, consciousness, and the tangible.

Contrasting and Complementary Nature: Nyx and Hemera are directly opposing forces—night and day. This duality is perfect for exploring the balance and interplay between darkness and light, the unseen and the seen, the mysterious and the obvious. Their relationship is cyclical and natural, embodying the concept of dual wielding as a harmonious yet contrasting partnership.

What I really wanted to do after learning that Nyx and Hemera pass each other each sunrise/sunset and then seeing @starborn 's image was to create a companion piece for her.

I am very out of practice sketching and there was a bit of a learning curve/relearning bicycle riding editing the sketch with computer software, but after more paper, sketches, and edits than I care to count I created… gosh I’m so nervous :sweat_smile:

I did use photos from Unsplash for the background and dress coloring.


Challenge Entry #11 Magickal Guardians

My Guardian is the spirit of my Oma. I had/have a stronger relationship with her than I do my mom. When I was 12 she passed away from cancer. At her funeral the immediate family was all standing in a circle, myself included. A monarch butterfly hovered in the middle of the circle, wove between each and every one of us, went back to the middle before flying away. Ever since any time I needed her she has always been there as a butterfly :butterfly:.


Challenge Entry #12 Science and Witchcraft

For this challenge i want to share my herbal notebook entry for a common plant that EVERYONE should know. Dandilions! :blossom: Did you know that the entire plant is edible?


Challenge Entry #13 Teas and Infusions

I somehow didnt know that not only do the ingredients you put in the tea matter and have magic and medicinal properties, but the type of tea has its own magical properties! I wanted to share what I found as my entry.

White Tea: white tea is beneficial for cleansing oneself or an area and for providing protection.

Matcha Tea: matcha is beneficial for mental clarity, overall well-being and health.

Chamomile Tea: chamomile is ideal for improving sleep, relieving stress, and combating anxiety.

Green Tea: green tea is beneficial for healing, creating mindfulness, and bringing in new positive energy.

Black Tea: black tea can provide strength and happiness, while at the same time repelling negative energy.

Oolong Tea: oolong tea is beneficial for wisdom and creating a deeper connection with oneself.

Super cool!