A potion for nerve and joint pain

So my mom came to me this evening with a request for something to help the swelling and pain in her knee (a problem my husband also has amongst other nerve pain due to his neck being broken years ago) so naturally I head to my altar and green grimoire and get right to work. After about an hour of scouring through my herbs and uses and the limited oil selection I’ve put together I put on some meditation music from my Library on YouTube music And lit a blue candle circled by Clear quartz, amethyst, red Jasper, hematite, malachite and amazonite While saying:
“As this candle burns
So the illness turns
Melted like this wax
Cut like an axe
Removed and banished
All disabilities vanished
As my word you see
Radiant health, blessed be!”

Then I added the following items in an amber bottle:
1 part cardamon EO
1 part frankincense EO
1 part oregano EO( you could substitute this with tea tree oil if you prefer)
A pinch of white willow bark (added to the master bottle)
Clear quartz chips
And then topped it off with sweet almond oil. After capping the bottle I placed it near the candle as the candle burned completely out.

Within 30 minutes my mom said she could already feel relief. I know a few of you also suffer with nerve or joint pain and thought perhaps this might be helpful. Blessed be :pray:


@phoenix_dawn I would like to try this! I have a lot of joint pain & some nerve pain. Tonight I am using a rice pillow for my pain & it seems to be helping. It’s actually been quite some time since I have had to use one of my rice pillows!

I would like to print this out for my BOS & I will give you the credit for it, as long as it’s okay with you of course! :heart:


@Susurrus absolutely you can print it off for your BoS. When she said it was working I actually posted it here with you in mind. :grin: I hope it helps love.



I really appreciate it, thank you so much


This sounds lovely because I suffer from fibromyalgia and it sucks honestly!!! Thank you!!


@christina4 I’m sure you have a ton more crystals in your collection than I do so you could change out whichever crystals you use in regards to fibromyalgia pain to ring your candle with. Frankincense is a blessing for nerve pain and the cardamon oil is for swelling I used the oregano oil in case there were any lacerations on her knee causing the inflammation and pain that I couldn’t see and the willow bark has aspirin type qualities for pain relief as well.

@Susurrus you’re very welcome.
Y’all let me know if it works for you


A beautiful ritual, and it sounds like it brought quick relief to your mother! Glad to hear she is feeling better, @phoenix_dawn- congrats to you on your successful healing spellwork! :sparkles::heart:


Thank you very much for your knowledge!! :heartbeat::pray:


This is a wonderful recipe with a lovely chant! I’m sure your mother is proud of you work!


@Amethyst I’m not sure about proud. Depends on what day you ask her and how many drinks she’s had whether or not I’m a powerful witch or a delusional addict :woman_shrugging:t3: but like most people if she runs out of non magical solutions she’ll beat around the bush until I ask for her permission to work on her behalf. She does give me enough freedom to practice wherever I please while I’m here though. As much as I enjoy my sacred space sometimes I just don’t feel comfortable there and I’ll pack my altar box up and move it to the living room. I like it better I guess because there’s more natural light and it’s in the center of the house. I think though since I found my 4 leaf clover today that I may put my big witch panties on and ask her permission to set up one of my small end tables in here so that I don’t have to completely uproot my altar every time and it’s usually me here alone except evenings and she stays in her room all the time anyhow so I wouldn’t be in the way necessarily but it’s her house so I’ll ask her first anyway.


If she stays in her room, she’ll probably let you. I was very blessed, my Mom not only knew about my path but she wanted to watch me do stuff, which I was always too self-conscious to do really. Now, I wish I had.


She said I could set up a mini altar in the corner of the living room if I moved all her renovation materials into the spare room. Small price to pay for a cozy little space that doesn’t require me to continuously pack and unpack my tools or have to reopen my circle every time I have to go get something I forgot to bring out. And it is all organized and not spread out all over the coffee table :rofl:


Great job! It looks wonderful! I’m happy that you’ve found a new place for your items!


Looks great! Really nice! I’m glad she let you claim a corner for your things.


Pardon my stupid, but what do you do with this? Is it meant to be drunk, rubbed on, or left in the bottle? I really know nothing about potions.


You just rub it on the affected area. You have to use the carrier oil because the essential oils are harsh on the skin


That’s a very nice and soothing altar, I pray for your success.


I remember my mom rolling her eyes and essentially saying, “The Nutbunny is at it again.”


Thanks so much for this! I’m going to try it for my arthritic left big toe.


Unless it’s 90 proof, I think I’d pass on drinking it… Just kidding, it’s applied topically.