Next up on our ogham journey is Ailm. Not sure what ogham is? Here is a quick refresh…
Ogham is an ancient Irish inscription alphabet that was used to inscribe headstones and other important markers. In mythology, it was created by the God Ogma (OH-muh) to warn Lugh about a plot to steal his wife. Today, Ogham is used in magic and divination.
If you want to learn more about what ogham is in general, I wrote about that here: Irish Tree Language - The Ogham
I also have a video explaining the origin story of ogham that you can watch here:
Ailm (pronounced Al-ihm) is the first fíd of the last aicme (not counting the forfeda). The translation for this fíd is “cry” which, when we take a look at the word oghams and the ogham tract, we will understand more of why. It is interesting to note that the keyword associated with this fíd is “inception”, pointing very directly to the act of creation. I immediately think of creative people when thinking of this fíd because of the emotional connection required to bring something to life. However, the idea of inception and creation is not just the act of creating - it is also the act of dying.
According to Weaving Word Wisdom, there are three traditional word oghams associated with Ailm. These are:
- ardam íachta - loudest of groanings, loudest of grounds
- tosach frecrai - beginning of an answer
- tosach garmae - beginning of expressions, beginning of calling
We can read part of these word oghams from The Ogham Tract.
Ardam iachtadh, loudest of groanings, that is wondering, that is ailm, fir, a, with him; for it is ailm or ‘a’ a man says while groaning in disease, or wondering, that is, marvelling at whatever circumstance.
Tosach fregra, beginning of an answer, that is ailm, a; for the first expression of every human being after his birth is a.
Looking at the word oghams above, the connection between the word “Ailm” to cry and inception is apparent. Ailm is the sound one makes when sick, the sound a baby creates when they are born, and the sound a person creates when staring at something amazing. Ailm is the “awe” of the word “awesome”, the true meaning of something awe-inspiring.
Ailm is also a word of initiation, the place of liminality where life and death are simply thresholds to the next state of existence. We cry out in fear and shock when we are born, we may cry out in fear or sadness when we die. We also cry out in amazement, horror, wonder, anger, and so many more in our lives here on Earth. Each of those moments of exclaiming brings something new into the world. That is the purpose and meaning of Ailm.
The Pine Tree
This fíd is connected to the pine tree. In Ireland, the native pine tree is the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Péine albanach in Irish. Pollen samples from this pine tree have been found in soil samples from bogs found in Ireland, some dating to thousands of years ago. However, due to human interaction and forestry, the native pine tree of Ireland diminished to extinction. Most pine trees in Ireland have been planted in the last 150 years as efforts to reintroduce this native tree to Ireland have been successful.
In mythology and folklore, pine is associated with cleansing and banishing, both in magic and mundane uses. The resin of the conifer tree was used to seal seams in boats and other things that needed waterproofing. It was also burned as an incense or fumigant. Laurie writes that it was also common to sain or purify mothers and newborn babies with a flaming pine candle, walking three times around their bed. She also writes that the needles and buds of these trees are high in vitamin C and have been used in teas to combat scurvy, an illness caused by a severe vitamin C deficiency.
In Divination
There are many meanings for Ailm when pulled during divination, so understanding the context of your reading and surrounding feda (if pulled) is important. In general, Ailm can signify the period of time right before an amazing discovery. It can also indicate that new things are coming into being, whether by your hands or others. It may also mean that something is in the process of painfully dying off. It may also mean that you are at a point of initiation in a spiritual sense. Liminality is an important concept with Ailm, and that in-between stage is highly represented with every meaning of Ailm.
Here are some keywords I’ve come up with in my studies for Ailm regarding divination.
- initiation
- creation
- conception
- death
- dying
- exclamation
- beginnings
- life cycle
- creation
- children & pregnancy
- epiphany
At the end of every fíd in her book, Erynn has questions and linked concepts to think about for each one. For Ailm, she writes the following…
What work am I starting? How am I being initiated?
A Personal Note
This is another fíd that I would likely benefit from partnering with. This is especially true as I continue my education toward my career. It is amazing to me how many different meanings Ailm is given that all have the same underlying definition – the “ahh” sound we all make in our lives when we are surprised, excited, or experiencing an epiphany.
Sources and Further Reading
– Celtic Ogham Symbols and Their Meanings
– The Ogham Tract
– [1] Weaving Word Wisdom by Erynn Rowan Laurie