A witch without the religion

hello, I’m cat in hood and I’m interested in potions and spells but i don’t want to do the religion part and was wondering if its alright to do so.


Welcome to the forum @cat3 :grin: your practice is your own so you can practice the craft without religion.


You can do whatever you want :wink:

Welcome I’m Devenne from Indiana

Blessed be


Yeah What she said :point_up:


Hello @cat3 and welcome to the forum! :wave:

My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s nice to meet you!

That is absolutely okay!

So, the interesting thing about witchcraft is that it can be both a religion and a practice. It can also just be a practice depending on the witch. What you’re looking for is called Secular Witchcraft. We have an entire post on Spells8 about it - it may be exactly what you need to read.


thank you so much! I’m happy to know that it has a name!


You’re welcome! I’m happy to help!


Welcome @cat3 :hugs: Yes, you can most definitely practice witchcraft without delving into religion! Whatever your heart desires! We’re happy to have you here to join us. Everyone here is fabulous and the energy is amazing! Please make yourself at home and get comfy :infinite_roots:


Welcome @cat3 ! I’m an eclectic chaos witch from Minnesota. The “religion” I use is mostly asking the universe for guidance in my spells and rituals. I will occasionally ask for a specific diety to help if it’s something I feel needs an extra boost. Mostly at this time if I use a diety I ask for Athena or Appolo to send guidance or a helping hand.

You can do your practice any way you feel comfortable. That’s the best part of witchcraft!


Merry meet!

I’m Kat and I found the practice 30 years ago but lost my way for a while. I came home a few years ago and found this amazing group of people!! I am an eclectic Green witch with an interest in tarot, runes, herbalism, and moon magic. My deities are Artemis (she’s been with me since the beginning) and Hekate, a recent guide in my life.

It’s your practice and you should do what resonates with you and what feels right. Do what interests you and leave out what does not.

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!

:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :hekate_wheel: :crescent_moon:


Hello and welcome I’m Tracy from England Loki is my patron deity. Religion, is following Loki a religion :thinking: don’t think so, not sure. But you can do what you do, the craft is so versatile it can be secular and spiritual and a whole lot more. Nice to meet you. Make yourself at home Lovely :green_heart:


Yeah, my brain always thinks of organised religion when “religion” comes up, so I usually don’t think of spiritual things in those cases. :confused: But I guess if deities are involved, it becomes a religion? But then, for many, deities are just spirits, so does all spirit work become religious? Or just that with the most powerful of them? Or what about for those of us who simply see deities as archetypes? So many questions. :laughing:


I got brain fog :rofl: I really don’t know. I kinda feel religion is humans way of pigeon holing everything. Let’s take the Baron, in a few hours I’ll know if it’s him, he’s voodoo, I’m not, so he’s not stuck in one religion but people are. I’ll have to revisit and think on this when my brains awake. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sparkling_heart:


I love your brain either way, but looking forward to it, anyway. :black_heart: Have a lovely rest~


welcome to the witch family
everything is absolutely part of the magic
each witch is different with her own personal path
My name is Airram, welcome :pentagram: :two_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well, without Gods or spirits, there is another definition of religion → a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion. This is why witchcraft can also be a religion itself. A religion doesn’t necessarily need spirits or a greater power to be a religion.


Hi, @cat3! I see the lovely and talented @MeganB and the others answered your questions. I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the forum!


Witchcraft is in Everything and is Everywhere
Witchcraft is flexible too. It can be secular or religious. Its kinda like you can costumize it your way! :blush:


Brains semi awake. This agrees with @MeganB point on basically anything we devote ourselves to can be a religion

So I guess yes, it can be, if it’s our devotion. The spirits wouldn’t care either way, they’re not bound by our limitations. Just my view :joy:


Thank you all! I’m happy to be here<3